Search results

  1. Joey

    Britains 17595(6) Strike Attack Set(s) from June 1944 or January 1945?

    I believe they are depicting the summer campaign. Anyways, I'm no Britains-expert either... BTW, welcome to the forum! I hope you'll have a good time here, and that you'll learn a whole lot about the world of toy soldiering...
  2. Joey

    Pictures of Figarti's First Vietnam Sets

    Imho, America lost that war because they were confronted with something no great war nation can exterminate to the root, and that was because it was a war of guerilla-warfare tactics, something a country with a normal army cannot control. Just ask the Romans, or Napoleon, because they have been...
  3. Joey

    New NMA images of Sturmtigers

    I've pointed this out on the thread before, but apparently nobody reacted to it, or seemed to take notice. It was the first thing that caught my attention, and it reminded me of the fuzz around the SdKfz. vehicle, which to some resembled a whole lot like the original K&C one. Maybe people just...
  4. Joey

    Honour Bound Future Projects-sneak preview

    I'm not an expert, but it looks like K&C's WS67 (king tiger). Correct me if I'm wrong...
  5. Joey

    Should HB have its own forum thread?

    I don't think you have to look at the production side of things. The HB- and NMA-threads draw a lot of attention, I think even more than Britians. Maybe it's still too early, but if that's the case, why not create a 1/30th-section or something? Just a suggestion...
  6. Joey

    Happy birthday Gideon

    Happy Birthday!!!
  7. Joey

    Happy Birthday Fubar

    A belated "Happy Birthday"!!! I was on holiday, but as they say: better late than never...;)
  8. Joey

    New NMA images of Sturmtigers

    This all looks very good. But something disturbs me here: don't those sitting commanders look awfully familiar? Because, is it just me, or look exactly the same like the K&C Winter Tiger commander?
  9. Joey


    Thanks for crediting me.;) As for your wish list, I agree on most of these things, except the Brandenburg Gate. This one would be, as mentioned above, too big. Some other houses/ruins or a bridge over the Spree, is that a little more realistic? Also, some Russian armour would be welcomed...
  10. Joey

    Manufacturer Complaints And Suggestions

    Indeed. The K&C-treads need a little upgrading, but it only started to disturb when mentioned on this forum :rolleyes: . So no real problem there. I can't speak for the rest...
  11. Joey

    Any News on the Future AK Sets?

    Or you can make the Royal Navy on its way to lake Tahoe (When I say there is no cannibalism in the Navy, I mean that there is not much cannibalism...Drop that!/ Hello, is this Lake Tahoe? No, but it certainly is damp!), the expedition climbing Oxford Street, the Russian execution platoon trying...
  12. Joey

    Spamming Private Messages

    Where? What? 9 million???? Oh, it's in dollars.:D Thanks for deleting him.
  13. Joey

    Football (Soccer) World Cup

    Germany will win if they can beat Italy: they have the home advantage, but most of all Klinsmann and Lehmann (Yes, I am Arsenal-fan). Klinsmann is the most hated trainer in this world cup, especially in Germany at the beginning of this tournament. But he has this unique style of coaching that...
  14. Joey

    Football (Soccer) World Cup

    As for the refereeing: I just read an interview with Frank De Bleeckere, the only Belgian on the field this WC. He says that the refereeing is always bad on the World Cup, because the tournament is organised by the FIFA. They always seem to pick the wrong referee's (But De Bleeckere was a good...
  15. Joey

    What should Buid-a-Rama Produce next?

    Oops, forgot about that:o ! The problem is that my painting skills aren't that "wonderful", so a painted range would be more then welcome...
  16. Joey

    What should Buid-a-Rama Produce next?

    A Russian village would be great. You could build an orthodox church, some log houses, a commisar office, etc. This could result in some kind of "Kursk"-line...
  17. Joey

    Football (Soccer) World Cup

    Another piece of bad refereeing! I am very disappointed. I was rooting fof Australia, as were a lot of people over here. Because Belgium didn't get qualified (oh, didn't see that one coming:rolleyes: :D ) we "adopted" the Australian team. Guess we'll have to search for another team...
  18. Joey

    Football (Soccer) World Cup

    I just heard that Beckenbauer, the organiser of this World Cup, said that Ivanov deserved a yellow card too. :D He won't be the referee in the final, that's for sure...:rolleyes:
  19. Joey

    Football (Soccer) World Cup

    Portugal! But I have to tell, this game against the Netherlands was APPALLING!!! 20 Yellow cards, resulting in 4 RED CARDS, 2 on each side! Imho, Ivanov (referee) was just too strong on the players. Figo is a great actor too: a theatrical fall resulting in Boularouz getting his second yellow...
  20. Joey

    Football (Soccer) World Cup the cost of the Czech republic... :mad: Yes, the Italian "catenaccio" (chain; hope I spelled it right...) tactics of the Italians spoil a match. I hope they get kicked out pretty fast, just as last time against South Korea. As for the Germans: pretty fast, an excellent Podolski (he's not...