Trophy WW1 (3 Viewers)

Trophy did make some superb WW1 sets Louis, I'm looking forward to Brad posting the pictures of your Field kitchen:salute::




I'm hooked! ^&grin Even though the old K&C wood/resin vehicles command insane prices on the secondary market, I am seriously considering trading my spare K&C M113 for the Trophy WWI Searchlight truck straight-up. I know it doen't make financial sense, but I really want that searchlight truck, and that's what my collector friend who has it wants for it.

Once the Somme Bombardiment set arrives, I will ask Brad to post a couple of photos of it as well.:smile2:
By any chance, does anyone have a photos of the Trophy WWI Motor Ambulance?^&confuse
Great sets, all. The searchlight truck and the "meals on wheels" set are typical of just how good Trophy WW1 sets are. You all are fortunate collectors to have such wonderful sets. -- Al
By any chance, does anyone have a photos of the Trophy WWI Motor Ambulance?^&confuse

Found these on my TOT disc Louis






Thanks Martyn!:smile2: What a great looking vehicle! Assuming I can consumate the trade for the Searchlight Truck, this ambulance and the WWI bus will be the two sets I will be looking for hardest.
Found these on my TOT disc Louis






Hi Martyn: Thanks for the photo which is the first version of EQ81 showing the deceased soldier and the Orderly with the spade. Lots of criticism so it was changed to "mortally wounded Soldier lying on the ground with an Orderly looking on". 1998-2000 Catalogue. Mike Laeding had the first and second versions. I doubt if there are many of either.
Trophy WWI stuff is really under rated. I think I have almost every piece except the Search Light set.
I was never sure why it did not do much better as a range.
Anyway thanks for posting all those pictures and bringing back all those memories.
I'm bidding on a British WWI Supply Mule & Handler set on ebay. Hope to add it to march alongside my Trophy column.:wink2:
I just sent Brad a couple of photos of my new "Somme Bombardiment" set with a polite request that he post them on this thread.:smile2:
Very neat set :salute::



Thanks Martyn!:smile2: I really hope I can convince me friend to swap the Searchlight Truck with me. My 5-1/2 year old son Alec is basically ready to offer him the pick of my collection for it . . . "Daddy, I reeeeaallly want that neat truck with the light on top. When are you going to get it for me?":rolleyes2:

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