Just to wrap this up, I found the book quite interesting but absolutely counter to just about everything I thought I knew about the Alamo. According to the author, all the defenders were there for self-serving reasons; were totally incompetent as fighters/soldiers; had never planned on fighting to the end and had planned to escape if attacked; the garrison was caught totally unaware by the dawn assault; offered little resistance and then the majority tried to run away; very little resistence offered at the walls and very little combat as the total time of the battle was 20 minutes; most of the defenders were caught outside the walls by Mexican cavalry and killed while trying to escape; total Mexican casualties numbered less than 300, 62 KIA and that the casualties were mostly friendly fire caused by the dark and confusion. Some of the points are well supported, others much less so. I don't care for the way the author assumes he knows how the defenders were thinking and how he assumes that the defenders behaved a certain way just because he assumes it would be logical for them to do so. There is just no way to support some of his theories, but I do not consider it a wasted read, just a little controversial.

-- Al