So Sarkisian is suing USC because they fired him for coaching drunk this year including during games. He claims being drunk and abusing prescription meds constitutes a "disability"! And therefore USC discriminated against him. LOL. What a piece of work. Instead of going away quietly in complete disgrace, taking responsibility for his issues, and trying to get help he is blaming others. This is not some penniless guy who needs the money to get treatment but a guy who has been paid multi-millions to coach kids and couldn't manage his personal life enough to show up sober. If anything, I would think that a school would be legally prohibited from allowing an intoxicated person to oversee school programs. In better news, the courts are allowing the McNair's defamation lawsuit to proceed against the NCAA in which the corruption and lies involved in its investigation of him at USC are being exposed.
"This evidence clearly indicates that the ensuing COI report was worded in disregard of the truth to enable the COI to arrive at a predetermined conclusion that USC employee McNair was aware of the NCAA violations. To summarize, McNair established a probability that he could show actual malice by clear and convincing evidence based on the COI’s doubts about McNair’s knowledge, along with its reckless disregard for the truth about his knowledge, and by allowing itself to be influenced by nonmembers to reach a needed conclusion."