What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ? (1 Viewer)

Came Just In Time for CHRISTMAS ! :salute::



.... and the MODEL in 1:72 {sm4}



Received today - just in time for NEW YEAR ! - a E2C HAWKEYE of the REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE AIR FORCE !



and the model in 1/72 scale....


and the actual aircraft !

An interesting Del prado Mameluk which I will partially repaint as an ottoman at the battle of Vienna.

Forces of Valor Unimax 1/72 F14 Black Knights. I got this model brand new locally for less than original retail price. It's made from the same mould as Century Wings F14 BKs that's selling for 3 times for :)




and together with my 1/18 F14 Black Knights ^&grin

Forces of Valor Unimax 1/72 F14 Black Knights. I got this model brand new locally for less than original retail price. It's made from the same mould as Century Wings F14 BKs that's selling for 3 times for :)




and together with my 1/18 F14 Black Knights ^&grin


That is one nicely Detailed 1/72 scale plane !

As I only finished painting these last night - I think they qualify as "owned for the past two weeks".

My Johillco cowboy tied to the tree - is in danger of losing some hair.

His captors are a mixed bag, from B&T Chief to Britains, Reka and Crescent - with a few repairs and modifications along the way. jb



Included here are sets:-



UNDER TWO FLAGS Tonga Ambulance from the Boer War

This next set was a Christmas present from my great friend Sam in Texas.

The set had been on my wants list for several years and was turning into a bit of a Holy Grail quest, on a par with the "Dr. Watson at Maiwand" set.

This is what Len Taylor told us about the set back in January 2011

Info from Len Taylor – Owner of Trophy of Wales

“It was oxen drawn the two wheeled cart had a large canvas cover which in turn was covered by a metal shield with large red cross. Two Indian stretcher bearers carried a wounded British soldier. The set was made early 70,s for Under Two Flags. I put a little extra into the wounded figure.one knee drawn up and his holding his chest, told Jock Couts it was a scots soldier with his hand on his wallet ! Must have caught him on a bad day, "I want him lying to attention with bandaged head and a worried expression".

Over the years we did several restoration jobs, mainly the canvas that had rotted around the metal supports.The hardest part of this set was making the metal shield, I couldn’t buy metal sheet thin enough, so we resorted to Heinz bean cans. A section was cut out brass rods were soldered to each corner, the panel was formed around a wood template, primed painted green with a red cross. This was prior to reference numbers, and before you ask !! I made less than thirty !.Jock set up a window display including the Tonga it was during the summer, he reported that the metal canopy flew off and wiped out some of the troops, what can you expect from a bean can.”

Here is the set


BuildRama on EBay
During the last month, I bought two lots of Build A Rama
products from two different sellers.
I am searching EBay for more of these buying opportunities..

So, I was a terrible High School student and barely graduated. The only thing that kept me in line was being a cadet in JRROTC. Our Commander was Col. (ret) James Thompson, and when I think back to my time in HS he was the only person (as in teachers) that I had fond memories of. Now, don't think that we were buddy-buddy or anything, but I remember him always taking time to listen or speak to a cadet when ever you entered his office. I never saw him mad, never raise his voice, and never pontificate about his time in the military. I knew he was a Pilot in Korea and I knew that he was quasi-famous for shooting down a General or something in Korea. I also knew that his plane was commemorated with some unique nose art entitled "The Huff" after that particular kill. Other than that, I really did not know the man nor did I want to disappoint him. Frankly, I respected him and he was probably the only reason why I stayed in line in HS because the thought of disappointing him was un-thinkable.

During my time as a Cadet, he was one of the reasons why I was elevated to the rank of Cadet Lt. Col and charged with the responsibility with being a Squadron Commander. It was a huge accomplishment for me as there were only two Squadron Commanders and one Cadet Commander. Man, I could not believe it! Out of all the cadets, I was chosen to take one of three top spots. I was on cloud 9 starting my senior year in HS and true to form I pucked it all up. I lasted as Squadron Commander for about 2 months after I brazenly left a ad hoc meeting set up by our NCO's (the real ones) before it even started declaring that the meeting was a waste of my time. The NCO's were pissed, because come to find out the meeting was about some serious issues regarding the Corps and I decided to skip it. What they were I don't remember, but serious enough to require my attendance whether the meeting was scheduled or hastily put together. The bottomline of the lesson I learned: never miss a movement!

For my insolence, I was fired from being a Squadron Commander and demoted to a Captain. My JRROTC job for the rest of my senior year? Cadet officer in charge of recruitment who presented slide show briefings/presentations to 8th graders in middle school. Yup, showing kids that "they could all they could be" and "Aim High". I barely graduated HS thereafter, traveled the States for a year and joined the USAF and went to Japan.

I recently decided to look him up to see if he was still alive and surprisingly he lived a couple miles from my shop. I got his number from an author who interviewed a while back and my son and I visited him after Christmas. When I called him he told me he did not remember me and called one of our NCO's to verify who I was. When he realized who I was, we went about setting up a time to visit. When we did, we went to his house he and his wife were very gracious to host us. He looked the same and his demeanor was the same, but we had a very interesting conversation about his life and times. Of which, I had no idea about some the hardships he went through. For example, I had no idea he was in an orphanage as a child and how he became a pilot in the first place.

Nonetheless, I went to visit him for the sole purpose of thanking him for being a father figure to me and that (after all these years) I never forgot him. He was stunned and told me that out of all the cadets in his years as a Commander in HS, I was the only one who looked him up. He did tell me that he "ran into other cadets" by accident and "one happened to stop" years ago. But, to go to the lengths by way of searching, (even researching obituaries) find him and look him up...I was the first. So, I felt pretty good about that and I was happy to see him and introduce him to my boy.

As a bonus, he signed my 1:18 "The Huff" F-86 plane that was produced by 21st Century Toys. Who, by the way, he said created the most accurate representation of his bird he has ever seen. In fact, he told me that when they came out he called 21st Century Toys to introduce himself and request a plane...they never called him back. Anyway, he signed my plane on the wing and also gave me some signed prints that were printed by an artist. So, here are a couple of pics:



Sorry for the long story and I will be making a Wiki page in honor of him soon.

John from Texas
Awesome story and such a wonderful meaningful piece to add to your collection!
A Del Prado italian " ardito"1917( 5 euros). I will turn it into a " giovane fascista" ww2 ,north Africa. Fascists took the arditi uniform, so it' s the same..Just need a repaint in kaki and to improve the " fez".:p

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Just picked these up from my TS shop. Nice figures and starting a range at the start rather than playing catch up!



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