conte? (2 Viewers)

Could some-one paste his comment on the forum. I cannot seem to get on to his website at present. I would appreciate it.

Damian I just e-mailed you and you shouldn't have any problems with what was sent in getting on to the web site. Let me know if your still having a problem......The Lt.
Thanks for the update Joe-not sure I can swallow all of the "Confessions of a Toy Soldier Maker" though!

However, at least he did mention the locked door and Stay Out notice to any visiting customers to his Nevada set-up. When I posted my experience of that last year when I visited Las Vegas there was a slight disbelief from a couple of the guys on here on what I had stated-nice to get it from the man himself that I was not making it up just to sensationalize my post.

I have always been a keen Conte collector although no doubt like a lot of us on here he has stretched my patience to the limit more than once but my concern now with this latest Gettysburg Address is not what he has written but rather what he is not telling us!

Thanks for the update Joe-not sure I can swallow all of the "Confessions of a Toy Soldier Maker" though!

However, at least he did mention the locked door and Stay Out notice to any visiting customers to his Nevada set-up. When I posted my experience of that last year when I visited Las Vegas there was a slight disbelief from a couple of the guys on here on what I had stated-nice to get it from the man himself that I was not making it up just to sensationalize my post.

I have always been a keen Conte collector although no doubt like a lot of us on here he has stretched my patience to the limit more than once but my concern now with this latest Gettysburg Address is not what he has written but rather what he is not telling us!


Let's see what happens it the near future Reb we haven't been walking in his shoes and have a real picture of what he's been faced with overall. Small bet says you get to add the pretty boy's in their fancy pants and red hats to your collection and I get to add both the Brit's and Zulus I'm looking forward to mine.........Joe
Let's see what happens it the near future Reb we haven't been walking in his shoes and have a real picture of what he's been faced with overall. Small bet says you get to add the pretty boy's in their fancy pants and red hats to your collection and I get to add both the Brit's and Zulus I'm looking forward to mine.........Joe

Pretty boys in fancy pants.
Now that is fighting talk if ever I heard it.:D:D
Pretty boys in fancy pants.
Now that is fighting talk if ever I heard it.:D:D

Behave yourself Damian my Zulus also look pretty all dressed up I wasn't sure how to spell Zouaves and they do look pretty good:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I like the company, I like the products and when the Zulu War sets come out I'll be making my purchases. It is what it is. Conte has put out a ton of products over the years. Not all the promises have been kept but I have found that the products are always well worth the wait in quality and price. It's easy for me, there are always W. Britain and King and Country products among others to buy in between the next Conte release.

Plain and simple the guy (RC) is as excited about the hobby as most of us on the forum, I can't fault him for that.
Here's one you can expect UKReb as a peace offering:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: The Lt.

I'm going to adopt a wait and see attitude, like I'm still waiting for the completion of his Alamo series. I saw a picture of old Davey playing his fiddle, so who knows.
Blah Blah Blah from RC when I hear that he actually has figures in his warehouse ready to ship, not pre-orders, than I will believe, until then he is just blowing smoke. All those new prototype figures on his site what about all the lines he hasnt finished? And this comes from a Conte fan who has sold most of his Conte collection because I simply can not complete it. All my very humble opinion.
Here's one you can expect UKReb as a peace offering:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: The Lt.



Now that's what I would call "Great Expectations"-

we shall both now await the usual South African comment.....wait for it......wait for it.......... ;)

Read the update. And have lots of comments. So much so that I created a new account here to make them! Second verse, same as the first. Things are never as they seem with this company. You will not find the truth about Conte in these forums or from Conte himself and Conte employees sign a confidentiality agreement. They will never talk. Then again, if you were on the hefty Conte payroll, how much would YOU talk?

I've been collecting these soldiers for many years. I was considering becoming a dealer but after speaking with Conte's own son several years ago, I decided against it. I know other people that have worked for Conte. You'd be surprised at what you hear when the gag orders are lifted :eek: I know Conte has been 100% involved in his business. I know this for a fact.

Don't know anything about locked doors and sign telling collectors to stay away. This statement really stung me and made me question the credibility. I never saw this sign and I have visited plenty. Only sign on the door called for no solicitors. It was the same sign you see on all business doors. No business wants pesky sales people interrupting their day. I have had lengthy visits in the vegas space and my biggest disappointment has been that there is no showroom. I was uncomfortable having people pull items for me from official packaging only to decide the item wasn't for me. There should have been a show room available for browsing but I never met resistance on my visits.

Another complaint that I had was paying money to shuffle over in a cab after seeing items on the website, only to find they were not in stock. The employees at Conte, however nice they are, never have answers about the things they are there to sell.

My last visit to Conte was a little over a year ago and it did not go well. I wanted to buy some civil war sets. One set was on sale, the other was not and several others had been backordered for what seemed like decades. I didn't understand the logic. I asked the kid working there who decides this item will be discounted, but this one would not...Who is responsible for getting this stuff in stock. His answer to all of my "who makes the decision questions" was none other than Richard Conte. I asked him if there was at least a manager in the office that I could speak with. Believe it or not, when I spoke to her, I walked away with the same responses, Richard Conte. When I spoke with Richard's son several years ago, he told me the same thing. Somethin in the milk ain't clean here. Why is this man claiming he's had nothing to do with how his business has been run?.

My wife thinks I am crazy for doing this but I am happy to have found a place where I can share my Conte rants without the dirty looks of my wife rolling her eyes and me saying "GET OVER IT!" Thanks for listenin.
Read the update. And have lots of comments. So much so that I created a new account here to make them! Second verse, same as the first. Things are never as they seem with this company. You will not find the truth about Conte in these forums or from Conte himself and Conte employees sign a confidentiality agreement. They will never talk. Then again, if you were on the hefty Conte payroll, how much would YOU talk?

I've been collecting these soldiers for many years. I was considering becoming a dealer but after speaking with Conte's own son several years ago, I decided against it. I know other people that have worked for Conte. You'd be surprised at what you hear when the gag orders are lifted :eek: I know Conte has been 100% involved in his business. I know this for a fact.

Don't know anything about locked doors and sign telling collectors to stay away. This statement really stung me and made me question the credibility. I never saw this sign and I have visited plenty. Only sign on the door called for no solicitors. It was the same sign you see on all business doors. No business wants pesky sales people interrupting their day. I have had lengthy visits in the vegas space and my biggest disappointment has been that there is no showroom. I was uncomfortable having people pull items for me from official packaging only to decide the item wasn't for me. There should have been a show room available for browsing but I never met resistance on my visits.

Another complaint that I had was paying money to shuffle over in a cab after seeing items on the website, only to find they were not in stock. The employees at Conte, however nice they are, never have answers about the things they are there to sell.

My last visit to Conte was a little over a year ago and it did not go well. I wanted to buy some civil war sets. One set was on sale, the other was not and several others had been backordered for what seemed like decades. I didn't understand the logic. I asked the kid working there who decides this item will be discounted, but this one would not...Who is responsible for getting this stuff in stock. His answer to all of my "who makes the decision questions" was none other than Richard Conte. I asked him if there was at least a manager in the office that I could speak with. Believe it or not, when I spoke to her, I walked away with the same responses, Richard Conte. When I spoke with Richard's son several years ago, he told me the same thing. Somethin in the milk ain't clean here. Why is this man claiming he's had nothing to do with how his business has been run?.

My wife thinks I am crazy for doing this but I am happy to have found a place where I can share my Conte rants without the dirty looks of my wife rolling her eyes and me saying "GET OVER IT!" Thanks for listenin.

Your wife listens to you!!!???!!?
Mine tells me to "Get over it" when I say everyone listens to me!
Anyway, A big welcome to the forum! Its a great place to show off your collections, as well as see others and banter back and forth.:)
Your wife listens to you!!!???!!?
Mine tells me to "Get over it" when I say everyone listens to me!
Anyway, A big welcome to the forum! Its a great place to show off your collections, as well as see others and banter back and forth.:)

Thanks for the welcome, I have gotten to where I call her staring blankly at me and occasionally rolling her eyes listening :rolleyes: I've created my own world where she cares about this stuff.
Thanks for the welcome, I have gotten to where I call her staring blankly at me and occasionally rolling her eyes listening :rolleyes: I've created my own world where she cares about this stuff.

It is nice to know there are competing Dr. Evils across the country. Motto is "create your own reality"
All the Best in world domination!
Here's a nice pair that'll fit in well in the Wild Wild West.....The Lt.


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