Why do we love and hate K&C. (3 Viewers)

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The name of the game around forums is 'I Don't Care'. Someone was disrespectful? I don't care. Someone is obnoxious? I don't care. And so on...

Remeber that Beatles song: life is too short for fussing and fighting my friend...

I couldn't say any better.


Great advice, though I personally favor "Don't mean nothin, don't mean a thing":D
No love for K/C;......No hate for K/C.....not a emotional issue......If they produce a good product at a reasonable price that draws my interest...... I make a purchase....if it's a dog of a product or a odd item..... no buy......no go........ most of K/C products are at a consistant high level of quality. For the most part I think they are satisfying most toy soldier collectors.......I am personally hoping that we will see an Eastern Front Winter Tiger and /or an 88mm gun with crew released soon along with other WWII items that most of us have been waiting on.......
Great advice, though I personally favor "Don't mean nothin, don't mean a thing":D

Its the deeper and more meaningful lyrics that get me everytime;

'Ain't no fairy story,ain't no skin and bone,oh you give it all you've got, at nineteen stone'!:eek::D;)

Bonn Scott ac/dc 'Whole Lotta Rosie'

I had been buying Toy Soldiers for years when I happened on Gideo's great

shop Classic Toys in NYC and first saw King & Country. The figures were very

well done, and certainly a value at 3 for $89. Some of the early polystone

vehicles were a bit rough, others were terrific so I bought what I liked.

Now we have quite a choice, and the quality continues to improve. To me

its not about one brand or another, I buy what I like......but I always look to

King & Country first and it is 95% of my collection. Andy in my opinion has

provided a great service with his wonderful products to the Military Miniature


Just my thoughts.:)
Hello all. I have been a passive observer here. Have been an avid collector for 5 years or so. Primarily king and country but many others as well. I've just looked for the best figures (imo) to collect. King and country have consistently been good quality (and eras I like) so they tend to be what I collect. Haven't posted much here because my first few questions/comments were smacked pretty hard by longtimers which bothered me. Anyway I'm trying again.

Smack them back mate - but in a nice way ;) :D
I had been buying Toy Soldiers for years when I happened on Gideo's great

shop Classic Toys in NYC and first saw King & Country. The figures were very

well done, and certainly a value at 3 for $89. Some of the early polystone

vehicles were a bit rough, others were terrific so I bought what I liked.

Now we have quite a choice, and the quality continues to improve. To me

its not about one brand or another, I buy what I like......but I always look to

King & Country first and it is 95% of my collection. Andy in my opinion has

provided a great service with his wonderful products to the Military Miniature


Just my thoughts.:)

Speaking as a collector and not as the moderator, John's thoughts echo mine. I am interested in other makes but I always consider how doing so will affect my K & C purchases as it is probably around 98% of my collection.

I'm quite happy with the quality and the diversity of the ranges and looking forward to the future. I just wish I had more room, however.
Thanks for all the support. As the prices creep up its harder to make decisions. I usually find that every dispatches has something I want. Its all about choices and for me K and C usually hits the mark. For a moment when I heard aussie and new club figure I thought ww one turkish campaign. For me that would be a keeper.
Speaking as a collector and not as the moderator, John's thoughts echo mine. I am interested in other makes but I always consider how doing so will affect my K & C purchases as it is probably around 98% of my collection.

I'm quite happy with the quality and the diversity of the ranges and looking forward to the future. I just wish I had more room, however.

My focus is on K&C armour and 95% of my armour is by K&C. I infill with Figarti or CS pieces where I have missed an old K&C piece which is now too expensive and/or not done at today's quality. i.e. the Figarti Montgomery Grant vs the early K&C General Grant.I also infill with pieces which K&C has not produced such as most of the Italian and Russian armour. (Hint to Andy). I have just purchased the CS Marder III and the new Italian AB armoured car. The only Italian or Russian armour I have by K&C are the Katushya rocket launcher and the T-34/85.
In the vein of a popular late night talkshow host:

CC's Top Ten list as to what he hates about King and Country

10.) Exciting poses- I really hate how KC figures have a lot of action or their figures show the desperation of the moment. I like figures that are rather dull and unexciting- I wish KC would make a set of figurres sleeping in sleeping bags or sitting by a fire warming up a pot of tea.

9.) Too many obscure historical periods- Who's heard of Napoleon or World War 2 or the Crusades?? I wish they would stick to more well-known historical periods- like the third usurpation of Belize.

8.) Big, Bulky Armored vehicles- Why make three king tigers?? Or how about 2 different 88's?? I like small, sleek fighting vehicles- I would like to see KC do a WW1 era bicycle corps.

7.) Realistic scenics- I really cannot stand how KC continues to deliver "World class" scenic pieces- I mean really-who wants Egyptian facades or bombed out war torn villages- I would prefer port-a-john's or even a gut truck (FYI- that is a vehicle that delivers candies and soft drinks to troops in the field or in garrison).

6.) Ultra collectibility- I hate how KC figures and vehicles continue to appreciate in value- I cannot understand what people see in them that makes them want to fork out 4-5 times what they originally cost.

5.) Availability- I hate how dealers are all over the place selling KC products- I wish there were one or two dealers out there so that when KC retires products each month, we as collectors are held hostage by a small handful of dealers selling product.

4.) Professional and colorful catalogs- I like boring and dated catalogs and material where the collector isn't provided any information from the manufacturer about their thoughts on their products.

3.) Monthly dispatches- I hate how KC provides collectors with advance notice of what is coming down the pipes and gives us a heads up about what they are retiring. I wish they would keep that information to themselves- all that additional cost of running an up to date website is just addiitonal cost that are built into the cost of the product to the end consumer.

2.) Boring units protrayed in their miniatures- take their world war 2 line- whoever heard of the 101st Airborne or the 82nd Airborne or the 6th PARA or the Rangers?? Sound like some kind of washed up weekend warriors to me. Honestly, where do they come up with this stuff???


1.) Launch a range of exciting Modern troops only to cancel them a couple years down the road- ANDY- THAT IS GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE!! :D:D

Cheers gang- this was all in good fun!!
My focus is on K&C armour and 95% of my armour is by K&C. I infill with Figarti or CS pieces where I have missed an old K&C piece which is now too expensive and/or not done at today's quality. i.e. the Figarti Montgomery Grant vs the early K&C General Grant.I also infill with pieces which K&C has not produced such as most of the Italian and Russian armour. (Hint to Andy). I have just purchased the CS Marder III and the new Italian AB armoured car. The only Italian or Russian armour I have by K&C are the Katushya rocket launcher and the T-34/85.

My focus is also on K & C armor but I happen to have the two Figarti Honeys as well as the new Monty Grant and all three are excellent. HB also made some great stuff and I have a couple of those. I don't have any CS but have seen the Marder and looks quite nice.
Amen to that. ;)

Get this.......my wife just told me to order more!!:eek:

With packages arriving almost daily, she actually told me to order another

Figarti Medical Tent! She actually likes it that much...........who am I to


This is crazy!:D
My focus is also on K & C armor but I happen to have the two Figarti Honeys as well as the new Monty Grant and all three are excellent. HB also made some great stuff and I have a couple of those. I don't have any CS but have seen the Marder and looks quite nice.

I have the Honey "B" version which I got just as they sold out. But the machine gun just barely stays in the turret mount. Is yours like that?

The Montgomery Grant has a tanker hanging out a side hatch but I cannot see any way to hold him in place. Nor does the tanker with binoculars stay standing on the rear of the tank as in the advertising photos.

What have you done for these problems?

Hi Guys,

Well speaking personally… I love K&C! Of course I am more than a wee bit biased and it does put food on the table and keep a roof over our heads for myself, my family, five dogs, two guinea pigs and three goldfish!!!

But in all seriousness, as I’ve said and written on more than a few occasions, King & Country has given me more pleasure… more professional satisfaction and more plain, good old-fashioned fun than anything I’ve ever done in my adult life.

All day, every day I get to eat, sleep and drink “Toy Soldiers” and everything connected with it… tanks, trucks, displays, dioramas and of course lots of little “Army Men” and plenty more.

I also get to work with an incredible team of talented painters, sculptors, craftsmen and all of K&C’s admin and support staff.

Then… I get to go all over the world and meet and talk with distributors, dealers and, very, very, importantly… collectors!

How can I not love this little company that’s made it all possible?

And here’s the amazing thing… I’m still only 12 years old… albeit a fairly immature one. Boy, I cant’ wait to be a teenager!!!

All the very best,
Andy C.
Oh you are a lucky man indeed.Not many people work with there hobby and make a success out of it.You have a dream job indeed.Simmo
And here’s the amazing thing… I’m still only 12 years old… albeit a fairly immature one. Boy, I cant’ wait to be a teenager!!!

That's the magic of this hobby. I can relive my youth. I only wish I had had such cool toys when I was young. Case in point the new landing craft. When I saw the dispatch I flashed back to a memory I hadn't thought of in over 25 years. I remembered the landing crafts I made out of shoeboxes and the airfix/matchbox plastic soldiers pouring onto the flowerbed beaches. Who'd have thought 25 years later I'd have an opportunity to have the K&C version. That's why I love K&C, they keep me in touch with the little boy inside me, and that's worth more than $149.:)
As they say about baseball, "you have to be a man to play this game, but you have to have a lot of little boy in you."
Matchbox and airfix 1/32 were pretty cool, my own favourites were the german and us infantry which were widely available in 70's and early eighties and then seemed to disappear from toy shops. So to go from nothing much being available to finding these K&C sets staring me in the face in a HK shop....so it was like "There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's K&C . ..priceless:D:D


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Andy doesnt use steroids does he??? That K&C performance as of late is incredible.....testing anyone? :):rolleyes::):D:D
Get this.......my wife just told me to order more!!:eek:

With packages arriving almost daily, she actually told me to order another

Figarti Medical Tent! She actually likes it that much...........who am I to


This is crazy!:D


Careful, Careful - I had the same thing happen to me - sudden interest in what I was buying and encouragement to buy more that I was on the fence about .... didn't it see it coming - the next thing I know I was buying her a 320 from my German friends :rolleyes:

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