Britain's American Civil War (1 Viewer)

MVery nice Mike, although personally I thought your first attempt was pretty darn good. !!
Mike, your backdrop is awesome!:cool: You got some wicked painting skills!:D I've gotta give painting backdrops a try one of these days!:)

Thank you Joe, Scott, Titus, and Jake for the kind commnets concerning my "artistic" skills.

This is a perfect time of the day for me to enjoy my WB figures. My wife has left for work ("work" :eek:) and the coffee is made :). Still to early to start my "honey dos" and my errands.

Their right flank compromised and faced with overwelming odds in their front, Company B of the 7th OVI abandon their position along a country lane. It's what the Rebels like to call a "Yankee Skeedaddle" ;)








Well I just finished my second attempt at painting my ACW Shenandoah Valley backdrop. This one is much better, but I still have more art skills to develop.

I painted this from a spring photograph of a horse pasture at Long Branch, a historical house and farm near Millwood, Va southeast of Winchester. I am still not totally satisfied with the tree line, but for now this one works for me. It was a fun project which I found to be very relaxing . . . . . . Mike

Image of actual phograph - I know its small but it gives you a good idea of what I was trying to copy.


Backdrop that I painted - 2' x 4'


Backdrop in use - close up


Backdrop in use - distant shot of diorama



You are a very talented artist. Those backdrops are very impressive. It has been fun to watch your diorama and visual skills grow since you first started fighting the French & Indian War on your dining room table.

Thank you:
Scott - Keep checking back, will try to share a photographed scene most mornings.
Ken - It was with your help and guidance that I was able to do the backdrop.
Randy - The days of the dining room table were fun too :D

Just to make sure the Yankees are kept on the run . . . .



Your setup is great and your backgrop is excellent. Nice work. Enjoy seeing your dioramas.

Mike, beautiful setup!:) Look forward to your next setup of the War of Northern Aggression!;):D:eek:

Your dio continues to get better and better. Thanks for sharing it all with us. I really look forward to checking in each day to see what you do next. Keep up the great work. And your painted backdrop looks fabulous!!
You are very skilled with the backdrops!!! And I just love the scene with the trees and artillery set - masterful! Can't wait to see more from the Civil War.
Mike,Your going to be the next Ken Osen.....In 20 or 30 years:D:D:D.Just kidding your doing a great job.
All the best,
Thanks Brian, RevWar, Jake, 6th WI, and Mark - Oh by the way Mark, I would need much more time than 20-30 years to have the skill level that Ken has. He's the master, I am just a humble student.

Here's a couple of scenes I worked on last night and this morning. On the first one I just couldn't get the focus as clear as I wanted. Even though its slightly out of focus it is just enough to make the foreground and figures appear as if they are part of a painting. The backdrop is a new photograph I downloaded from the internet yesterday - storm clouds in the Shenandoah Valley.

An ominous, threatening sky
The color of our foes uniforms
The enemy is in the tree line
Prepare for the coming "storm"​


Haven't done much with my cavalry figures. Here I have imagined a troop of the 1st Maryland US cavalry (Cole's Cavalry) have happened upon a small patrol of the 7th Virginia cavalry.

Cold and dreary here this afternoon. Waiting for weekend company to arrive later today. Thought I would create another display - THEIR LAST FULL MEASURE.

Written in 1862
Words by Henry Washburn, Melody by George Root​

We shall meet, but we shall miss him
There will be one vacant chair
We shall linger to caress him
While we breathe our evening prayer;
When a year ago we gathered
Joy was in his mild blue eye,
But a golden chord is severed
And our hopes in ruin lie.

We shall meet, but we shall miss him
There will be one vacant chair
We shall linger to caress him
While we breathe our evening prayer.​


At our fireside, sad and lonely,
Often will the bosom swell,
At remembrance of the story
How our noble Willie sell;
How he strove to bear our banner
Through the thickest of the fight,
And uphold our country's honor
In the strength of manhood's night.



True, they tell us wreaths of glory
Ever more will deck his brow,
But this soothes the anguish only
Sweeping o'er our heartstrings now.
Sleep today, Oh early fallen,
In thy green and narrow bed,
Dirges from the pine and cypress,
Mingle with the tears we shed.


Thank you Scott, Titus and Jake.

Was all set to post a new picture this morning with a new backdrop photo that I found yesterday on a Google search. Having technical difficulties though, my camera won't let me use the USB cable and the SD disk is not being recognized by my computer's SD port. Until I resolve this issue, some of you WB ACW collectors will have to post some of your collection pictures here.

We have sung that around the campfire with a now deceased gentleman who was a professional singer. Many manly tears were shed.

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