Search results

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    The Army of Frederick the Great

    Hi John, You have restored my faith in human nature! Thank you. I had been thinking that you might have "moved on" from the 7YW, and I might never see any more of your beautifully painted Prussians. (beautifully painted Austrians would excite me even more!) John Eden seems to have an...
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    Looking for British Bulldog Catalog or Help to ID several Sets

    Hi John, May I offer an alternative explanation? There is only one flag because it is a "Picquet Flag" When armies on the move camped at night they set Picquets (Outposts) which all kept a fire burning during the night There are several Biblical references to this practice. In the morning...
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    BMC in the news

    Yes it did !! thanks very much. Oberstinhaber
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    BMC in the news

    Wow!! How does an "ordinary citizen" get one of the "Rosie the Riveter" figures? She is great! Another manufacturer was going to make one, but I am still waiting. Happy collecting, Oberstinhaber.
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    Austrian WW1 Skoda Gun Gloss

    Gents, This is the Skoda and Crew (well, 2 x basic castings) which has been sold on eBay by John Eden (eBay "handle" Roseminiatures), in the past. The Gun and figures were originally made by Hecker and Goros. They only did the Officer and one Gunner, John has added a number of sets of arms. It...
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    The Army of Frederick the Great

    Thanks, Brad. It was the base that threw me out. O
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    The Army of Frederick the Great

    Hi John, Nice figure, one I have not seen before, what scale? I ask because it doesn't look like the usual Tradition figure. Oberstinhaber
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    Hi Douglas, Re: Ensigns, look for "Errol John Studios" (a bloke named Errol Pace) he has/had the moulds for the Ensign "N Range" of Naval subjects. H e was also "filling in the gaps" with the figures from that range of Cigerette Cards which was the inspiration for MAJ Bob Rowe. Doing the ones...
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    Syw Prussian Gloss Project

    Yes Brad, Resin, not exactly what us old purists really like, but a "very useful pose" for the 7YW. Such a shame he is the only one! I have assumed that Gary is painting a "firing Line" for some lucky collector. They would look just great with an Officer and Sergeant!! How about it Chronos...
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    An Addendum and Update on the State of Toy Soldier Collecting - One Person's Opinion

    Hi Mirof, Well said, Sir! Agree wholeheartedly. The Hobby is NOT dying, it is changing, and rapidly, but the numbers of collectors, how ever described, is increasing! You highlight the major problem with the Hobby: it is full of "Closet Collectors" By not communicating with producers, the...
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    Bob Walker Open House May 11, 2019

    Hi Mike, Unfortunately I haven't yet won Lotto!! Even if I did win next week I wouldn't have enough time to organise a ticket. So please mark me as an apology. Please give my regards, and those of the Brisbane Toy Soldier Association, to Ed Ruby. Ed is one of our very long standing "Overseas...
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    Vienna 1683

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    SYW023-SYW031 Prussian 3rd Cuirassiers and von Seydlitz!

    Hi You should try "RYLIT" of Germany, they did a very nice figure based on this Knoetel painting. They certainly did other figures of Prussian soldiers smoking a pipe. If you ask nicely, they might sell you a pipe separately! Happy Collecting! Oberstinhaber.
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    Had any manufacturer made the scene of the assassinatioof Archduke Francis-Ferdinand?

    Hi MikeNick, In addition to Metal Shed and Hocker there was the late Peter Kovar of Vienna did a kit about 25 years ago. About 4+ years ago an English maker also did a kit: figures sculpted by the late Alan Caton, and the body of the Graf und Stift Auto was resin. The latter kit (can't...
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    Will we get new releases tomorrow?

    Hi guys, Some WWI Austro-Hungarians would be really good!! Oberstinhaber
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    time on my hands at last

    Correct!! There were 3 civilian figures released at the same time, which were also very good, I would like more of them too! But this was Britains about 3 "incarnations" ago!! "Gone. alas. forever"!! "The more things change, the more they stay the same"!! Oberstinhaber
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    time on my hands at last

    When, oh when, will somebody do some more of these lovely buildings!!!!
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    New Hope Design Men At Arms Collection

    Hi Luiz, In addition to Mitof's comments; try they seem to have a large proportion of the figures available, I cannot guarantee it is the whole range, as I am not an expert on the range. I haven't bought anything from them, but a number of my colleagues...
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    New Hope Design Men At Arms Collection

    Hi Brad, Somewhere on this forum a few years ago, I asked this same question, And nobody had the answer. For years I was under the belief, as is Mirof that the Pioneer figure in the 7YW Prussian series was of REGT 22. Some couple of years ago this IR 6 Pioneer started to turn up on ebay. So I...
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    Well what are you Expecting/Wanting?

    World War I Austro-Hungarians!!!!!!!!! Oberstinhaber