Great looking model that you've detailed beautifully. A lot of folks may not understand why collectors have such an affinity for this scheme, one that's associated with the carrier U.S.S. Princeton. Well, the fact is, what we see above was basically verbotten under USN regulations. Further, when the Princeton was sunk and its fighter squadron was transferred to another carrier, the Captain ordered that the visage of the aircraft be returned to the guidelines that were enforced on other ships. For modelers of USN aircraft, the rules that I'm commenting on result in a straight-jacket of sorts as regards dealing with the Hellcat. They are essentially stuck with the three-color scheme that's associated with mid-war types in the Pacific and the overall dark-blue from late 1944, onward. Literally, thousands of Grumman F6F went to war in those two schemes, the most dramatic departure from which we see as depicted above, as modeled by CNQ. Again, very nice.