Thanks Gents here's a little playtime with a single Trophy Figure an as all of Trophy's figures a favorite.......The Lt.
Following on from my very lucky finds last Friday of RD9 – ROCKY OUTCROP (grass) and RD10 – ROCKY OUTCROP (sand) and knowing that the pieces were also available with the two Boer Commando sets DB14 & DB15 from the ANGLO – BOER WAR series I thought I would get my various “prone firing” sets and take some pictures. To start the ball rollin’ here are:
Set#DS18 – SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS (with rocky outcrop)
Your ROCKY OUTCROP variations are most impressive. What a collection! Thanks for the photos.:tongue:
The Trophy rocks really add to your terrific collection. Any Trophy Palm trees?Many thanks Joe, John and Brian :salute::
Here is the last of my "prone firing" sets
Set#DE30 – HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY (with rocky outcrop) x 2
along with some "prone firing" BOER'S from set#’s DB14 and DB15
The Trophy rocks really add to your terrific collection. Any Trophy Palm trees?
I have 4 small palms and 2 large ones. The small ones tend to lean and become over balanced so keep that in mind if you display them for any length of time around your soldiers.Many thanks Tommy.:salute::
Only one Palm tree so far but I have to check the shelves at the other end of the warehouse on my next visit.
I have 4 small palms and 2 large ones. The small ones tend to lean and become over balanced so keep that in mind if you display them for any length of time around your soldiers.
Hi Martyn,
Thanks very much as always for sharing your great set of pictures of the Trophy Rocky Outcrops.
I knew it all along.....Trophy rocks.....gee, I hope I said that right.{sm4}
Cheers, Raymond.:salute::
:salute:::salute:::salute::Was worndering when these would be making their appearance once again having a one ups on them but knew they be heading our way soon. Thanks for sharing your new goodies with us Martyn.......The Lt. :salute:::salute:::salute::
Some great photos here. I love the siege gun with the Lancaster crew, superb!