After several years of watching this I have officially checked out. Can't justify wasting and hour of my life every week watching this anymore. It's just so boring now.
After several years of watching this I have officially checked out. Can't justify wasting and hour of my life every week watching this anymore. It's just so boring now.

I totally agree. I checked out three weeks ago after never missing an episode . . . truth be told, I haven't missed it . . . .
:smile2: Mike
This show has been decimated by the loss of favorite characters (certainly not an unrealistic development in such a world) but the loss of so many popular and center characters has harmed the show and left secondary characters to carry the burden. Everyone knew the loss of Rick would be a killer, so too the loss of Maggie and Glen, along with Carl (leaving the future in the hands of six-gun Judith). Granted, some of these characters had their annoying points, but we watched the show to see them and what would happen to them. Once they were gone, the secondary characters just can't generate the interest or story lines of the past (with the possible exceptions of Carol and Darryl, but only as long-lived, familiar friends and probably not as main characters). The writers are scrambling, are backed into a corner, and are being forced into rehashing the same basic story over and over. A major development of drastic proportions is needed, something that ups the danger level from the zombies, or the prospects of a possible cure, anything but the same old tired 'humans are the real danger' line that we have been getting. This show is in trouble but I still watch, at least until Sunday night baseball gets underway.:wink2: -- Al
The only thing keeping me going is the movies in which Rick is suppose to be in.Maybe they will show what's going on in the rest of the world.
Well now we know why Michonne doesn't want anybody new.Kind of a boring episode.

My head was spinning. Couldn't figure out what was going on as they kept switching back and forth in time. Thought I was watching True Detective again there for a while and I was the character with Alzheimer's. I give them credit for not backing down on that massacre of the kids. Otherwise this episode didn't move the ball much. It is weird but Negan seems like the most likeable character this season. Judith is a seriously weird kid and everyone else has gone off the rails.
My head was spinning. Couldn't figure out what was going on as they kept switching back and forth in time. Thought I was watching True Detective again there for a while and I was the character with Alzheimer's. I give them credit for not backing down on that massacre of the kids. Otherwise this episode didn't move the ball much. It is weird but Negan seems like the most likeable character this season. Judith is a seriously weird kid and everyone else has gone off the rails.
I perceive an upcoming scenario where a reborn Negan leads the untied forces of Alexandria, Hilltop, and the Kingdom to victory at Armageddon over The Whisperers, and then adopts Six-gun Judith after Michonne's demise in the final battle.{eek3} -- Al
This show has been decimated by the loss of favorite characters (certainly not an unrealistic development in such a world) but the loss of so many popular and center characters has harmed the show and left secondary characters to carry the burden. Everyone knew the loss of Rick would be a killer, so too the loss of Maggie and Glen, along with Carl (leaving the future in the hands of six-gun Judith). Granted, some of these characters had their annoying points, but we watched the show to see them and what would happen to them. Once they were gone, the secondary characters just can't generate the interest or story lines of the past (with the possible exceptions of Carol and Darryl, but only as long-lived, familiar friends and probably not as main characters). The writers are scrambling, are backed into a corner, and are being forced into rehashing the same basic story over and over. A major development of drastic proportions is needed, something that ups the danger level from the zombies, or the prospects of a possible cure, anything but the same old tired 'humans are the real danger' line that we have been getting. This show is in trouble but I still watch, at least until Sunday night baseball gets underway.:wink2: -- Al

I switched off at the end of last season as I just couldn't stand it anymore. Totally agree with your points here, the writers have lost the plot......
Long episode tonight, but a good one in terms of misdirection, even if an obvious misdirection. I guess that Alpha and the Whisperers must be dealt with as they simply don't play well with others. Maybe my earlier joke about Negan leading the united communities isn't too far off target... -- Al
Long episode tonight, but a good one in terms of misdirection, even if an obvious misdirection. I guess that Alpha and the Whisperers must be dealt with as they simply don't play well with others. Maybe my earlier joke about Negan leading the united communities isn't too far off target... -- Al

This show is one wild ride; just when I was ready to bail, that episode ending tonight...………….yikes...………….."Every time I try to get out, they pull me back in"...……………...wow...…….kudos to the writers, that was a true "laying on the couch, ***......is that what I think it is...…………….sitting up in disbelief...….yes it is...……..holy ****!!"...……..

And yes, I want Alpha to die the most miserable, painful death humanly possible, she's trumped every baddie so far and that's saying something...…………..
I have been really close to calling it quits on this show for about the last few seasons, Couldn't stand how ridiculous Negan was as a bad guy.
He was only slightly less silly than the governor. But its been background Tv and I am a big zombie flick fan going way back. So I've kept it on for a Sunday night show. And this season has felt like the "women empowerment year" crossed with a high school show.
However Alpha, Now that is one scary (finally) Lady. She will keep me interested.
I have been really close to calling it quits on this show for about the last few seasons, Couldn't stand how ridiculous Negan was as a bad guy.
He was only slightly less silly than the governor. But its been background Tv and I am a big zombie flick fan going way back. So I've kept it on for a Sunday night show. And this season has felt like the "women empowerment year" crossed with a high school show.
However Alpha, Now that is one scary (finally) Lady. She will keep me interested.
Know exactly what you mean. Women everywhere as the lead characters. The loss of so many male leads had left me very few characters to 'identify' with, excepting Darryl, and even he was borderline as I don't hunt, ride motorcycles, or skin and eat squirrels. Really enjoyed the old days with Rick, Shane, Abraham, Hershel, Dale, etc. -- Al
I don’t care that most of the leadership roles are women. I just don’t like that it seems so intentional,
Machone and Carol would have risen to leadership roles as they are strong characters.
All the other ones? I don’t buy it.
It’s not that they’re so many woman. For me the idea that a frumpy dumpy plumpy middle aged mom type would become the toughest bad *** in a distopian landscape seems absurd. In such an environment the biggest, strongest you know what would surely rule the roost. See Game of Thrones.
Several semi-regulars just lost their heads in all the hub-bub. -- Al

Everyone views a series like this differently, but that was a true *** moment for me; as the camera showed them one by one, it really grabbed me, along with the "have you seen so and so?...…" and then WHAM!!, then the last one which was the most obvious one, but still...………..I thought it was very good directing, but YMMV...…………..
I knew they had Henry when he didn't show up at the movies.He was a real pain in the *** but now I feel sorry for him. Lets see what this does to Lydia.
I knew they had Henry when he didn't show up at the movies.He was a real pain in the *** but now I feel sorry for him. Lets see what this does to Lydia.
Let's hope that the writers don't take the obvious track of having Lydia off her own mom. A little more imagination for Alpha's demise, please. -- Al

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