2019 Baseball season (1 Viewer)

No baseball for me this year.A 60 game season just doesn't do it.Neither does the DH (which I've always hated) or a man on second in the 10th inning.I think I'm done with all of sports.
The Red Sox offered him 10/300, his agent declined, saying he wants to test the free agent waters, also mentioned he's from Atlanta and would like to play for a warm weather team like the Braves, apparently here in Boston it's too cold in April when it's 60 degrees out.

They he gets traded and instead of testing the waters like he claims he was going to, he signs this contract.

Who cam blame him, you can buy a lot more with 360 million than you can with 300 million.

The back end of that contract is being to be wonderful.

But if the Dodgers win one or two WS titles, who cares...................

$30 million doesn’t buy what it used to.

I’m looking forward to the season, can’t wait actually. Sometimes when you don’t have something you appreciate it more than when you do. Heck, I’m even looking forward to the Yankees game tonight.

I don’t mind the rule changes. The DH in the NL was going to happen eventually. Aside from the NL there is no organized baseball league that uses it anymore. I expect it will become permanent.

Play Ball!
New season and Mets already have players on the injured list. Some things never change.
It's going to be a thrill a minute watching the Gashouse Gorillas stampede to a 60-0 record and win what will go down as the most tainted, phony and fraudulent WS titles ever.

Years from now "Hey remember when the Gashouse Gorillas won that phony baloney WS title thanks to them whipping open their checkbook and signing the best pitcher on the market ten minutes after free agency started?"...………………………."Oh yeah, wasn't that the year their only competition in the AL got stripped of all their talent thanks to some cheating scandal, paving the way for them to win a WS during an extended spring training in front of no fans?"...……….which begs the question; if the Gashouse Gorillas win a WS and no one is there to watch it, did it actually happen?...…….:rolleyes2:
In its infinite wisdom MLB has expanded the playoffs from 10 to 16 teams. Supposedly, division winners would be able to choose their opponent. To say it sounds odd is an understatement.
In its infinite wisdom MLB has expanded the playoffs from 10 to 16 teams. Supposedly, division winners would be able to choose their opponent. To say it sounds odd is an understatement.

Yeah, that's a solid plan; the Yankees will choose whoever wins the Little League World Series as their opponent.
No baseball for me this year.A 60 game season just doesn't do it.Neither does the DH (which I've always hated) or a man on second in the 10th inning.I think I'm done with all of sports.

Yep. I’m done watching grown men play games. Ill be engaging in actual sport to better my mental and physical health instead.
There was more to my last post but I see it was edited by somebody. You want delete me,you want ban me go right ahead but don't censor me! I mentioned about whiny multi millionaires polluting the sports scene with their political agendas.Everyone has a right to their opinion but like where I work and most other people I know keep it out of the workplace and that goes for sports too.I think this will be my last post on here as I see only certain ones can say what they want if and if they don't like your view they pout and threaten to leave the forum.People wonder why there is not as much posting here like there use to be,I wonder why.:rolleyes2: Good luck to most of you.
We now have a new playoff format that renders the regular season somewhat meaningless. The first and second place team in each division in each league will qualify and the two teams with the best records after that in each league will also qualify.

I hope this is only for this year but it will probably become permanent.
I watched about an inning of the Red Sox "home opener" tonight.

No fans in the stands is beyond weird; what's even wierder is the piped in crowd noise.

No thanks.

Maybe they should liven things up and put cardboad cut outs of fans in the seats.......................doing that for Dodgers games would be a piece of cake; put them in the seats in the 2nd inning and remove them in the 7th...................easy as pie.
I like the piped in crowd noise and don’t mind the cutouts although covering the seats with tarps might be better. When you get down to it, you’re watching the action on the field, that’s what you’re there for. I was pumped for today’s Met game and it didn’t disappoint. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Like old times, last night I had the baseball on in the background while I set up a few toy soldiers. It was the A’s vs. the Angels.

I sat down in the 8th inning when the A’s took the lead only to see the Angels tie it in 9th. This led to extra innings where MLB’s new rule of having a base runner start out on second base kicked in. The Angels loaded the bases in the 10th but couldn’t get a run home. The A’s did the same in the bottom of the 10th. I half expected them to bunt, but low and behold Matt Olson hit a grand slam.

Yeah, this is why I watch.....
Like old times, last night I had the baseball on in the background while I set up a few toy soldiers. It was the A’s vs. the Angels.

I sat down in the 8th inning when the A’s took the lead only to see the Angels tie it in 9th. This led to extra innings where MLB’s new rule of having a base runner start out on second base kicked in. The Angels loaded the bases in the 10th but couldn’t get a run home. The A’s did the same in the bottom of the 10th. I half expected them to bunt, but low and behold Matt Olson hit a grand slam.

Yeah, this is why I watch.....

My son and I watched that game. A lot of missed opportunities for the Angels. The Angels pitcher served up that pitch to Olson. Crikey, I think the ball is still traveling. Baseball is back.
It's good to see baseball or any sport back. If only my Dodger could play SF all season, they might go 60-0. I always wondered what happened to Carrot Top after his comedy career tanked. Looks like he pitched for LA in the opener. And how about ESPN? After a months long delay, they run so many commercials they don't air the first at bat in the LA game. And then claimed it started earlier than they expected! Unbelievable. The card board fan cutouts are a bit weird but LA started that trend with Larry King. I think he actually died in 2002 but kept attending the games as a mummy (Larry Ho-Tep) or in some one dimensional form for years.
Chipper Jones throughout his career loved hitting against the Mets, particularly at Shea Stadium, so much so that he and his wife named their son Shea. Lo and behold but one of the cutouts at yesterday’s game was Chipper. At least someone in Mets hierarchy has a sense of humor.
I have to say I am on the other side of the last few posts, have I missed baseball, yes, but again, for me, kneeling for the National Anthem is a death knell. I don't care whether they play or not. I enjoy sports for entertainment, not a history lesson or a statement on "social justice". And furthermore, if they came up with a different tact than kneeling for the National Anthem, I think they might get a better result. How about a moment of silence or a moment of remembrance or a moment of reflection. Instead, I don't care, I find kneeling before our National Anthem disrespectful and I am not alone. Polls on this subject are pretty clear. There is not a middle ground.

From a financial perspective, they would have been better off not playing. Numbers don't lie. Again, we are thoroughly enjoying life without sports. There is so much more to read, watch and do, it has been enlightening.

Financially, the reason they’re playing is money. If there is no season, the owners don’t receive network money and the players don’t receive their salaries. That is the reason why there are expanded playoffs. They all would have been worse off had the season not been played.
I can't help myself...
even though they got caught cheating...
I'm still drawn to the tv to watch the Astros...:redface2:
I don't miss the crowds at all either...
Going to take me a while to get into this season. Haven't watched anything sports related for months until OD this past Thursday. Kept myself amused by watching the numerous reruns of the Nats playoff run that were shown several times on the local MASN stations. Don't even have a real good grasp on the Nats or O's rosters yet but that will change as my interest grows. Don't miss the crowds and I find the cardboard cutouts and piped sound effects adequate substitutes so far. As has been said, the action is on the field anyway. Don't care for the 16 team playoff structure or the extra inning rules but I am a Baseball Dinosaur and I will probably adjust to these changes after a while. Just glad to see some ball being played. -- Al
Financially, the reason they’re playing is money. If there is no season, the owners don’t receive network money and the players don’t receive their salaries. That is the reason why there are expanded playoffs. They all would have been worse off had the season not been played.

I don't disagree, but cash flow and profit are 2 different things. They are playing for cash flow and the hope that they keep some fans interested and are engaged enough to hang around. Profit in small market teams is kaput, they will need the equivalent of a "bail out"

To give a real world example, I travel to Pittsburgh once a year and sit in higher dollar seats to enjoy the game. Of course, mine were refunded this year. Within a week, I have received no less than 3 personal phone calls and 3 emails asking/begging if I am interested in a ten ticket club block for ONE game in 2021. That is a pretty good indicator that they are working the phones desperately to secure commitments in 2021. Small market teams are in trouble.


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