What are the Forum members reading (7 Viewers)

Just started on a book by Catherine Merridale, called IVAN'S WAR (life & death in the Red Army, 1939-45). Quite a page turner, and some Detail on the horrific life for the Russian infantry men during WW2
Started re-reading a modern classic by Paul Fussell, "The Great War and Modern Memory". It is the story/history of how the Great War has been recorded in literature, during and after, and all that entails. Mostly from the British POV, it is essential reading if you have any interest in WW1. -- Al
Started re-reading "Shogun" yesterday, it's an annual summer read for me. "Hai, Anjin-san! Wakarimasu!"

Started re-reading "Shogun" yesterday, it's an annual summer read for me. "Hai, Anjin-san! Wakarimasu!"


Ambitious, :tongue: but a great book and part of a real good series. I read the first 4 so far.
There are 6 in Clavell’s Asian saga:

Shōgun Set in feudal Japan, 1600
Tai-Pan Set in Hong Kong, 1841
Gai-Jin Set in Japan, 1862
King Rat Set in a Japanese POW camp in Singapore, 1945
Whirlwind Set in Iran, 1979
Noble House Set in Hong Kong, 1963

Enjoy --- Larry
Shogun , my favorite book ever , I dreamed in Japanese while reading it . I finished it just before watching the mini series with Richard Chamberlain on TV . Having read the book filled in a lot of gaps in the mini series .

Larry , I read all of Clavell's books but had to give up on Whirlwind , it was not in the class of the others
Shogun , my favorite book ever , I dreamed in Japanese while reading it . I finished it just before watching the mini series with Richard Chamberlain on TV . Having read the book filled in a lot of gaps in the mini series .

Larry , I read all of Clavell's books but had to give up on Whirlwind , it was not in the class of the others

Same here Kirk ... I started it 2X and put it down for another day (Perhaps?)
Still, it is a great desk weight as it is something like 1200 pages. -- Larry

Just started this book and its great.
(Has pictures and big words so i shouldn't get bored ^&grin)
just having a read of ''The Latter days'' by Pat Reid great stuff!!
Just starting reading THE TURNER DIARIES, by andrew Macdonald. In my Opinion the road to American
paranoia. But a good read
Just in from my book club is "Home Before The Leaves Fall: A New History of the German Invasion of 1914" by Ian Senior.It is a history of the opening of WW1 in the west. I got this for a club sale price of $9.98 and to my great surprise and joy, when it arrived it was an actual publishers 1st edition, not a cheap club printing. This book is published by Osprey at $24.95. Great deal. At any rate, it has 15 photos and 25 maps. Having read several chapters, I have decided it won't have anything new for me, but it is a very good basic rendering of the plans and opening battles that lead up to and include the Battle of the Marne. -- Al
I'm currently reading "The Rolls-Royce Armoured Car" by David Fletcher (published by Osprey).

I got into this by admiring a photo of one of these beasts posted by Luiz - then trying to find out more about what is available out there - and got sucked in to a fascinating subject. I want one now - and this book has all of the information ( and loads of photos and colour illustrations of the various marques), that I need to choose which of them to go for as a model. Might even have two or three (eventually). This is odd - 'cos I'm not really a vehicle collector.

Short book - but loadsa info - and at £6.99 with free postage from Amazon - just the job! I think I'm also in danger of becoming a rivet counter!:{eek3} Johnnybach

Incidentally - reading back through the correspondance about James Clavell's books - I can also admit to reading all of his past offerings - of which - "Whirlwind" was my favourite. What a book! - Really three books in one - and a truly great read - though you do have to keep at it! Sayonara - jb
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Just finished re-reading "A Dawn Like Thunder" for the fourth or fifth time, and picked up to re-read Barrett Tillman's "Whirlwind", on the air war against Japan. That was a find on the sale table at Barnes & Noble for me back in March. Always worth it, to have a look at the clearance tables ;)

I have just started to read "Forgotten Battles of the Zulu War", by Adrian Greaves.
Just got two new titles I am really looking forward to reading. First is "The Maps of First Bull Run" by Bradley Gottfried, part of his series that include Gettysburg and Chickamauga. It looks just as good as the other two and also covers the battle at Ball's Bluff. I am quite excited about the second book, "Three Armies on the Somme: The First Battle of the Twentieth Century" by William Philpott. Been meaning to read this one for a couple of years now, but just got to it. By the title alone, I will be interested to see what Philpott has to say about the French contribution to the battle, which is usually glossed over in most histories of the battle. Both books should be good reads. -- Al
just recieved the 4th volume of the Dictionnaire de la Waffen SS by Charles Trang. Following in the footsteps of Vol's 1 through 3 it is packed with some very good pictures of the Waffen SS in action and at rest.

The four volumes make a very nice set with some detailed narrative on the Waffen SS. Only snag (if you don't speak the language) is the text is entirely in Frence.

Other than that I would highly recommend these books for those interested in a complete review of all the SS divisions and brigades
I have just finished 'The Great Silence' by Juliet Nicolson. It is a history of Britain between 11/11/1918 and 11/11/1920. It is a magnificent and very readable book. Her descriptions of a society coming to grips with the cost of the war and how to memorialise it are profoundly moving. If you get the chance, an excellent read.
just recieved this morning: Wenn alle bruder schweigen (when all our brothers are silent) an excellent pictoral book from the early 80's on the waffen SS that I had been after for many many years. forwarded and additional narrative througout by Pappa Hausser. Another fascinating book on the interaction with the waffen SS and the other armed forces of the germans in WWII

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