Good points, Brad. I watched an interview the other day in regards to what college football means, on a money level, to other college sports. Football is the Big Kahuna in regards to revenue. Even the best Basketball programs are weak sisters in regards to the money pulled in by football. There was an interesting fact revealed that only around 27 of 125 college football programs are making enough money to support all the other sports at a given school, so I understand UMd's move, on a financial level, but I object to the way the decision was reached. It was all very hush-hush, being kept from the public, no debate, no impact studies, no input from anyone. No thought was given to what the conference change would mean on an emotional level (of minor import to money I know) but what about the alum or students that enjoy travelling to see their teams play? Driving to ACC country in Virginia and North Carolina is quite a different proposition than driving to the mid-west states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, or Nebraska! 8 of 11 ACC schools were within a 300 mile driving radius of the UMd campus. Only 2 of 11 Big 10 schools fall into that category. The furthest ACC school, Georgia Tech, is 550 miles away. 7 of the Big 10 schools are that and more for UMd fans. It is going to impact a lot of fans negatively. We've made the change, so we have to live with it. Liking the change is going to take a while. -- Al