Trophy WW1 (2 Viewers)

A big thank you to Clive for making the effort to try to get one of these wonderful buses from Ken:smile2:, but Ken is all out. He originally had 20 of these buses, but sold them all. I will have to try to track one down in the secondary market . . .

On the good news side, when I arrived home from a family vacation to Disney World late last night, there were three packages waiting for me, all presumably containing Trophy WWI sets. I will open them with my son later today, and forward some photos to Brad with a polite request that he post them on this thread.{sm4}
A big thank you to Clive for making the effort to try to get one of these wonderful buses from Ken:smile2:, but Ken is all out. He originally had 20 of these buses, but sold them all. I will have to try to track one down in the secondary market . . .

On the good news side, when I arrived home from a family vacation to Disney World late last night, there were three packages waiting for me, all presumably containing Trophy WWI sets. I will open them with my son later today, and forward some photos to Brad with a polite request that he post them on this thread.{sm4}

I believe that about ten of these buses went to a NZ buyer (do not know the name) at one time. As per my conversation with Len, this bus was supposed to be his "swan song". He never painted one, but he made a number of castings which went to Ken with the rest of the stuff when Trophy company was sold.
I guess once Ken ran out castings he never made them by himself even he has all necessary molds for the bus...sad but we all already "get used to it", I guess ^&grin
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I believe about ten of these buses went to a NZ buyer (do not know the name) at one time. As per my conversation with Len, this bus was supposed to be his "swan song". He never painted one, but he made a number of castings which went to Ken with the rest of the stuff when Trophy company was sold.
I guess once Ken run out castings he never made them by himself even he has all necerry molds for the bus...sad but we all already "get used to it", I guess ^&grin

As Al has stated, this has become the complete norm. Of course, if there is a set in stock, be prepared for a retail price that is twice higher than ebay. I speak from my own experience, others may differ, but I can say that I fortunately located my holy grail civil war set on ebay and it ended up being cheaper!!

I agreed to buy an "Everything Stops for Tea" set today (I'll be taking delivery in October) - as well as one of the Boer War Tractors pulling a cart and gun (a Christmas present for my son Alec, to be displayed with his Boer War armored train :wink2:).
I agreed to buy an "Everything Stops for Tea" set today (I'll be taking delivery in October) - as well as one of the Boer War Tractors pulling a cart and gun (a Christmas present for my son Alec, to be displayed with his Boer War armored train :wink2:).

Two very nice sets you have coming your way Louis :salute::


one day you will have to tell me where you located the Tractor, I am jealous!


Tom and Al,

I asked one of the gentlemen I purchased a Trophy WWI set from on ebay if he had any other Trophy WWI for sale, especially vehicles. He didn't have any more WWI, but he mentioned the Boer War Tractor set. I showed my son a photo of the set on this subforum, and asked him if he wanted it as his big christmas present this year. The answer was a resounding "YES!" The seller and I agreed on a price, and that was that.
Tom and Al,

I asked one of the gentlemen I purchased a Trophy WWI set from on ebay if he had any other Trophy WWI for sale, especially vehicles. He didn't have any more WWI, but he mentioned the Boer War Tractor set. I showed my son a photo of the set on this subforum, and asked him if he wanted it as his big christmas present this year. The answer was a resounding "YES!" The seller and I agreed on a price, and that was that.
Great story, Louis,
Networking is the power!
Your son is getting a wonderful X-mas present :smile2:
I will have to keep on looking for this set for myself ... and Tom^&grin
I sent Brad 5 photos of the three Trophy sets I recently received, Sgt. Alvin C. York, Medal of Honor Recipiant; British Pack Mule & Handler and the Devils Ladies, with a polite request that he post them on this thread.:smile2:
Here are the photos. Some very nice figures, congratulations Louis :smile2:






Congratulations on your latest Trophy acquisitions.....very nice sets.

I sent Brad 5 photos of the three Trophy sets I recently received, Sgt. Alvin C. York, Medal of Honor Recipiant; British Pack Mule & Handler and the Devils Ladies, with a polite request that he post them on this thread.:smile2:

Great sets!

Fantastic sets, Louis. I'm glad to see all that WW1 stuff in one place. WW1 is where it's at.^&cool^&cool^&cool -- Al
Louis: You and Damian lead the pack in this catagory. Very nice collections.


I am not even in the ballpark with you and Damian yet, I'm a newbie to Trophy WWI. However, I have made a list of the sets I want, and if I can complete it, I will have a WWI collection that at least compares with yours . . . :wink2:

I am not even in the ballpark with you and Damian yet, I'm a newbie to Trophy WWI. However, I have made a list of the sets I want, and if I can complete it, I will have a WWI collection that at least compares with yours . . . :wink2:
I always liked the Trophy WWI sets. I collected most of the vehicles. The only set I am missing is the searchlight.
Gotta agree there Damian, although I don't actually have any in my collection:rolleyes2:.

I know Lynn had a few sets left, I even pictured some last year.






I just sent you a PM about this May 11, 2011 post.:smile2:

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