True Detective (1 Viewer)

Watched the first 6 episodes marathon style yesterday, amazing the little things you pick up on watching a series like this a second time.

Really looking forward to the last two episodes...............
It's been a really good show, well paced, gritty, really well written and even better acting. I going to miss it when it ends. Sunday has turned into my favorite TV night. -- Al
Wayne...I'm enjoying this...I love all the dark characters with so many personal issues and have always been a fan of Harrelson and McConaughey...on top of that...almost any series HBO does is usually entertaining...

do they have plans for more than the 8 scheduled episodes?

Them;s Texas boys ain't they Mike.
do they have plans for more than the 8 scheduled episodes?

From what I understand, this is going to be a series, each one will be 8 episodes long and will deal with different characters each time, I like that idea, similar to American Horror Story.

Very interesting to see how each character changed from 1995 to 2012, specifically how Harrelson's characters family just melted away, when they were young his daughters adored him, now they can't stand him, the spagetti eating scene was painful with the daughters ignoring him and his wife throwing daggers at him with her eyes.
Marty reminds me of a lot of guys I've known.They've done no wrong,they are innocent victims.His wife's a whore,his daughter's a **** but what he does is ok.Rust may be weird but he has higher moral standards,except when Marty's wife throws her *** at him.^&grin^&grin{eek3}:wink2:
Not sure why, but something about the maintenance man on the riding mower at the abandoned school did not sit right with me, thought so the first time I watched that episode, more so the second time.

Something is off about that guy.
You may be on to something George.He was sitting down so we don't know if he is "tall"
He was sitting down so we don't know if he is "tall"

LOL, good point, I like the way you think.

Felt badly for the girl in the hospital who blew a gasket over the tall man; what a horrible life she's living....................
Not sure why, but something about the maintenance man on the riding mower at the abandoned school did not sit right with me, thought so the first time I watched that episode, more so the second time.

Something is off about that guy.

My Missus said he looked dodgy.
Not sure why, but something about the maintenance man on the riding mower at the abandoned school did not sit right with me, thought so the first time I watched that episode, more so the second time.

Something is off about that guy.

Someone said never introduce a gun into a story unless one of the characters intends to use it. So lawnmower man is a suspicious dude in TV land.
What would you know about police work mate.......................:wink2::wink2:

...hehe....I've picked up a thing or two over the years, from watching endless re-runs of CSI, plus I used to be a lawnmower-man{eek3}:tongue:^&grin
The lawnmower man! The last episode is going to be a doozy. -- Al
The lawnmower man! The last episode is going to be a doozy. -- Al

These types of crime thriller's are usually full of twists and turns that often leave the best bits till prepared to be surprised...{eek3}:wink2:
I thought you guys were crazy with this "lawnmower conspiracy" thing...

but after tonight's episode...

I'm getting on board about him...

on a side note...

McConoughey's character sure has changed...not nearly as dark since he quit the force and started drinking...

April 26th...Game of Thrones!!!
I thought you guys were crazy with this "lawnmower conspiracy" thing...

but after tonight's episode...

I'm getting on board about him...

on a side note...

McConoughey's character sure has changed...not nearly as dark since he quit the force and started drinking...

April 26th...Game of Thrones!!!

April 6th Mike.Same night as Turn starts but I'll watch GOT first.
I watched the latest episode last night and to be honest I,m getting completely confused!
I will say you lawn mower conspirist were correct.

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