Search results

  1. Praetorian

    Commando SL

    Hi Guys, Lots of collectors make lost of suggestions… thanks to that K&C is never short of ideas for new figures… but that’s the easy part! The hard part is trying to balance all those ideas with a proper work schedule, budget and a sensible release timetable. We appreciate our collector’s...
  2. Praetorian

    Operation Northwind and new BBG Sets

    Hi Guys, Our experience over the last couple of years has shown that many collectors like to use our winter-themed/clothed German troops in both Western and Eastern Front battle scenarios. K&C encourages that… collectors buy what they like and utilize the figures and vehicles in whatever way...
  3. Praetorian

    K&c Increases Prices : I need Another Job!

    Hi Guys, In reference to the above subject… The standard cost for an individual K&C figures is approximately US$25 per piece. The additional costs found with some lines are the result of either extra detailing (e.g. the Crusaders & Saracens) or a ‘bulkier’ figure that contains more metal. The...
  4. Praetorian

    Winter Germans

    Since we’re talking about Battle of the Bulge Germans, I thought I might give you a preview of a BBG photo spread that is going to appear in the winter quarter’s “COLLECTOR”. Some of you may recognize this diorama from the Chicago Show. It was sold to a family of long term K&C customers. Enjoy!
  5. Praetorian

    KC Chicago Show-German Bulge Diorama

    Hi Guys, Yes, as suspected, one of the tracked vehicles I was talking about is the Raupen Schlepper. It will be formally announced in this month’s Dispatches… which will hopefully be posted by the end of the day! It is a standard production vehicle (e.g. available for purchase).
  6. Praetorian

    Winter Germans

    And they're good ones too! :D
  7. Praetorian

    ACW Union troops

    Hi Guys, K&C’s American Civil War Union Troops are still in the development stages and all the decisions have not yet been made about these figures. What I can tell you guys is that they will feature a wide range of ‘actions poses’ and are scheduled for release in mid ’08. Best,
  8. Praetorian

    Winter Germans

    Hi Guys, I can confirm that there will be 2 German BBG tracked vehicles released very soon and those will be followed shortly by 2 American BBA tracked vehicles coming out at the end of this year. Happy Collecting!
  9. Praetorian

    Updates to King & Country Website

    Hi Guys, The Email a Friend function is now up and running on Give it a try! Best,
  10. Praetorian

    Updates to King & Country Website

    Hi Guys, I have noticed there has already been some talk in the forum about these changes but I wanted to tell you all about three new additions to the King & Country website: Movies – While we may not be Universal Studios (yet), take a look at the ‘movies’ we have made to accompany our newest...
  11. Praetorian

    The new FJ's

    You’re very welcome Brad. The book the photo came from can be seen below. It has some really interesting information about the Fallschirmjager as well as other German airborne units. Great resource with some really nice photos! Best,
  12. Praetorian


    Hi Sirsydney, Those two figures were part of a larger ‘Marines on Parade’ series. It was produced from 2001 until early 2004. They are some great looking figures. Best,
  13. Praetorian

    Civil War series

    Hello Tex, As a Texan myself I welcome you the forum! The projected release date for the next batch of Confederate soldiers is January 2008. This release will feature 12 additional figures advancing towards and actually in the 'heat of battle'. The Union release is scheduled for mid ’08 and...
  14. Praetorian

    The new FJ's

    Hi Guys, I came across this photograph during my research on the Fallschirmjager. It was taken in Crete in 1941. I thought it might be of interest to the discussion of the Bugler! Based on our research, though it might be surprising, some Fallschirmjager did indeed carry bugles. As has...
  15. Praetorian


    Hi Guys, Glad you like the diorama. To clarify, yes it was sand used as a ground cover and the lighting did have a slight effect on the color. More to come, so I'd better get back to work with the other 'elves'. :D
  16. Praetorian

    Dunkirk Diorama

    Hi guys, I saw that you had already started discussing the newest diorama posted on and I wanted to give you all some background on it. This is K&C’s first attempt at a diorama which uses a combination of real figures and a little computer generated graphics. We are...
  17. Praetorian

    Ancient Egyptian Line

    I agree Chris; I have been fascinated with Egypt since I was young. The Ptolemies (Cleopatra's Dynasty) are a particularly lively bunch but I also find the Amarna period really interesting. The accomplishments of these ancient civilizations are really extraordinary when you think about it.
  18. Praetorian

    K&C Help required

    You are most likely correct, but since I had it handy I thought I would offer the information, just in case. (Sorry about the spelling, Wittmann!) Have a good one :)
  19. Praetorian

    K&C Help required

    Hello Ernie, What you have there are two King & Country Connoisseur Collectors Club figures. The Club offers special figures available for purchase by members only. It can be joined via the King & Country website. A One year subscription includes one free figure...
  20. Praetorian

    Another K&c 'gem'

    I agree Pugio. I think the Normandy Kübelwagen is a great looking little vehicle. One of my favourites.