First of all you are a "contemporary" human being who cannot admit that slavery was "wrong".....
In regards to "applying modern standards" we are not talking about "sexual mores" evolving over time. This practice kidnapped, tortured, abused and exploited millions of people. The plantation owners were not ignorant and uninformed on this matter. True there was hypocrisy and political expediency from both sides and I don't condone either. Southerners were aware of changing practices in Europe and attitudes from our founding fathers. George Washington wrote "there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted to abolish slavery". John Adams wrote "every measure of prudence, therefore ought to be assumed for the eventual total extirpation of slavery from the United States. I have throughout my whole life held the practice of slavery in abhorrence."
James Madison wrote "If slavery, as an irrational evil, is to be abolished, and it be just that it be done at the national expense, the amount of the expense is not a paramount consideration."
Patrick Henry wrote "I believe a time will come when an opportunity will be offered to abolish this lamentable evil."
Thomas Jefferson wrote " Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate then that these people are to be free."
This is a basic moral standard that cannot be neutralized or rationalized within any period of history.
In regards to Poppo's comments if the South was truly ready to abolish slavery on their own why go to war and break up the Union? Other than the federal government trying to impose the abolition of slavery and prevent its spread to other states what was so egregious to justify the deaths of 650,000 Americans?
It wasn't just the abolition of slavery that infuriated Southerners but the realization that their freedom could lead to voting rights, economic rights and the mixing of races.
If you read my other posts you can see that this goes way beyond PC. there are other ways to celebrate the positive parts of Southern heritage without using a symbol of hate and segregation.....enough said.
No one here is saying slavery was not wrong. What is being pointed out, correctly, is that slavery was not viewed then as it is now. The context between now and then is completely different. Or perhaps you also think there should have been broad acceptance of *** rights back then too?
Funny thing is, most of the slaves brought to the country were done so by Yankee ships out of Boston and the like. Those traders were the ones that created the demand for slaves by providing the supply. Of course, after a while there were enough slave progeny here that owners didn't need "imports". That's when the North got all righteous about slavery, when it stopped being a profitable business - for them!
Then they tried to pull the rug out from the Southerners who had invested substantial sums acquiring the Africans - who were captured, kidnapped, transported and sold by Yankee traders. Nice piece of work, that was. Market and sell an ill gotten asset for a substantial sum, based on it's ROI potential, and then turn around and declare that same asset unlawful to own. No wonder the Southerners were a bit steamed at the the deceit and treachery of the Yankee traders!
Most Northerners don't understand Southern culture and never will. There are many flavors of Southern culture. My peers don't tend to display the battle flag, but then we are not into displays such as that generally. It's deemed a bit unsavory, or perhaps boastful,, and as such goes against traditional Southern norms of grace, politeness and modesty. However, we will defend and fight for those who choose to fly it, because we recognize an attack on Sourhern cultural pride from outside the ranks cannot be tolerated.
It also seems to me that because a person or persons choose to distort or hijack an image for their own purposes does not necessarily invalidate that image. Consider the 9-11 hijackers or OBL. Would anyone here now argue Islamic symbols such as the Koran are representive of terrorism!? I would be careful blindly allowing a single group or people, especially a fringe one like the kKK, define anything or set standards for anything at all. The Westboro baptists are a horrible bunch but only extreme anti Christian types try to tie them in to normative Christianity.