I know one thing,I'd like to see Darryl beat the **** out of that boy.He has the sense of a rock.
This show just doesn't have it no more.Too many main characters leaving the show around the same time.
This show just doesn't have it no more.Too many main characters leaving the show around the same time.
The loss of so many main characters seems to have left the writers spinning their wheels, although they really have been in a rut for quite a while now. -- Al
This show just doesn't have it no more.Too many main characters leaving the show around the same time.

Daryl has always been a great supporting character but doesn't cut it as the prime guy. I like seeing more of him than in past seasons though. The jump forward in time several years was also disruptive. This show refuses to break out of the formula of us against them. The forces of human civility vs barbarism. They won't move onto the larger picture of the zombie menace and whatever started the whole apocalypse. It keeps circling back to the same theme.
Yeah no main power character has come along since Negan. When the main characters of a show start to leave for whatever the reason it weakens the show as these were the people that made the show what it was in the first place.They were able to replace characters with other strong characters in the first few years but not so much the last 3 or 4.
A meh episode. My take on the show.

There are few, if any, truly likeable characters left. No one has much charm, except maybe Negan, for *’$#@$ sake!

Henry, I’d enjoy seeing him eaten alive, all the while protesting as if he knows better. What a clueless dullard.

The sour Daryl never comes out of his angry funk. His grouchiness used to be endearing. Now it’s just tiresome.

Carol has gone from grim reaper / doomsayer / loner to glib comedic people pleaser optimist because.... I have no idea.

Judith has the supreme confidence of a Barnum and Bailey ringmaster. I don’t buy it for one second, completely contrived and silly.

Eugene’s weird way of speaking is no longer amusing or entertaining.

Alpha is just another (in a never ending series of) baddy who commits various atrocities — until she no doubt eventually gets her due at the hands of someone we’re supposed to be rooting for. Yawn.

The rest feel like Star Trek red shirt extras, just biding their time until their death can serve as shock value. How uncreative.
A meh episode. My take on the show.

There are few, if any, truly likeable characters left. No one has much charm, except maybe Negan, for *’$#@$ sake!

Henry, I’d enjoy seeing him eaten alive, all the while protesting as if he knows better. What a clueless dullard.

The sour Daryl never comes out of his angry funk. His grouchiness used to be endearing. Now it’s just tiresome.

Carol has gone from grim reaper / doomsayer / loner to glib comedic people pleaser optimist because.... I have no idea.

Judith has the supreme confidence of a Barnum and Bailey ringmaster. I don’t buy it for one second, completely contrived and silly.

Eugene’s weird way of speaking is no longer amusing or entertaining.

Alpha is just another (in a never ending series of) baddy who commits various atrocities — until she no doubt eventually gets her due at the hands of someone we’re supposed to be rooting for. Yawn.

The rest feel like Star Trek red shirt extras, just biding their time until their death can serve as shock value. How uncreative.

I completely agree. The medieval direction of the show is also somewhat bizarre. It's becoming Robin Hood of the Dead. I still watch though. My biggest beef is that there is no apparent curiosity about the dead or what went on to get them into this mess. No military or governmental presence as though they had been wiped from the earth while a bunch of yahoos survived by pretending to walk like zombies. That scene of the Alpha and her group walking in a lumbering fashion was laughable. Particularly when the girl had no "skin." I know the zombies are not bright but that was too much.
Michonne for whatever reason doesn't want to help the other settlements.The scenes at the movie house was stupid.
Risk lives over a projector bulb? Not exactly a smart survival choice. I also find I am having trouble hearing/understanding what the Whisperers are saying. I grow annoyed. -- Al
A meh episode. My take on the show.

There are few, if any, truly likeable characters left. No one has much charm, except maybe Negan, for *’$#@$ sake!

Henry, I’d enjoy seeing him eaten alive, all the while protesting as if he knows better. What a clueless dullard.

The sour Daryl never comes out of his angry funk. His grouchiness used to be endearing. Now it’s just tiresome.

Carol has gone from grim reaper / doomsayer / loner to glib comedic people pleaser optimist because.... I have no idea.

Judith has the supreme confidence of a Barnum and Bailey ringmaster. I don’t buy it for one second, completely contrived and silly.

Eugene’s weird way of speaking is no longer amusing or entertaining.

Alpha is just another (in a never ending series of) baddy who commits various atrocities — until she no doubt eventually gets her due at the hands of someone we’re supposed to be rooting for. Yawn.

The rest feel like Star Trek red shirt extras, just biding their time until their death can serve as shock value. How uncreative.

This is awesome...……………..totally spot on.

Not sure how much longer I'm hanging in there. I think the problem with zombie themed programing is as with movie, there is a two hour or so window to tell a story and then that's that...…….this series has been dragging on forever with no end/resolution in sight and as others have pointed out, the more likable/interesting/compelling characters are all gone...………..and oh gee, another bad person, lather, rinse, repeat.
I completely agree. The medieval direction of the show is also somewhat bizarre. It's becoming Robin Hood of the Dead. I still watch though. My biggest beef is that there is no apparent curiosity about the dead or what went on to get them into this mess. No military or governmental presence as though they had been wiped from the earth while a bunch of yahoos survived by pretending to walk like zombies. That scene of the Alpha and her group walking in a lumbering fashion was laughable. Particularly when the girl had no "skin." I know the zombies are not bright but that was too much.

This is hysterical, as usual...…………….."a bunch of yahoos" indeed...………..
Some of my favorite shows that I watched,X-Files,Stargate SG-1, Lost I enjoyed very much for 5-6 years but they got repetitive and tired.Most sci-fi shows seem to show this tendency.I have always enjoyed Supernatural but I can't believe it's still on.Very loyal fan base is what I'm told.
Another fluff episode this week. I may have zoned out but couldn't figure why Daryl and company decided to box themselves in a building and allow their pursuers to catch up with them. More action this year but not much progress in the plot. Tired of the "fair" and "movie". Henry is a dud. Show is in a rut.
Another fluff episode this week. I may have zoned out but couldn't figure why Daryl and company decided to box themselves in a building and allow their pursuers to catch up with them. More action this year but not much progress in the plot. Tired of the "fair" and "movie". Henry is a dud. Show is in a rut.
Yep. And who couldn't have predicted that the fall down the elevator shaft wouldn't finish off Super-Whisperer? I didn't get the whole hide in the high-rise thing either. The good guys were out and gone, why wait for the bad guys to catch up? I've said it before, the gang needs to hit the road, visit new places, meet new people, while searching for the illusive cure. Tired to death of Alexandria, Hilltop, the Kingdom...hit the road in a cloud of dust... -- Al
I think the thought was they were going to keep chasing them so pick a place, make a stand and kill them off. Also I think they went up the building to separate the living walkers from the real walkers
Weary of the show and nodding off,,what happened to rick leaving in the helo,,he just seems to be gone now,,
Suppose to be a couple movies with Rick in it. AMC has big plans for TWD franchise.
For the first time, I started to think during that last episode that this show is on its last legs. The ratings probably keep it going for another couple of seasons but the sand is clearly running out. They had a chance to reboot the show this year with Rick's demise but it has reverted to the same tired themes. The senseless confrontation in that building was like something out of the final season of the original Lost of Space series when they started bringing out the monsters in rubber suits that had been left over from other productions. Tired and lazy. Burning air time because they are out of ideas. Jumping the zombie.
For the first time, I started to think during that last episode that this show is on its last legs. The ratings probably keep it going for another couple of seasons but the sand is clearly running out. They had a chance to reboot the show this year with Rick's demise but it has reverted to the same tired themes. The senseless confrontation in that building was like something out of the final season of the original Lost of Space series when they started bringing out the monsters in rubber suits that had been left over from other productions. Tired and lazy. Burning air time because they are out of ideas. Jumping the zombie.
That's the answer! Jumping Bean Zombies! Now that would be an interesting twist on the zombie threat, which is now basically no threat at all.:wink2::rolleyes2: -- Al
Well now we know why Michonne doesn't want anybody new.Kind of a boring episode.

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