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  1. L

    Paul stadinger's comment time

    What I think is one of Mr STadengers strong points is his knowledge of European product. Alot of US guys are knowledgeable about American plastic but I dont know of many who are equally comfortable with international plastic. Not sure if he's still active but Richard O'Brian who wrote a couple...
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    Renaissance: next line

    Is there an expected timeline for arrival of this range??? Does anyone else make anything which is compatible to or usable with these?
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    The romans are here.

    Agreed. Your diorama and photos show these off even better than the company's photos did. I'm definitely ordering the command set. Very very nice. Thanks for sharing
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    Paul stadinger's comment time

    It would be amazing if you could post photos of each of the items Stad is referring to in Comment time when you reprint them. It seems he often had either no pictures or very small ones. Imagine how good it would be if new quality photographs were taken and added
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    Help on these Marx WW2 Soldiers?

    Auburn had some cool frontiersmen and I think a woman as well as some Indians. I seem to recall them being bigger perhaps 60mm and I have childhood memories of getting some in a set with Lincoln Logs . Could be wrong on this as my parents may have just packaged them together as one present...
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    How about the "Battle of Orleans - 1815" next!

    Re: UPDATE - How about the "Battle of Orleans - 1815" next! I'm in favor of a Battle of New orleans as I can get double use out of my Pirates.
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    The First Sudan War

    Where can I see the new Mahdists????
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    Help on these Marx WW2 Soldiers?

    I agreee that the 6 " dont look like Marx. Some of these pictured appear as though they had separately molded weapons which are missing. From what I recall, the marx 6" all had weapons molded as part of the figure. The tanks, barbed wire, raft look the same as some pieces i have in a marx...
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    Conte's Rome at War

    Hi Joe I called Conte today and asked bout Ortiz. Guy who aswered phone wasn't too knowledgeable but said he's pass our questions along to Mr. C. I shall report back if I hear anything. I am pretty certain Ortiz even did some of the very early plastic Zulu War figures and some of the Normans...
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    Conte's Rome at War

    I have all of the Pirates by Conte and know for a fact Robert also did most of these. He also did all of the Mel Gibson figures for the Patriot series and it is my understanding that he also did the best Troiani sets .I don't buy much Civil War but I think he did most of the personalities like...
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    The history of Pirates

    Treasure Island Heston Hey mateys Just received notice from Amazon that the dvd of the Chuck Heston Treasure Island comes out in September Anyone seen Frenchman's Creek? I see its available on tape or dvd but I can't recall if its any good
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    Knights of the Sky

    Just wanted to say how impressive this range is. Any recommendations on how to best display these?? I normally don't get into WW1 but these are very exciting especially if they could be displayed hanging and in combat
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    How about the "Battle of Orleans - 1815" next!

    With due respect, you guys are wrong. No cheating involved. We won because we had Yul Brynner, Charlton Heston, Charles Boyer and Arthur Hunnicutt Jr.on our side:smile2::smile2: Honestly, those Brits never had a chance against Chuck
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    Scale shots--romans

    thank you both for the suggestions I have some aquarium pieces but they look so distressed it makes it appear that Rome already fell as they really look beat up I'm not familiar with the Marco Polo but shall check them out.
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    Paul stadinger's comment time

    In addition to his interesting comment time blog, Mr. Stadinger always had an amzing assortment of unusual plastic figures for sale from all over the world . Does he still send out listings or catalogs of soldiers for sale? :smile2::smile2:. If he does I highly recommend as these were a treat...
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    King&Country Alamo Last Stand at the Chapel

    I'm getting my laser disc (does anyone else have those anymore?) of JohnWayne's Alamo out and going to watch it this week. Thanks for the motivation! Nice set up. Thanks for sharing
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    Scale shots--romans

    Hi Can you advise where one can buy Roman temples, or arch or wall in our scale?? I know KC had a nice Roman fort years ago but is anyone making pieces like this now?? I've heard San Diego Toy Soldiers will be making a camp fort which hopefully will be fine for use with metal figures. Looking...
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    Delivery day!!!!

    Can anyone recommend where I can see and buy any Roman temples or buildings to go with Roman figures?
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    Forthcoming August Dispatches

    Found your comment interesting. Over on the 'barely there' plastic section of the forum it seems that everyone attacks everyone else rather than enjoying the hobby. A few plastic members , apparently with hidden agendas, do their worst to drive all friendly discussion from Treefrog. The debate...
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    AIP WW1 Conversions

    Amen. That's what makes the hobby so interesting. Agreed , To Each His Own. Makes me want to go listen to Frankie Laine's great recording of that song