Why do we love and hate K&C. (2 Viewers)

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Simpson & his donkey.

Sergeant Major
Feb 28, 2007
Over the past couple of years we have all seen likes and dislikes of this toy soldier company.Why do we become so passionate about toys.I for one can explain why I had a difficult time when I first joined this forum.When you first join you come out shooting from the hip and say alot of good and bad things .Then you are taken down quickly by all of the true diehards of K&C and made to feel like a bit of a poo for not loving the grand master.Well I for one started to think you can stick K&C up your you know what.And then Andy comes on and gives the member a serve and all the guys jump on and hunt you off.Well I have been there and with alot of kind words from a good lot of members I have stuck it out and have had alot of fun.Thanks you guys good and bad as it takes awhile to understand how to fit in.This forum is the best way to talk to other collectors thats why I have stayed.You can say anything you like to me now and I don't care as K&C is what I collect and that is that. P.S after all it is thirsty Thursday.Simmo.:cool:
Hi Simmo, I am glad you came back as it does take some time to adjust to the cut and thrust of forums. I was used to diecast forums where nearly everyone had an ongoing whinge about why company A made what, and what they did wrong. And of course no company owners or managers replied because they weren't really concerned what buyers thought.

The fact that this is a smaller hobby with more hands-on owners takes some getting used to. As for TF forum, personally I don't care how much picture posting, suggestion making, rivet counting or whatever each member likes to do on the forum. Everyone has a right to express themselves in their own individual way providing they are not abusive.

I like K & C because being 1/30 scale it stood out from the crowd of 1/32 and 1/35 models and although the products aren't always 100% accurate they all look good which imo is the main appeal of a collection. And of course you have the opportunity to chew on the owners ear about something :D
Well as a kid I grew up playing with Airfix soldiers of all scales,Action men,War comics etc, so have always appreciated toy soldier figures.So then years later when i have money to spend i discover 'Grown up' toy soldiers and i'm hooked!.It was Toy Army Workshops WW1 figures that got me back into the hobby until i discovered K&C in London one year.

We all have periods of warfare we are interested in or are proud of the part our country played in them, so for me that always spurs my passion for collecting.So for me Alamein,Battle of Britain,D Day,Arnhem etc all have real appeal.I have also learnt that this Hobby is taken very seriously and passions run deep around here,but I think underneath we all have a love for some part of History whatever the era,and our Toy Soldiers are a way of displaying this passion.

Either that or we are just all still 8yr olds!;)

Well as a kid I grew up playing with Airfix soldiers of all scales,Action men,War comics etc, so have always appreciated toy soldier figures.So then years later when i have money to spend i discover 'Grown up' toy soldiers and i'm hooked!.It was Toy Army Workshops WW1 figures that got me back into the hobby until i discovered K&C in London one year.

We all have periods of warfare we are interested in or are proud of the part our country played in them, so for me that always spurs my passion for collecting.So for me Alamein,Battle of Britain,D Day,Arnhem etc all have real appeal.I have also learnt that this Hobby is taken very seriously and passions run deep around here,but I think underneath we all have a love for some part of History whatever the era,and our Toy Soldiers are a way of displaying this passion.

Either that or we are just all still 8yr olds!;)


Rob, I hate to agree with you but.........should 8 yr olds drink G&T by the bucket full!????:D

I can say that I have always liked KC from the moment their AFV's caught my eye. The first vehicles I bought were the early Panthers and T-34. I love the vehicles. Most of my early purchases have been traded or sold to support my changing tastes but I still buy KC vehicles and figures because they were the first mattes and they just keep improving. Sure, I collect other makes as well, but variety is a great aspect of this hobby. I have nothing bad to say about any manufacturer in this business/hobby. It is just that KC was there first and has never flagged in it's output and ability to improve. Anyway, that is why I love KC. -- lancer
First off, I would like to say that I don't "hate" any toy soldier company. That just doesn't make any sense. :confused:

The reason I don't collect K&C are for several reasons. First being that they don't for the most part produce any ranges that I collect. The exception being the Crimean War. I also prefer glossy over matte. And being 1/30 scale would not blend well enough to the other makers producing 1/32 scale figures.

For the most part, I think that their figures/vehicles are done rather well. My interest and budget prevent me from collecting them. ;)
Over the past couple of years we have all seen likes and dislikes of this toy soldier company.Why do we become so passionate about toys.I for one can explain why I had a difficult time when I first joined this forum.When you first join you come out shooting from the hip and say alot of good and bad things .Then you are taken down quickly by all of the true diehards of K&C and made to feel like a bit of a poo for not loving the grand master.Well I for one started to think you can stick K&C up your you know what.And then Andy comes on and gives the member a serve and all the guys jump on and hunt you off.Well I have been there and with alot of kind words from a good lot of members I have stuck it out and have had alot of fun.Thanks you guys good and bad as it takes awhile to understand how to fit in.This forum is the best way to talk to other collectors thats why I have stayed.You can say anything you like to me now and I don't care as K&C is what I collect and that is that. P.S after all it is thirsty Thursday.Simmo.:cool:

Well, Simmo, I know just what you mean and I hope I will not offend anyone. Then again, should anyone feel offended, please accept my apologies in advance. I feel something very odd about K&C, even though I really admire all the beautifull stuff they have made through the years I can't forget they do not make anything I want to collect anymore.

K&C had these TERRIFIC Barbarians years ago, some of the best sculpting and painting ever made by them, I think (and I know many collectors agree). Now they are all discontinued and it does not seem K&C will ever have anything similar available again. One wonders why? I can't believe K&C lost money on them, maybe K&C won less money than in other series?

Look at this and tell me K&C lost money on that!!!!



My favorite company is not K&C, and it's their fault. They just don't make anything I will collect!

Maybe it's time they did.

Just my two cents on a very touchy subject...


The title for this post seems a bit odd to me frankly. The only people who should care which figures you chose to collect are you, the seller you bought from and those you didn't. Of course your wife (or perhaps significant other) may have a derivative interest but that is more to do with quantity, price and where you put them than the specific manufacturer.:D Why any collector cares what any other collector loves or hates is beyond me unless one assumes a need for validation of one's own opinion. That is nice for me but hardly necessary. I also agree that it does not seem reasonable to hate a figure company unless they have acted in bad faith with you personally. We each have our favorites for our own reasons and sometimes we may each have our own friends with those companies or those who sell them.

I certainly don't love or hate K&C. I am impressed by what they have done and can do and there are things about their figures that make them less appealing to me but I have expressed that before and there is no need to rehash it again. I wish them well and hope all that enjoy their figures get the releases they seek and if they offer something that appeals to me, I will be pleased to purchase it.;):)
Just love here!!! no hate for any manufacturer, as I said in a thread last week, anyone that is in the soldier making business is o.k. with me, as far as the forum goes, lets face it.. thousands of collectors, we all have different opinons, likes, dislikes,likes, we live all over this world and were gonna piss each other off now and then with our different views, I try my best not to take to much of it personal if someone disagrees with me, but sometimes that doesn't work, just got to be glad we have this forum for discussions and info...Sammy
Spitfrnd wrote,

The only people who should care which figures you chose to collect are you, the seller you bought from and those you didn't. Of course your wife (or perhaps significant other)

Why any collector cares what any other collector loves or hates is beyond me...

and Sammy719 wrote,

just got to be glad we have this forum for discussions and info


Actually I don't collect K & C. I'm into gloss and more toyishness, but hey ... wishing you all a nice day. The forum's great ;)

You are far too observant mate!!



Anybody sitting near you in that bar last March in London- like me and Jeff were- hardly needed to be "too observant" :D


Anybody sitting near you in that bar last March in London- like me and Jeff were- hardly needed to be "too observant" :D



Its a conspiracy this is,its like ancient Rome...Trial by forum!:D;)

Hows you Bob?

ALL internet forums trend toward conflicting opinions and cliques no matter how trivial the subject. Go on a college football forum sometime. Profanity, rudeness is the norm. That just appears to be human nature. Treefrog is tame and civil by comparison. Some people act in ways when driving cars or posting on internet forums that they would never behave in person. You would need a psychiatrist to sort that out. Also it is often not what is being said, but how it is being said that leads to a lot of hostility.
ALL internet forums trend toward conflicting opinions and cliques no matter how trivial the subject. Go on a college football forum sometime. Profanity, rudeness is the norm. That just appears to be human nature. Treefrog is tame and civil by comparison. Some people act in ways when driving cars or posting on internet forums that they would never behave in person. You would need a psychiatrist to sort that out. Also it is often not what is being said, but how it is being said that leads to a lot of hostility.

Probably THE best post on this forum.


The way people act on a forum hiding behind a computer screen or driving in their car vs the way they'd act if they were face to face with you is night and day.

All forums are this way, sports forums especially, although I think a lot of that has to do with posting right after a tough loss and the adult beverages are flowing through ones system.

Or put another way, liquid courage or beer muscles if you will.

Ask any shrink about forums and you'll get an earful, their views on internet forums are pretty interesting, one of my best customers is from Canada and comes to OTSN every year and has told me some gems about forums....:rolleyes:

Anybody sitting near you in that bar last March in London- like me and Jeff were- hardly needed to be "too observant" :D


Laugh! :D.........nearly bought me own beer!!! :eek:

Hello all. I have been a passive observer here. Have been an avid collector for 5 years or so. Primarily king and country but many others as well. I've just looked for the best figures (imo) to collect. King and country have consistently been good quality (and eras I like) so they tend to be what I collect. Haven't posted much here because my first few questions/comments were smacked pretty hard by longtimers which bothered me. Anyway I'm trying again.
Hello all. I have been a passive observer here. Have been an avid collector for 5 years or so. Primarily king and country but many others as well. I've just looked for the best figures (imo) to collect. King and country have consistently been good quality (and eras I like) so they tend to be what I collect. Haven't posted much here because my first few questions/comments were smacked pretty hard by longtimers which bothered me. Anyway I'm trying again.

Well welcome to the forum,you are amongst friends here.:)

Hello all. I have been a passive observer here. Have been an avid collector for 5 years or so. Primarily king and country but many others as well. I've just looked for the best figures (imo) to collect. King and country have consistently been good quality (and eras I like) so they tend to be what I collect. Haven't posted much here because my first few questions/comments were smacked pretty hard by longtimers which bothered me. Anyway I'm trying again.

The name of the game around forums is 'I Don't Care'. Someone was disrespectful? I don't care. Someone is obnoxious? I don't care. And so on...

Remeber that Beatles song: life is too short for fussing and fighting my friend...

I couldn't say any better.


Hello all. I have been a passive observer here. Have been an avid collector for 5 years or so. Primarily king and country but many others as well. I've just looked for the best figures (imo) to collect. King and country have consistently been good quality (and eras I like) so they tend to be what I collect. Haven't posted much here because my first few questions/comments were smacked pretty hard by longtimers which bothered me. Anyway I'm trying again.
Well welcome again mate. I reckon the first posts at any forum can be a bit daunting but judging from the responses to your first posts, I feel pretty sure know one intended any personal criticism of you or your right to your opinions. So please feel free to join the fun mate and don't let the differences in opinions or forum shorthand bother you.:D
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