Let's hope that the writers don't take the obvious track of having Lydia off her own mom. A little more imagination for Alpha's demise, please. -- Al

Carol would be my pick.
I had to go back and watch the final 20 minutes that got cut off with the DVR glitch using AMC's ON Demand. It reinforces my dislike of AMC. They not only do not allow you to FF through their endless commercials but they also don't permit FF through the program itself! Brutal. I assume this aggravation is intentional to promote buying their premium package which doesn't appear to be much more than eliminating the commercials.

Regarding the episode, a long overdue cleaning of house of many stray characters. I honestly didn't even recognize most of them. Henry was the most surprising. He was almost as annoying as Rick's kids. So now we circle back to the endless theme of how the forces of civilization deal with the forces of barbarity. Wonder if there will be a climatic showdown? LOL
I had to go back and watch the final 20 minutes that got cut off with the DVR glitch using AMC's ON Demand. It reinforces my dislike of AMC. They not only do not allow you to FF through their endless commercials but they also don't permit FF through the program itself! Brutal. I assume this aggravation is intentional to promote buying their premium package which doesn't appear to be much more than eliminating the commercials.

Regarding the episode, a long overdue cleaning of house of many stray characters. I honestly didn't even recognize most of them. Henry was the most surprising. He was almost as annoying as Rick's kids. So now we circle back to the endless theme of how the forces of civilization deal with the forces of barbarity. Wonder if there will be a climatic showdown? LOL

I hate to beat a dead horse, but as a huge fan of zombie movies, to me it was always about the zombies and the various kills (Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, etc, etc)…………..there have been a couple, but for the most part, there is no resolution to the plague at the end of the movie. This series drew me in initially for the zombie factor...……….now that it's pretty much played out, it's all about how the real threat is other humans.

I think someone said somewhere "Aren't there any nice people in a zombie plague?"...………….the answer sadly is no as it's everyone for themselves, kill or be killed, if you are nice, you are weak and if you are weak, you are dead.

Once Alpha is gone, up will pop another baddie...………….rinse, lather, repeat. In some ways, once this show ends and it will as they all do, it would be nice if they find a cure and everyone who is left lives happily ever after.
I agree George, since the second season when they changed writers the show has been about the evil of the fellow human. Contrast that with the 1st season then the 2nd season opening scene on the highway.That hiding from the zombie horde under the cars was everything that this show should have been about. The real horror of a world stopped/ infected and a small group of people trying to live in it. And I know it has to have some drama or it would be action all the time which doesn't work. But man, most of those killed by alpha I don't really know or care about.

I go from the campy of Dead Alive and Fido, Shaun Of The Dead, to the brilliance of 28 days/28 weeks, Day/Night/Dawn of the Dead and everything in between. It Doesn't have to be believable but it will have to be entertaining, and I don't know that his has been since the garbage pail lady and Negan. And every time I see that ridiculous stuffed tiger on the balcony I want to quit.

I agree George, since the second season when they changed writers the show has been about the evil of the fellow human. Contrast that with the 1st season then the 2nd season opening scene on the highway.That hiding from the zombie horde under the cars was everything that this show should have been about. The real horror of a world stopped/ infected and a small group of people trying to live in it. And I know it has to have some drama or it would be action all the time which doesn't work. But man, most of those killed by alpha I don't really know or care about.

I go from the campy of Dead Alive and Fido, Shaun Of The Dead, to the brilliance of 28 days/28 weeks, Day/Night/Dawn of the Dead and everything in between. It Doesn't have to be believable but it will have to be entertaining, and I don't know that his has been since the garbage pail lady and Negan. And every time I see that ridiculous stuffed tiger on the balcony I want to quit.


This pretty much nails it. If it's zombies, I'm in. Remember that movie from the 1970's about the tourists stranded in South America somewhere who run into WWII German zombies, I forget the name of that one, but I liked it, at least as a 20 something at the drive in on a Friday night.

The old saying "KISS" (and Christ no, not the band, specifically the one currently being wheeled out propped up in dollies pretending to sing and play their instruments on their 47th "KISS retirement tour"...……...:rolleyes2:) applies to zombie shows/movies.

Yeah, ok, I get it; there are bad people out there, I just don't want them paraded one by one across my TV screen season after season.

The original Day of the Dead has some of the best non CGI effects I've ever seen, really liked the remake of Dawn of the Dead as well, some great kills and special effects, not to mention that ending on the island...……………….
If you get a chance, look at a Koren film called Train to Busan, I think its on either Netflix or Amazon.
If you get a chance, look at a Koren film called Train to Busan, I think its on either Netflix or Amazon.

I saw it off of Netflix, it was tremendous, they are doing a sequel as well...………….:wink2:
Dead Snow 2 (Red vs Dead) is my favorite zombie movie. I'm a sucker for Nazi zombie movies and that one has a ton of humor (and a Tiger tank). I liked all the old Romero movies as well. Classics. Each one had an underlying theme - racism, distrust of science, materialism, class etc. Or you could just watch them for the zombie kills. Greatest zombie movie poster is the one from "Zombie 2" with the caption "We are going to eat you." They don't make them like that anymore.
Dead Snow 2 (Red vs Dead) is my favorite zombie movie. I'm a sucker for Nazi zombie movies and that one has a ton of humor (and a Tiger tank). I liked all the old Romero movies as well. Classics. Each one had an underlying theme - racism, distrust of science, materialism, class etc. Or you could just watch them for the zombie kills. Greatest zombie movie poster is the one from "Zombie 2" with the caption "We are going to eat you." They don't make them like that anymore.

I liked the first Dead Snow better, loved the ending...……………...Dead Snow 2 was good too, but the first one was better IMO.
I know we are a bit off the WD here, but in the way of zombie films, any of you remember a 1977 film with Peter Cushing called 'Shock Waves'? It is a Nazi zombie movie that takes place on an isolated island with zombies rising out of the water. Found it suitably creepy. -- Al
I know we are a bit off the WD here, but in the way of zombie films, any of you remember a 1977 film with Peter Cushing called 'Shock Waves'? It is a Nazi zombie movie that takes place on an isolated island with zombies rising out of the water. Found it suitably creepy. -- Al

Thanks Al, that was the movie I referenced a few posts up, scared the crap out of me as a kid...……….the zombies were underwater and were creepy as Hell...……………
I think it's Shock Waves. Late 70s
I am trying to not highjack this thread. But man do I have list....
I think it's Shock Waves. Late 70s
I am trying to not highjack this thread. But man do I have list....

I just watched it on YouTube; it had a budget of about 14.67...…………….yikes.

Still creepy if you ask me.

Would love to see your list, no worries on the thread if you ask me...…………..
I had to go back and watch the final 20 minutes that got cut off with the DVR glitch using AMC's ON Demand. It reinforces my dislike of AMC. They not only do not allow you to FF through their endless commercials but they also don't permit FF through the program itself! Brutal. I assume this aggravation is intentional to promote buying their premium package which doesn't appear to be much more than eliminating the commercials.

Regarding the episode, a long overdue cleaning of house of many stray characters. I honestly didn't even recognize most of them. Henry was the most surprising. He was almost as annoying as Rick's kids. So now we circle back to the endless theme of how the forces of civilization deal with the forces of barbarity. Wonder if there will be a climatic showdown? LOL

This is what happened to me also. Do you have DirectTV? I don’t know if it was an AMC or DirecTV issue.
In no particular order
Night of the Living Dead, Day of the Dead (04) the Ving Rames one, Dawn of the Dead(78), 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later ( Helicopter Scene is the best Zombie Kill scene), Zombieland, Shaun Of the Dead, Dead Alive( the dinner scene is magical) Rammock ( German Film that only takes place in one apt building, cool concept) Dead Snow, Fido( yeah its breaks the rules but I love it) Doghouse ( Kinda zombies but worth it if you like Shaun of),Return of the Living Dead(80s chemicals ahhh) Horde, Death Proof (Robert Rodriquez), Flight of the Living Dead, REC,

I am sure I'm missing some but these are some favorites off the top of my head.
This is what happened to me also. Do you have DirectTV? I don’t know if it was an AMC or DirecTV issue.

It was a widespread issue. I have Comcast. The responsibility is mostly likely AMCs. Apparently the show ran 20 minutes or so longer than usual, but wasn't reflected in their schedule. So DVRs just recorded the usual hour. If I hadn't read here about the ending, I wouldn't have had a clue it ended anyway except with the mom seated in the theatre. I wonder how many people will tune in to the next episode not realizing many characters got killed off?
There are plenty who won’t know of the ending. The ending was a bit shocking but the heads on the pikes bore only a passing resemblance to the actual character; I think that could have been done better. It lessened the impact.

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