Would not what the most you would spend depend on your annual salary, your net worth,or if you really want that set. If you made $50,000 per year $1,000 might be out of the question, but if you make a couple hundred thousand a year $1,000 is not that large of a figure.
What is the diffenece if you buy 10 sets for $100 or 1 set for $1,000 same amount of money.
I could see myself spending that on a set.
That sounds great if you only want one item that year. That is the problem with those Napoleonics, you can't have just one.My view if you like it and can afford it buy it. If an item cost $1,000 and you divide that by 1 year (365 days) it comes out to $2.74. How many of us do not blow at least $2.74 a day on stupid items, and after 1 year you still have the item.
How does this reasoning sound as justification for buying that expensive item. At least this is how I justify it.
Let's see what other reasons we can come up with to buy that expensive item.
That sounds great if you only want one item that year. That is the problem with those Napoleonics, you can't have just one.
It is interesting how different folks look at it and it is just a matter of personal taste. It took me awhile to find all the Conte Spartans I wanted since I started collecting them after they sold out but those are no more special to me than the items I bought at retail when they came out. I guess I simply enjoy making displays with what I get, however I get them and not paying too much for whatever that happens to be.
My view if you like it and can afford it buy it. If an item cost $1,000 and you divide that by 1 year (365 days) it comes out to $2.74. How many of us do not blow at least $2.74 a day on stupid items, and after 1 year you still have the item.
How does this reasoning sound as justification for buying that expensive item. At least this is how I justify it.
Let's see what other reasons we can come up with to buy that expensive item.