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  1. B


    That’s not asking you to pay to access the website… it suggests that the domain name is for sale and you can purchase it. Very concerning. Some communication is required from First Legion as to what the situation is.
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    I too feel disappointed when WW2 doesn’t make a despatches appearance… But the recent AK, HJ SS and British Infantry have been excellent releases. Still catching up on those. For the sake of my bank balance, thank goodness for monthly variety! Fingers still crossed for fighting Kriegsmarine...
  3. B

    Different sizes

    I’m glad to hear this. As a collector of FL WW2, I have to say that their Fallschirmjäger look positively tiny compared to their US 101st & Waffen SS. Something which my dealer pointed out as I was buying them. But still superbly detailed figures.
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    A cold Winter's day

    Nice scene. These frozen Stalingrad Germans are superbly done by First Legion. You can feel the cold.
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    KING & COUNTRY DISPATCHES -- October 2023

    Excellent to see new Afrika Korps! and I note other figures in the photo yet to be released. I look forward to them. I hope the new ‘Desert Warriors’ also include British 8th and some ‘Rogue Heroes’. Have we seen the end of helmet decals for AK? (Et al.) I’m quite a fan of that blatant unit...
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    Pirates ☠️??

    It seems not.
  7. B

    KING & COUNTRY DISPATCHES -- September 2023

    Those 2nd generation SS look excellent! I like the camouflage paint job. A bit of a match for my Russian Naval Infantry.
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    Sharpe’s 95th Rifles

    I know King & Country have done the 95th in the past, but what about a new release which combined Cornwell’s books, TV series & actual history? I would certainly welcome it!!
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    Amongst the Beasts

    Nice atmospheric pictures. They really highlight the fine detail of this patrol set.
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    King & country dispatches -- july 2023

    I wasn’t aware that I was expressing any unhappiness? Pay no heed to inadequates with overdeveloped right hands. 😀
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    King & country dispatches -- july 2023

    Great to see ‘Battle of the Bulge’ making an unseasonable return. Nice figures, but would normally be expecting them around November time….
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    Lions Among the Sheep

    Excellent scenes! These ‘Market Garden’ figures are amongst my favourites and some of the finest K&C have produced.
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    London 2023 June Show

    Louis - those symposiums sound excellent, A true event. it is an unfortunate fact that the London venue of this school based event with an unedifying tinge of jumble sale does will attract any discerning collector. Twice visited, never to return. I too remember the glory days of the Royal...
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    New Kriegsmarine

    That’s a shame. It would have been very welcome from many collectors..,
  15. B


    Good point Poppo!! {sm4} Those new HJ figures look excellent! And good to see they are available as singles….
  16. B

    8th Army on Parade

    Stunning display!!
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    The New Master

    Yes, to the school boy scholars of Benny Hill & Frankie Howard, this must all seem historically gritty and accurate. And you’re right, I will not be buying these any time soon. But I will express my opinion.
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    The New Master

    I don’t think I’d like to see that scene on a shelf in any house I walked into. The young female slave figurines seem to have been somewhat overly erotically sculpted. its just all a bit weird & unpleasant. Not for me.
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    The Para and the prisoner

    very nice scene Old Bill. I note you are quite passionate about this Falklands range. Did you perhaps serve in this theater yourself?
  20. B

    May releases. What are your hopes and dreams?

    Andy, - I’m tentatively interpreting this as possible good news? I look forward to future releases!!