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  1. W

    People's Views On Wounded/Dead Figures?

    I'm all for it! It adds realism to the setting of the battle!{sm4}
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    Dispatches are up!

    First thing to get is the BoB jeep next to all of the figures ^&grin I'm so amped now^&grin^&grin
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    442nd Infantry Regiment

    The 442nd Regimental Combat Team of the United States Army, was an all Japanese American unit. They fought primarily in Europe during World War II, beginning in 1944. The families of many of its soldiers were subject to internment. The 442nd was a self-sufficient fighting force, and fought with...
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    Do you think K and C should revive Vietnam?

    No, because I just don't have any interest in nam. But I would love to get a crashed helicopter to recreate a black hawk down moment. Other than that WWII is my main interest.
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    Completed D-Day Omaha Beach diorama.

    Looks Excellent{bravo}}
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    My K&C Bulge Collection

    Great set, Battle of the Bulge is one of my favorites along side with D-Day. Ironically is today.:rolleyes2:
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    Depressing Movies or Characters

    I know, I can't wait for it^&grin^&grin^&grin^&grin
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    King and country battle of the bulge set up what do you guys think it needs?

    Tanks, backdrop, and more people^&grin
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    Depressing Movies or Characters

    A video game series called Brothers in Arms is very depressing, but it's realistic and gritty and is my all-time favorite game. Even if it was 10 years ago!
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    LA Noire for xbox

    It's a really good game, you really have to study their faces to get the truth. I think this is a game everyone should try.
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    Almost 2000 members!!

    Thought it'd be intesting to say that treefrog treasure forum has 1999 members
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    King&country d-day airborne "trophy hunters"

    Great dio and building
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    Kettenkraftrad (Luftwaffe)

    {bravo}}Cool comic
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    Change of Division

    You're getting better everytime{bravo}}
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    " Defence...or...Die"

    Nice photos:smile2:
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    VIDEO - Build-A-Rama Military Diorama Miniatures

    Great video, same goes for the music too^&grin
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    Change of Division

    I Can't believe how good your works are. Keep up the good work :smile2:
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    Points-to- Ponder

    Mark, Excellent Post :smile2:
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    New Crusades Figures

    I enjoy seeing your sets. I hope to see some more pictures:smile2:
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    Why I Collect King&Country

    Great Pics! You inspired me to show my collection to other people that might be intetested in KC.^&grin