Re: Walking Dead

As I mentioned earlier, I was hoping for something a bit more from this episode. Maybe the show should have stressed the escape attempt by Rick and gang a bit more, or at least followed it long enough for the attempt to start to fail, rather than leaving all that to February. And Michael is right, no one puts their guns down and leaves a known lunatic with the power to kill them all. Which brings up the obvious and logical question, why didn't the Wolf guy simply kill them all once he had the gun? It would have followed his previous actions and made perfect sense, given his avowed threat to keep killing once Morgan saved him. The episode was just not satisfactory in any aspect. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

The show has been acclaimed as not really being about a human/zombie confrontations but human/human but I think it has went too far as last night's episode showed.Carol worried more about the wolf and Morgan and that kid trying to take Carl down all the while a massive zombie attack is going on.Oh yeah the other kid would have to go also.
Re: Walking Dead

I thought is was a good episode, being a closer for the 1st half of the season I didn't expect them to give too much away. You guys do realize it is a fictional Television series right?
Re: Walking Dead

I thought is was a good episode, being a closer for the 1st half of the season I didn't expect them to give too much away. You guys do realize it is a fictional Television series right?
Not real? NOOOOOOOOOO! ^&grin -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

I thought is was a good episode, being a closer for the 1st half of the season I didn't expect them to give too much away. You guys do realize it is a fictional Television series right?

Does being fictional excuse it from being poorly written with incredible plot holes? Michael
Re: Walking Dead

No one has a beef with that kid playing that horrible "Tiptoe through the Tulips" song over and over while the zombies are downstairs? I thought Rick would go Blutto and smash that record against the wall. Now it is stuck in my head. Not a great episode. I will give them a pass though on Carol going Rambo and chalk that up to her concussion. There seemed to be no other reason in the plot for her to fall and hit her head. Glenn is shooting up my most annoying character chart with his constant speechifying. If you gave that many speeches to a depressed teenage girl she would probably rip your throat out. Give it a rest Glenn. Rick needs a new look. That Lee Harvey Oswald white t-shirt he wears has gone some miles. I also have a beef with AMC (and not just the punishing commercials). They are combining that new karate Kung Fu show with the Walking Dead On Demand trying to trick you into thinking TWD is a two hour show only to have the second hour start with a different show. I call dirty pool.
Re: Walking Dead

For a mid season ender, that episode sucked.

That is all.
Re: Walking Dead

Deanna Monroe went out like a Viking. Tovah Feldshuh was pretty good in that role.
Re: Walking Dead

Deanna Monroe went out like a Viking. Tovah Feldshuh was pretty good in that role.
Deanna's end was the best part of the episode. A worthy end. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Deanna Monroe went out like a Viking. Tovah Feldshuh was pretty good in that role.

Seriously? I loathed the character, and found her acting less than compellling. A viking would have at least forwarded the cause of her unbitten comrades. As it is, she committed a meaningless sacrifice of a preordained end.
Re: Walking Dead

For a mid season ender, no major character bought the farm; frankly, if every Alexandria character was taken out, I could care less, from the guy who helped Rick reinforce the wall to the de facto mayor to her kid to Ricks new love interest to her two moron kids to the moron girl Glenn chased across the countryside to the wrecking ball useless doctor, none of them are compelling to me.

At this point, if Rick, Glenn, Maggie, Daryll, Michone or Carl die, I will be bummed out, the rest of them including Morgan, Carol (she annoyed the crap out of me in this episode, had enough of her to be honest), Eugene (what an oxygen thief he is, beyond useless, how he survived this long is beyond me), his two friends, the lesbian they picked up at the prison shoot out, the holy roller or the black girl who went over the edge when her brother died and hasn't come back yet can all kick the stick in the same episode and I couldn't care less...........................
Re: Walking Dead

Deanna Monroe went out like a Viking. Tovah Feldshuh was pretty good in that role.

I was flipping the channel the other night and she was singing on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.She gets around.
Re: Walking Dead

Does anyone know when WD resumes next year?

I can't say I'm hanging out for it the kick off again, based upon the last episode, but it would be good to know when it's due to start again.

The Morgan/Carol thing was plain stupid and as for giving up their guns, that was ridiculous.

As for this new 'Negan' character, I'm bored already. Yet another bad-*** leader whose worse than the last. Surely the writers could come up with something a little more unpredicatable in Zombieland.....time will tell eh.
Re: Walking Dead

Over here it's coming back in February.
Re: Walking Dead

Over here it's coming back in February.
Tell me that the NFL doesn't rule the airways. WD returns Feb. 14, the week after Super Bowl 50 airs. WD will have no football to compete with. A smart move, I suppose, for fans of both. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Over here it's coming back in February.

Cheers Mark & Al for that, yeah it screens down here in NZ within 24hrs of it showing in the US.

I really do hope the story line moves up a gear and we start seeing some new twists & turns otherwise folks are going to tune out.

The attacking Wolves episode was a goodie, but things have flattened off since and become a little too predictable for my liking.

Re: Walking Dead

Poop on the SB. Only 11 more days until the Dead return!^&grin -- Al

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