Color me confused here; so he's not coming back to the show, he didn't technically die, the last image of him is being on a helicopter flying to God knows where?

I'm sorry, I don't get it, maybe my brain is scrambled from doing the Hackensack show over the weekend...……………..
According to interviews, he is not coming back to TWD proper, but will be doing separate movies about the character. The Junk Yard Dog lady saved Rick by getting her business partners in the chopper to pick him up, along with her. No idea where it goes from there since he is finished with the show. Just the writer's wussing out so Rick can be perceived as surviving as opposed to being chomped. It does leave the door open for a grand return by Rick in the last episode when the show finally draws to a close. - Al
There's no way a Rick Grimes would not try to get back to Michonne and Judith,even if he had to walk 3000 miles. So I just don't see this new episode in Rick's life.I think he should have died a heroes death on that bridge.By the way I'm glad the horse escaped.^&grin^&grin
Evidently, Rick's last episode was also Maggie's last episode, at least for this season. It wasn't highlighted like Rick's leaving, but Maggie doesn't appear in any more Season 9 episodes according to an article I just read. Nothing concrete on any possible Season 10 return. -- Al
Thus my worry that the writers would wimp out, and they did. Rick was dead meat when he got impaled on the re-bar. I guess if Glen could hide under a dumpster with 2 inches clearance, then Rick could pull himself off re-bar and not bleed to death in the process.:rolleyes2: -- Al

Old Daryl & company sure thought he was dead since they didn't even bother to look for him. My laugh out loud scene was the overhead shot of the river whose computer generated graphics had the current roaring faster than the mighty Mississippi after the great flood. I guess Rick and the zombies couldn't just fall into a regular looking river they had to be swept away to China. I've liked this season a lot but this episode was a disappointment. They made such a big deal of Rick's attachment to his family that it will be hard to square his not coming back from wherever he is being taken.
Old Daryl & company sure thought he was dead since they didn't even bother to look for him. My laugh out loud scene was the overhead shot of the river whose computer generated graphics had the current roaring faster than the mighty Mississippi after the great flood. I guess Rick and the zombies couldn't just fall into a regular looking river they had to be swept away to China. I've liked this season a lot but this episode was a disappointment. They made such a big deal of Rick's attachment to his family that it will be hard to square his not coming back from wherever he is being taken.
That river sure doesn't resemble any section of the Potomac I'm familiar with but being in Alexandria/Northern Va. it is possible it is one of the feeder streams at full flood, except it never seems to rain or snow in Zombieland. The survivors should count their lucky stars that the weather during the Apocalypse has been so pleasant for so many years. As has been mentioned, Rick's family ties would drive him to get back to them any way possible, which is a possible future story arc for the Rick character movies to be made. -- Al
That kid (Judith) is rapidly going to the top of the list of most annoying character in this show.
That kid (Judith) is rapidly going to the top of the list of most annoying character in this show.
I'm waiting for the sweet little girl to actually fire daddy's 6 inch Colt Python. I want to see her little hands control that magnum and whether she can keep that barrel from denting her forehead when it recoils.:wink2:^&grin -- Al
Lot of changes in the way peoples (re) acts ?!
Not so sure ... You still don't try to mess with Carol . She looked so sweet all cream and candy with the young guy, "no don't react, be nice, endure" ... bla, bla, bla and KABOUM
Please somebody write a new song for her ... a Xmass Carol :tongue:
That kid (Judith) is rapidly going to the top of the list of most annoying character in this show.

Agreed. Just wait until she starts giving speeches. Oh wait. LOL. I didn't care much for any of the new characters with the possible exception of the saucy looking prison girl. Old Carol had the best scene with her barbeque.
At the end of the last show they said there were only two more episodes left. I wasn’t sure if they meant in season 9 or before they go on winter break.
At the end of the last show they said there were only two more episodes left. I wasn’t sure if they meant in season 9 or before they go on winter break.
With the exception of Season 1, all TWD seasons have been split fall/spring. I don't believe this season is any different. -- Al
Agreed. Just wait until she starts giving speeches. Oh wait. LOL. I didn't care much for any of the new characters with the possible exception of the saucy looking prison girl. Old Carol had the best scene with her barbeque.
Agree. Darryl and Carol are the only ones left that I have any interest in. I don't really care for Machonne either. Liked her better as the 'Mad Samurai'. Carol and Darryl need their own spin-off at this point. -- Al
The show is taking on more and more of a medieval look to it. The horses, bows, outfits, and hair styles. Looking like Robin Hood. The new characters are not growing on me. None are interesting. Lots of stereotype TV characters. The tough, sexy prison girl. The hip, urban black kid etc. And now Daryl has a dog which he calls dog. Jesus moved up a couple of notches on the most annoying character chart.
It was a boring episode. The show is getting tiresome. My wife asked why I was still watching the show.
The last two episodes have been boring.Too many of the main characters gone,agree new characters not interesting enough.:(
Domestication during a zombie apocalypse kind of goes against the whole spirit of kill or be killed. The zombies need to mutate and chase the gang back into being road warriors. All this suburban living is a snooze. Heck, I don't need to watch the Cleavers and Andersons again.:rolleyes2: -- Al
Domestication during a zombie apocalypse kind of goes against the whole spirit of kill or be killed. The zombies need to mutate and chase the gang back into being road warriors. All this suburban living is a snooze. Heck, I don't need to watch the Cleavers and Andersons again.:rolleyes2: -- Al

Got to admit, back in their day, the Cleavers and Andersons' acting were zombie like..
Tonight's episode will be telling.The mid-season finale is usually pretty good.If this isn't I give the series one more year.I just don't see very many characters that interesting,good for support roles but not as the leads. Not even Carol and Darryl.
Not a bad episode. I like the way Negan was channeling Hilts in the cell before his great escape. Still don't care for Machone's attitude problem. A decent cliffhanger as well. Like the new twist with the latest threat, aka, the Whisperers. -- Al
Pretty decent finale. The battle in the graveyard was the first creepy scene involving the zombies that I can remember since maybe the first couple of seasons. It reminded me a bit of John Carpenter's The Fog. I was hoping the zombies were evolving but it appears that they were just humans dressed as zombies and somehow guiding the herd. Jesus going out was an added bonus.

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