A Sad Day in American History (3 Viewers)

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thanks Louis...

I'm almost scared to read it...^&grin


It just got even worse. Apparently a second, as yet unnamed, Capital Police Officer died a hero as a result of the wounds he sustained in the riot, while two other Capital Police Officers were suspended and a third (either police officer or National Guardsman) arrested as a result of their actions on that fateful day. I just cannot wrap my head around this. Its horrifying.

It just got even worse. Apparently a second, as yet unnamed, Capital Police Officer died a hero as a result of the wounds he sustained in the riot, while two other Capital Police Officers were suspended and a third (either police officer or National Guardsman) arrested as a result of their actions on that fateful day. I just cannot wrap my head around this. Its horrifying.

Louis are you referring to the Capitol police officer ( Howard Liebengood )who took his own life or is this a different officer who has now died?
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Louis are you referring to the Capitol police officer ( Howard Liebengood )who took his own life or is this a different officer who has now died?

On NBC they were interviewing a member of congress who said "we have now lost two of our Capital Police Officers to this riot." They did not make clear if this was a different officer or Officer Liebengood, so I am not sure.

On a positive note, they just identified an Officer Goodman, armed only with a truncheon, who courageously lured a group of rioters away from the door to the senate floor, after glancing and seeing that it was unguarded, possibly saving many lives. He will hopefully join Officer Sicknik as a hero of the day.

Meanwhile at the Pearl Harbor Memorial I took the time to read every single name of the sailors and Marines who died that day on December 7th, 1941. I ran into a Japanese Naval Officer and spoke to him in Japanese...he was shocked to see this Texan rapping with him in Nihongo. We had a nice chat and when we parted ways, we bowed to each other. On the flip side of that, I chastised (in Japanese) a few Yakuza looking young Japanese guys who were from Japan who were acting a little silly in the parking lot of the PH Memorial in their rented (or owned) Cadillac Escalade. The parked their SUV all crooked...y'know dork parking...and left it like that. I told them "such a big car for little men" in Japanese and their jaws dropped. I watched them take selfies at the entrance, but did not go on the tour.

We have enough problems with internet wars with China, ISIS, Russia, COVID and every other wing nut problems in the world and now we have to devote resources to domestic terrorist. Yes, TERRORISTs cause thats what they are. They need to be treated just like the jihadists who love to video their terror. They love spewing the hate, make threats and then carrying them out. I find them no different from Johnny Jihad. I know a few muslim folk and the are alright with me, but even they loathe the jihadists. Well, I know a couple of "Patriots", "Trumpets". "Loyalists" or what have you and they know I don't agree with their views and thats cool. However, if they were to go to the extreme side (which one of them has) I completely cut ties with them and they know why. Let me see their dumb arses on TV doing damage to our Union and I will skip the reward and call the Feds on them in a hear beat. In fact, please, please cross the line and I will gladly due my civic duty and turn states.

This is chaotic gents, out of control and unacceptable. Can you believe that Representatives were told to take off their Congressional lapel pins so they wouldn't be attacked during the riot in the Capital? Good gawd man. Nooses, pipe bombs, guns, rifles...all tactical...and pulling an insurrection in our modern times? NO, I will not have it and I know you great people of the board don't either. It is here that our brethren will come up with ideas, solutions, debate and data to try and figure out what the hell is going on. I swear we are a think tank sometimes and I wish we could be heard. But, I am fine knowing that we here are on the same page and the love for our country is solid as the granite that bears the names of those lost Americans at the Pearl Harbor Memorial.

Off to get Korean BBQ.

John from Texas

PS: Louis I believe the officer committed suicide after the riot. Sad.
People who are appalled by what happened on the 6th should also be appalled at what happened numerous times over the Summer.

Republican or Democrat, you should be appalled at what has been going on in this country for close to a year; anyone who wants whoever was responsible for what happened on the 6th arrested should also want every rioter, looter and vandal arrested for what happened over the Summer.

It's a two way street; anyone who condemns one set of actions and does not condemn the other is a hypocrite.

I agree 100%. ALL Civil Disobedience should be condemned.

I agree 100%. ALL Civil Disobedience should be condemned.


Can't say I agree with this. In the late 1850's, abolitionists in Boston chased out-of-town slave catchers looking for escaped slaves. They violated the Fugitive Slave law. Rosa Parks fought segregation by civil disobedience. There are many other examples. Chris
Civil is the key word.
What happened at the capital and this summer was not civil disobedience
Civil is the key word.
What happened at the capital and this summer was not civil disobedience

Don't know if this is directed at me. I did not advocate what happened in the Capital. I disagree that all civil disobedience is wrong.
I agree 100%. ALL Civil Disobedience should be condemned.


Walt, I agree to the extent that all violent or dangerous civil disobedience should be condemned. Refusing to give up your seat on a bus like Rosa Parks did is an example of non-violent civil disobedience I don't think falls into a category requiring condemnation.

Don't know if this is directed at me. I did not advocate what happened in the Capital. I disagree that all civil disobedience is wrong.

Not all - just a general statement.
Sorry I didn’t make that clear

Louis, your right kind sir. There is zero comparison with the current events and the example of Rosa Parks.


Here we go...[FONT=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Bradley Rukstales a tech CEO in Chicago was interviewed[/FONT] by the local TV about his participation in the Capital riot who got arrested in DC and he said:

BR-I was at the wrong place and the wrong time

Reporter: Did you enter the Capital?

BR: Yes

He then abruptly ended the interview. Google his name and you'll see the video of his cowardly self.

You ain't so tough now are you Mr. CEO who just got fired from his job?

I also noticed and read how so many of these traitors all of sudden are taking down their instagrams, facebooks and twitters. I don't get it. They were proud of enough to live stream their crimes...some step by step...and declare that day was "the best moment in my life", yet won't own it now. Really? So, your crowning achievement in life was being apart of an insurrection that costs lives? God help you man! Ole Bradley boy started in on the "I don't condone violence" in his interview. Okay, please tell that to the judge and oh by the way the jury of your peers will be DC citizens who were left with a destroyed city in the wake of your aftermath and NOT your suburban neighbors in Chicago. Good luck with that.

I also love the story about the ex USAF Lt.Col "all tact out" while in the capital. His ex wife picked up the phone after her pilates class and ratted him out to the FBI, who turned around and arrested the good Lt. Col. Bro, you should have never argued about alimony.

Talk soon...the wife wants coffee.

John from Texas
The Washington Post published the following information today:

"[FONT=&quot]A day before rioters stormed Congress, an FBI office in Virginia issued an explicit internal warning that extremists were preparing to travel to Washington to commit violence and “war,” according to an internal document reviewed by The Washington Post that contradicts a senior official’s declaration the bureau had no intelligence indicating anyone at last week’s pro-Trump protest planned to do harm.[/FONT]"

The story continues:

[FONT=&quot]“As of 5 January 2021, FBI Norfolk received information indicating calls for violence in response to ‘unlawful lockdowns’ to begin on 6 January 2021 in Washington. D.C.,” the document says. “An online thread discussed specific calls for violence to include stating ‘Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their BLM and Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will achieve this goal.”

Here is a link to the story:

FBI report warned of ‘war’ at Capitol, contradicting claims there was no indication of looming violence (msn.com)
The Washington Post published the following information today:

"[FONT=&quot]A day before rioters stormed Congress, an FBI office in Virginia issued an explicit internal warning that extremists were preparing to travel to Washington to commit violence and “war,” according to an internal document reviewed by The Washington Post that contradicts a senior official’s declaration the bureau had no intelligence indicating anyone at last week’s pro-Trump protest planned to do harm.[/FONT]"

The story continues:

[FONT=&quot]“As of 5 January 2021, FBI Norfolk received information indicating calls for violence in response to ‘unlawful lockdowns’ to begin on 6 January 2021 in Washington. D.C.,” the document says. “An online thread discussed specific calls for violence to include stating ‘Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their BLM and Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will achieve this goal.”

Here is a link to the story:

FBI report warned of ‘war’ at Capitol, contradicting claims there was no indication of looming violence (msn.com)

This is just insane thought and behavior.
On NBC they were interviewing a member of congress who said "we have now lost two of our Capital Police Officers to this riot." They did not make clear if this was a different officer or Officer Liebengood, so I am not sure.

On a positive note, they just identified an Officer Goodman, armed only with a truncheon, who courageously lured a group of rioters away from the door to the senate floor, after glancing and seeing that it was unguarded, possibly saving many lives. He will hopefully join Officer Sicknik as a hero of the day.

Thanks Louis, to be fair some of the so-called reporting since the 6th Jan has been confusing and over hyped making it difficult to learn some facts.

Right now I'm deeply concerned about the attack on free speech in the US. As a person looking in from the outside it seems like a real life witch-hunt is on the boil and playing out on TV being stoked repeatedly from both sides. This appears all very deliberate and planned to me.

Good Luck.
Well as a side note, just wanted to relay that the customer who had decided to no longer do business with me has reached out to me, we talked it out and have both agreed to move forward and put our differences behind us, no need to fracture a relationship over politics/differing opinions.

A lesson both Democrat and Republican politicians should make note of.

This fighting between parties HAS TO STOP; how about acting like adults and oh I don't know, do for the greater good/the people who voted to put you in office to represent them.

Instead of the back and forth bullshit, UNIFY and work towards a common goal.

"One nation, under God, INDIVISIBLE, with liberty and justice FOR ALL"..............

I think of the thousands of kids (and for the most part, that's who they were) who died in fields in Gettysburg, in trenches in France, in the freezing cold in Bastogne or on the searing hot beaches in the Pacific, in Korea, in the jungles of Vietnam, knee deep in sand in Kuwait and Iraq or the mountains of Afghanistan to protect our freedoms and rights as Americans.

They gave up their tomorrows for our today's; don't let their sacrifices be in vain.
Thanks Louis, to be fair some of the so-called reporting since the 6th Jan has been confusing and over hyped making it difficult to learn some facts.

Right now I'm deeply concerned about the attack on free speech in the US. As a person looking in from the outside it seems like a real life witch-hunt is on the boil and playing out on TV being stoked repeatedly from both sides. This appears all very deliberate and planned to me.

Good Luck.

Seriously, you are worried about private companies policing their platforms more than coordinated and violent attacks on our democratic institutions?
Well as a side note, just wanted to relay that the customer who had decided to no longer do business with me has reached out to me, we talked it out and have both agreed to move forward and put our differences behind us, no need to fracture a relationship over politics/differing opinions.

A lesson both Democrat and Republican politicians should make note of.

This fighting between parties HAS TO STOP; how about acting like adults and oh I don't know, do for the greater good/the people who voted to put you in office to represent them.

Instead of the back and forth bullshit, UNIFY and work towards a common goal.

"One nation, under God, INDIVISIBLE, with liberty and justice FOR ALL"..............

I think of the thousands of kids (and for the most part, that's who they were) who died in fields in Gettysburg, in trenches in France, in the freezing cold in Bastogne or on the searing hot beaches in the Pacific, in Korea, in the jungles of Vietnam, knee deep in sand in Kuwait and Iraq or the mountains of Afghanistan to protect our freedoms and rights as Americans.

They gave up their tomorrows for our today's; don't let their sacrifices be in vain.

Happy to hear.....
Seriously, you are worried about private companies policing their platforms more than coordinated and violent attacks on our democratic institutions?

I would just say there's a lot to worry about these days and all of them fall under the category of paramount concerns.

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