The Dodger fans are gaga about the trade but I had never even heard of the guy. At first I thought they had traded for Mookie Wilson. Many of these blockbuster trades are duds. Maybe the BoSox know something. I think the smart move is to unload players when they start negotiating for long term blockbuster deals. Most GMs don't want to take the heat from fans for letting a star player go but as often as not it is the best move.
To expand on your point; both sides here are to blame.
The Red Sox made the classic mistake of wanting to keep the 2018 band together after the WS win; they gave Sale a huge extention when there was no need plus he's a medical question mark, they resigned the corpse of Steve Pearce after he won the WS MVP; much like Howie Kendrick last year, a journeyman tomato can who got hot in the playoffs, so did Pearce, they should have just let him walk, ******* move resigning him, then they really screwed the pooch by resigning Eovaldi, the hero of game 3, a game they lost by the way.
Rewarding players for past performance is NEVER a good idea.
Due to those boneheaded decisions and also thanks to the moronic concept of guaranteed contracts, they are also still paying Sandoval and Pedroia, neither of whom are still on the team, they are over the luxury tax amount and are getting whacked.
then Mookie keeps rebuffing their offers, he said no to 10/300...…………….really?
THIRTY million dollars a year is not enough; apparently not, he wants 12/420 which as one of our talk show hosts said, is his way of saying "I am going to ask for an idiotic number because I know there is no way you're going to pay it, what I really want is to be a free agent and test the market."
Adios then.
As far as you never hearing of him; probably because in the WS, he was invisible, didn't hit his weight, he pretty much sucked all post season long in 2018, so again, good luck to him.