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  1. wellington

    Napoleonic collection

    :)....I appreciate the kind collection is a little bigger since these pics were taken...I have some nice close up shots of small items ie Breast Plates etc...if anyone is interrested let me know and I will post them.... WELLINGTON
  2. wellington

    Napoleonic collection

    Thanks guys I appreciate the kind comments...I have kept my K&C Napoleonics but unfortunitly they have been in storage for 2 years....I will eventually get them out....The new British releases are very motivating..... WELLINGTON
  3. wellington

    Napoleonic collection

    I'm from the Waterloo area.....I mostly collect 1812/Napoleonic stuff. I also have a K&C Napoleonic collection...but have stopped collecting for a while...I'm think of continuing with just the British stuff. WELLINGTON
  4. wellington

    Napoleonic collection

    Thanks collection has actually doubled since these were taken...There are alot of relics, cannon balls, breast plates, buttons etc dug from various fields..there aalso are Officer Commissions, letters, documents,pieces of ships etc..I will list a few swords and muskets below: 1) 2...
  5. wellington

    Napoleonic collection

    Hey guys just checking in, nice to see many of you are still on here...thought I would show you some of my collection of Napoleonic swords, muskets etc. WELLINGTON
  6. wellington

    King and country napoleonics

    I am considering selling my entire collection of King and Country Napoleonics...not sure yet...what is my best route....E-Bay seems like a pain. I have evrything up until about a year ago in multiples with ALL the rare ones and special ones etc. I also have Britains Hougamont set (original...
  7. wellington

    Crimea/indian mutiny

    If any collectors of this period are interrested I have posted something that might interrest you in the Collector Classifieds. Regards WELLINGTON
  8. wellington

    Crimea/Indian Mutiny

    I know this is a toy soldier Forum...but...if anyone is seriously interrested in the Crimea War or Indian Mutiny...I have VERY rare original pictures of General Sir John EWART KCB...who was a Lieutenant Colonel in the famous Thin Red Line (93rd High Landers)...being nominated for 7 Victoria...
  9. wellington


    Hey guys haven't been on here in a while...just wanted to drop in and say hello.... I haven't bought too much in the way of Toy Soldiers lately but I am still buying Military Antiques. Just on a side note does anyone collect Osprey Books?
  10. wellington

    King & country napoleonics

    I am looking to trade my entire King & Country Napoleonic Collection for original Napoleonic/War of 1812 antiques (muskets, swords etc)..almost all of them are retired and some are very rare!! All are mint with their boxes flyers and books are included......I have paid over 7000.00 dollars for...
  11. wellington

    "A little bit of this… a little bit more of that"

    Hmmmm..I think I'm going to chalk up my comments on the other thread as that time of the month....I could have been more tactfull...yes....Although I think all of us on this forum are entitled to our opinions..but... perhaps not as harsh as mine was..I think Vezzolf hit the nail on the head with...
  12. wellington

    UK Cost of New Napoleonic Lines

    No problem nmrocks..thanks your take on things...I don't want to bring anyone down...when I first starting collecting K&C figures they were 19 dollars each...that was 5 years ago..that was a hell of lot of money they are 32.00...I knew I would catch flak for my comments....I still...
  13. wellington

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to K&C and to Treefrog, and to ALL the Member's and Collector's!

    Re: MERRY CHRISTMAS to K&C and to Treefrog, and to ALL the Member's and Collector's! Merry xmas to you guess..and yes even you Capitolron!! But...we shall meet on the battlefield again sometime. Wellington
  14. wellington

    Holiday Message to You All

    Merry christmas....from the brits.....:) hmmmmm...i guess i can say it to napoleon as well...:d wellington
  15. wellington

    UK Cost of New Napoleonic Lines

    Your welcome.....:) I guess I sound like sourgrapes...and I feel a little guilty for my comments..truthfully I still love K&C...I just think they are too expensive now...I know Andy has to make his profit and keep up with the times but in all seriousness they are too expensive now.....I have...
  16. wellington

    UK Cost of New Napoleonic Lines

    I haven't posted on here for a while but I have checked in to see what my friends are up too...anyways after seeing this post I'm going to ad my 2 cents as well...First off I have only been collecting toy soldiers for about 6 years and I am one of the youngest (38 yrs old) in my area that...
  17. wellington

    Hello men

    Actually I'm still in Canada...when I can afford it I hope to catch up with the NAPS....I still need alot. Hopefully nothing comes out in the near future, I am still recovering from my move. Glad to see all of you guys collecting still. WELLINGTON
  18. wellington

    Hello men

    Actually my move had a few bumps but has started to work it self out....I finally have realized that moving is a young mans game... Anyone hear what the new Napoleonics are going to be? WELLINGTON
  19. wellington

    Hello men

    Just thought I would drop in and say hi to some old friends......hope all is well. WELLINGTON
  20. wellington

    $31.00 per figure..................

    I'm not disputing the fact that prices have gone up for all of us including King and Country and by rights they have to raise the prices with changing times...truthfully....I cannot afford 31.00 figures anymore for various reasons...I have to put my priorities first...perhaps this will only be a...