The American Civil War Diaries (3 Viewers)

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Pretty cool cinematic battle by KV and UKREB. You should video it and put it on You-tube:)


Randy thanks for your comments but I sure could use a few of your excellent backdrops (large size of course) that you keep coming up with for your mini's.
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Reb, Hope you do not mind. I was inspired by your efforts.

KV those are excellent shots which prove you're getting the hang of close-ups and I certainly don't mind at all to you adding and complementing to this Civil War thread because I'm sure that our old pal the Lt would say "Cos you're here boy! and there's no-one else"

Following your skirmish with Billy Yank can you transfer Jackson's Stonewall Brigade to Longstreet's Virginia Division soonest as I'm sure George Pickett will be in need of your re-inforcements very soon on this thread.
Well hell! somebody has to keep the Stars and Bars fluttering amongst the shot and shell so it might as well be us. So keep adding my night-time friend keep adding.

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

These are brilliant KV & UK reb......Please keep posting. I'll be home in China in around 3 weeks time and have great plans for adding to this thread if you guys don't mind....
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

These are brilliant KV & UK reb......Please keep posting. I'll be home in China in around 3 weeks time and have great plans for adding to this thread if you guys don't mind....

Harry:Happy New Year wherever you are and please feel free to add, I and I'm sure Vamp as well, will look forward to have some of your very professional dios attached to the thread.

A Scottish Reb! My God! whatever next?
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Harry:Happy New Year wherever you are and please feel free to add, I and I'm sure Vamp as well, will look forward to have some of your very professional dios attached to the thread.

A Scottish Reb! My God! whatever next?

Must have been Scottish Rebs. There were plenty of Irish Regiments on the Southron side:)

UK Will move Stonewall Foot Cavalry soonest. Durn Yankees are thicker than Bluebottles on dung!
Gettysburg: The Third Day

Longstreet attempts to persuade Lee to swing the Confederate Army around the Federal left flank to find better ground and manoeuvre the Union army to attack them.


Grimly, the Commanding General turns and looks towards the Federal lines on Cemetery Ridge and says "The enemy is there General and I am going to strike him there". Lee glances at his gold time-piece and adds "General Longstreet you will begin the artillery barrage at one o'clock".


Having no choice but to obey Lee's orders Longstreet calls his Divisional Commanders together to relay Lee's plan. General George Pickett's fresh Virginia Division will lead the attack, Pickett can hardly control his excitement and thanks Longstreet profusely.


At precisely 1:07 the temporary calm of Gettysburg was shattered by two cannon shots. This was the signal for the Confederate artillery barrage to begin.


For almost two hours over 200 cannons filled the Pennsylvania countryside with a roar so ear-splitting that it could be heard as far away as Philadelphia.
.............To be continued.

Re: Gettysburg: The Third Day

Longstreet attempts to persuade Lee to swing the Confederate Army around the Federal left flank to find better ground and manoeuvre the Union army to attack them.


Grimly, the Commanding General turns and looks towards the Federal lines on Cemetery Ridge and says "The enemy is there General and I am going to strike him there". Lee glances at his gold time-piece and adds "General Longstreet you will begin the artillery barrage at one o'clock".


Having no choice but to obey Lee's orders Longstreet calls his Divisional Commanders together to relay Lee's plan. General George Pickett's fresh Virginia Division will lead the attack, Pickett can hardly control his excitement and thanks Longstreet profusely.


At precisely 1:07 the temporary calm of Gettysburg was shattered by two cannon shots. This was the signal for the Confederate artillery barrage to begin.


For almost two hours over 200 cannons filled the Pennsylvania countryside with a roar so ear-splitting that it could be heard as far away as Philadelphia.
.............To be continued.


These are rather impressive! I assume that there are more than one make of figure represented here?

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Hi Jeff,

Though I should let UKReb fully answer your question, I can tell you this much: Conte figures are represented in UKReb's artillery line. It is a terrific diorama, isn't it?

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Hi Jeff,

Though I should let UKReb fully answer your question, I can tell you this much: Conte figures are represented in UKReb's artillery line. It is a terrific diorama, isn't it?

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)

Hi Pat, Happy New Year to you :) Yes it is a terrific dio.



(BTW, love your 'Rolling Thunder' photo's)
Re:Gettysburg The Third Day


Scenes are made up of 54mm metals from Conte/Britains/Ron Wall miniatures/Tradition of London/Collectors Show Case and Andrea metal kits.

Re: Gettysburg The Third Day


Scenes are made up of 54mm metals from Conte/Britains/Ron Wall miniatures/Tradition of London/Collectors Show Case and Andrea metal kits.


Bob, quite a selection then :eek: They certainly look good together. Looking forward to more photo's.

Re:Gettysburg The Third Day

The Reb shells started to land amongst the rear-ward Federal positions and inflict some casualties. But a combination of defective fuses common to the Confederate arsenal and the tendency of Civil War cannons to angle high with repeated firings soon had the vast majority of Rebel ordnance overshooting its targets.

The Federal front line remained completely unscathed


As the Confederate artillery barrage continued Longstreet makes a final impassioned plea to Lee to change his battle plan. He makes a prophetic statement to his Commanding General.
"General Lee, I have been a soldier all my life and should know, as well as anyone, what soldiers can do. It is my opinion sir, that no 12000 men ever arrayed for battle can take that position"


Irritated by this near insubordination, Lee replied angrily "NO Sir, we WILL attack their centre and they WILL break. General Longstreet you will order General Pickett to prepare his division to advance"

Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

I own just about every reinactor video ever made on the ACW battles. Some are much better done then others...The dio with story does remind me a video called Gettysburg in Miniature, where a couple guys did a movie like representation of the battle using 25mm painted wargaming figures. Well done and has always been one of my favorites...Michael
Re:Gettysburg The Third Day

I own just about every reinactor video ever made on the ACW battles. Some are much better done then others...The dio with story does remind me a video called Gettysburg in Miniature, where a couple guys did a movie like representation of the battle using 25mm painted wargaming figures. Well done and has always been one of my favorites...Michael

Michael I have not seen that video before did a search on Amazon but couldn't find it, if it's not on DVD old videos are rare to find now. I'd liked to have seen it.
I must own 50+ books on the battle and have read everyone at least twice so the script really is an amalgamation of all of them the best as I remember it.
Pleased you're looking at the thread and by the way the Yankees win this one.;)
Re: Antietam: Carnage in the Corn-field

Great dios...and good fun! Keep it up! :)
Re: Gettysburg The Third Day

Michael I have not seen that video before did a search on Amazon but couldn't find it, if it's not on DVD old videos are rare to find now. I'd liked to have seen it.
I must own 50+ books on the battle and have read everyone at least twice so the script really is an amalgamation of all of them the best as I remember it.
Pleased you're looking at the thread and by the way the Yankees win this one.;)

VHS only from 1988 Leighton Films ISBN 0-92620805-0-0........... I originally bought it at a Gettysburg book store. There is one on ebay now, but I do not know if you can play our tapes overseas...Michael
Re: Gettysburg The Third Day


Scenes are made up of 54mm metals from Conte/Britains/Ron Wall miniatures/Tradition of London/Collectors Show Case and Andrea metal kits.


UK, very colorful DIO, excellent. If don't mind could you, one of these days, remind me how you create your fire explosions


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