Trophy of Wales (10 Viewers)

I am not sure why the Sudan stuff was not as popular as the AZW. there were two great movies, Khartoum and the Four Feathers, there were red tunics and there were colorful opponents. Somehow the AZW seems to be the quintessential colonial war for collectors.
The only other EGYPT and SUDAN set I have is the Naval Brigade OXEN DRAWN SUPPLY WAGON, easily duplicates for the AZW though;)


You got to love all the trophy zulu range sets that have been and are on ebay lately. And they have not been to expensive
I'm sure hawkeye those on the hunt are happy to see them. In the mean time Private Hitch pauses while climbing roof of the storehouse as instructed by Lt.Bromhead pause for a moment to have a word with private Hook on his way to the hospital with two Martini-Henry's......The Lt.

That's not funny...The prices are so high right now, it has delayed my plans for world domination!:(

ZS16A Indlu-yengwe Zulus was not far behind on $154, glad it wasn't on my wish list;)


The one 24th set went for 212$ Way high for me. Glad I have already, I just need time to play!!!!
Gee 1879 Martyn and Damian with all the excitment we've generated on the Trophy Threads and the Zulu War don't you feel we should get a piece of the pie I think so we've earned it. Appearing in the MKL Catalogue they all sold for $69.79. US when I first placed my order with them for ZS1A and ZS30A.......The Lt.
Gee 1879 Martyn and Damian with all the excitment we've generated on the Trophy Threads and the Zulu War don't you feel we should get a piece of the pie I think so we've earned it. Appearing in the MKL Catalogue they all sold for $69.79. US when I first placed my order with them for ZS1A and ZS30A.......The Lt.

You're right Lt, a small commission would not go amiss;)


Fellow Men of Harlech,
I will gladly give up any commission for the chance to see as many sets as possible on this forum, and to see others enjoying and cherishing them. For me, it not only is the beauty of them but the remembrance of a great little company that had the nerve to make them where it counts-the UK. The fact that Mr. Taylors' research into the historical periods is a bonus. I feel that he, and all of you, are behind my shoulder when I look at my soldiers from Trophy. I know I'm behind your shoulders peering over!
Viva la Trophy!
in the last ten days i won bd3-$85, zs42-$109 and zs41-$116, i also purchased a couple of non zulu sets for reasinable money.
I had to leave the house and I missed the end of the Butcher set. Thats the one I wanted. Hopefully, it will be on EBAY in the near futures.
I had to leave the house and I missed the end of the Butcher set. Thats the one I wanted. Hopefully, it will be on EBAY in the near futures.

I was eyeing it also and got caught up with other stuff. It ended at 81$. Not too bad, and had the box!
Once again playing with Trophy defending the South wall of the Mission Station....The Lt.

Private William McDonald 559 of the No.1 Squadron of the Mounted Infantry is about to meet his end..........The Lt.


Yep, a goner for sure. Get the Hospital Corps guys ready for a post action retrieval!
Another member of #1 Squadron of the IMI is about to get a severe case of appendicitus as his mate Mcdonald has already fallen!


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