His most recent update is here:
Gist of it is that he does not plan to discontinue the plastic Alamo line, but sets 6 and 7 didn't sell well enough to support further expansion at this time.
He notes that TSSD and Ken Olsen plan to produce a "north wall" and he doesn't seem particularly upset about that, though he does point out that Olsen was not the guy who sculpted the previous buildings.
I thought that some of his reported feedback was particularly interesting - -namely that the sheer scale of the buildings makes it difficult for many customers to find enough room to display them. Thus, many people have scaled down their setups by restricting them to a portion of the compound, or by using smaller buildings.
It sounds as though his main plans (for plastic) at this time include production of Persians for the Spartan figures, and some sort of Foreign Legion expansion.
He did invite correspondence on the whole Alamo issue (and presumably other plastic lines) as sort of a poll on what his custoers would be most likely to support.
Personally, I would fall under the category of people who don't have Alamo buildings as a very high priority (though I would love to see a few more figures.)
I'd be thrilled to see an FFL expansion, though, and his prototypes look awesome, so I hope it materializes.
Edit: noticed that someone beat me to the punch on this one. (I'm a newbie here and still learning to navigate the threads.) Oh well.