What are the Forum members reading (6 Viewers)

The Arab history is one of the reasons I want to reread and finish it. Couldn't wrap my head around it back then and having read quite abit about that theater of war since then, I want to try to get it straight. It begs for a focused reading. -- Al

Al, there's a very good outline of Saudi history at the Library of Congress' website. Here's the URL to the main index page:


There's a dropdown list of countries covered. I think it's a very good, basic and encyclopedic article, serving as a doorway into a deeper study of their history.

Hope that helps, prost!
Al, there's a very good outline of Saudi history at the Library of Congress' website. Here's the URL to the main index page:


There's a dropdown list of countries covered. I think it's a very good, basic and encyclopedic article, serving as a doorway into a deeper study of their history.

Hope that helps, prost!
Thanks for the info, Brad. It is much appreciated. I will check it out, as I need the help with Arab history.:eek: -- Al

There's a new book out about Lawrence called, simply, "Hero" by Michael Korda. Here's a review that appeared in Sunday's New York Times.

I received the book for Christmas but haven't had a chance to look at it yet (got a bunch of others as well :)).

There's a new book out about Lawrence called, simply, "Hero" by Michael Korda. Here's a review that appeared in Sunday's New York Times.

I received the book for Christmas but haven't had a chance to look at it yet (got a bunch of others as well :)).
Thanks for the review info, Brad. I had seen the book at Border's but hadn't had time to look through it. The review makes the book sound useful and worth reading. It will be interesting to see if it as good as Mack's bio on Lawrence. -- Al
Picked up an Osprey HC title "The War for Ireland: 1913-1923". It is a compilation of 4 Osprey titles in one format. It is a good, basic read for this often confusing subject. Typical of Osprey, it is well written and illustrated. -- Al
just finished reading Achtung! Minen! witch about a Sherman Crab crew from Normandy to the end of the war , brilliant read
Just finished:
In final defence of the reich: The destruction of the 6th SS Division ''Nord''

A fascinating book based not only on the german perspective but, also civillians and the 71st infantry Division. An excellent read and really worth looking at if your interested in the last battles of the reich. The belief that it was easy for allied divisions in the last days of WWII is brutally laid to rest here.
Currently reading a new book on the first battle of the Marne called, wait for it, "The Marne, 1914" by Holger Herwig. Very impressed with it. Very clearly written and constructed. The book covers the opening of the war through the battle of the Marne itself. Takes an unusual bent in that it heavily covers the German side of events. All the other accounts I have ever read were mostly allied views. This also covers the allied view but delves deeply into the German. Some very interesting coverage involving the Belgian army and civilians as well. Gives the reader a great feel for the massive numbers involved and the difficulties that resulted in controlling such huge armies effectively. Will also reinforce what shockingly large casualties were inflicted in the opening months. No other year of the war equalled the losses in the first four months of the conflict. -- Al
Added another title, "The First Battle of the Marne 1914: The French 'Miracle' Halts the Germans". Written by Ian Sumner, it is an Osprey title and is well illustrated with the usual photos and paintings, with some good maps for this complicated battle. It is a good addition for WW1 readers. -- Al
Just started reading "Exodus From The Alamo"... Not your Wayne or Disney version, but so far an interesting read. The author blames everything on slavery and the "Anglo-Celtic" mind-set. Also writes that most of the Alamo defenders were city boys with no military experience, at least 62 men tried an escape after the start of the battle........
Just obtained this title after waiting for months. Completely intrigued by the opening sentence of the preface; "Almost everything Americans have been taught, or think they know, about the Alamo is not only wrong, it is nearly the antithesis of what really occurred on the early morning of March 6, 1836." Now, how can any history loving reader resist this? This is going to be an interesting read. Will have to see if this revision delivers what the opening sentence promises. -- Al
Just obtained this title after waiting for months. Completely intrigued by the opening sentence of the preface; "Almost everything Americans have been taught, or think they know, about the Alamo is not only wrong, it is nearly the antithesis of what really occurred on the early morning of March 6, 1836." Now, how can any history loving reader resist this? This is going to be an interesting read. Will have to see if this revision delivers what the opening sentence promises. -- Al

Maybe it'll spin out like the Alamo play staged in Arlen, TX, in "King of the Hill" :D
Just obtained this title after waiting for months. Completely intrigued by the opening sentence of the preface; "Almost everything Americans have been taught, or think they know, about the Alamo is not only wrong, it is nearly the antithesis of what really occurred on the early morning of March 6, 1836." Now, how can any history loving reader resist this? This is going to be an interesting read. Will have to see if this revision delivers what the opening sentence promises. -- Al
Holy cow! I'm not even 20 pages in and this author has already made his intentions more than clear. This is a book that is going to dismantle every aspect of the fight for the Alamo. Already he has impuned the cause and the motives of everyone involved. Will keep reading to see if he can make a good argument but it is already obvious he wants nothing to do with the history of the Alamo as we have been raised on. -- Al
Holy cow! I'm not even 20 pages in and this author has already made his intentions more than clear. This is a book that is going to dismantle every aspect of the fight for the Alamo. Already he has impuned the cause and the motives of everyone involved. Will keep reading to see if he can make a good argument but it is already obvious he wants nothing to do with the history of the Alamo as we have been raised on. -- Al

Perhaps he was there,,
For "light" reading on the side, just rec'd first issue of subscription to Britain
At War, recommended by this forum. Excellent stories not in the main stream history books.

Listening to Shelby Foote's Civil War Narrative on audio while driving to work. Read the book 30 yrs ago (parts again over the yrs). A true classic if you want an ACW overview.
Holy cow! I'm not even 20 pages in and this author has already made his intentions more than clear. This is a book that is going to dismantle every aspect of the fight for the Alamo. Already he has impuned the cause and the motives of everyone involved. Will keep reading to see if he can make a good argument but it is already obvious he wants nothing to do with the history of the Alamo as we have been raised on. -- Al

Are you sure that's not the script from that episode of KotH? :D
Only turned up this morning and haven't started reading this yet but having a good flick through - seems just what the doctor ordered.



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Are you sure that's not the script from that episode of KotH? :D
It might as well be. I can be sure that this book is not for sale in the Alamo gift shop, maybe not in the state of Texas. He believes that up to 120 of the defenders fled the fort and were caught and killed outside by the Mexican cavalry. Also, the author believes there was no real fight at the walls as the garrison was caught asleep by the pre-dawn assault. Brief fighting in the interior with most of the killing done outside. Battle lasted 20 minutes with the Mexicans suffering less than 300 total casualties (around 6o dead) and most of these were friendly fire. It is not your daddy's history.:rolleyes: -- Al
For "light" reading on the side, just rec'd first issue of subscription to Britain
At War, recommended by this forum. Excellent stories not in the main stream history books.

Just went to renew my subscription to Britain at war & there web site down :confused:

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