Corona virus (3 Viewers)

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Until they criminalize large gatherings, that’s not going to stop. The idea of mini martial law terrifies me, but if people aren’t going to do it on their own....
Some hopeful news......

Johnson and Johnson in collaboration with other organizations has identified a promising vaccine and will go into
human testing within a few months. They have committed to make over a billion doses and will be ready to start
as soon as approved. I know this is still a long way off for many but if its true that they already discovered the formula
it gives hope that we can prevent this virus from reoccurring.
Some hopeful news......

Johnson and Johnson in collaboration with other organizations has identified a promising vaccine and will go into
human testing within a few months. They have committed to make over a billion doses and will be ready to start
as soon as approved. I know this is still a long way off for many but if its true that they already discovered the formula
it gives hope that we can prevent this virus from reoccurring.

Right now there’s a race between companies and between countries to come up with a vaccine because we are talking about big money. Competition is healthy although I’d like to see the US companies pool their resources in a partnership or consortium. I’m sure DOJ would grant them an exemption from the anti trust laws.
Right now there’s a race between companies and between countries to come up with a vaccine because we are talking about big money. Competition is healthy although I’d like to see the US companies pool their resources in a partnership or consortium. I’m sure DOJ would grant them an exemption from the anti trust laws.
The US government is committing one billion dollars to J&J to build the production facility here in our country.
Some hopeful news as well on medications to treat the most seriously ill patients.
Not tested and all true yet but promising.
People talk about a return to normalcy. Frankly, I don’t know what that means. What is normal anymore? I have no idea.

To try to reopen the country in less than a couple of months could spike the number of cases. If local governments are premature, we could be in the same situation again. If you look at other countries, two months at a minimum is required and we’ve only been at this, essentially, since March. The virus doesn’t know a timeline; it follows its own dictates. This thing is starting to move across the country. In order to combat it effectively, the entire country needs to be on lockdown. If you look at the US map, cases have increased. Part of the problem is that there is no uniformity in approach nationally and there needs to be. The federal government can say what it wants but the governors will have the last word.

Needless, this piecemeal/state by state approach on this has been a gigantic ****show, it has failed miserably.

The problem is if you essentially locked down the country for two weeks, there would have been panic in the streets, look at what happened when states instituted a mild restriction on movement, people stampeded to the stores two weekends ago and any toilet paper, paper towels, canned goods, frozen food, meat, water and cleaning products that were not nailed down were scarfed up by lunatics and horded.

It's going to take at least another month before positive signs are seen, another month after that for a very slow return to some sort of normalcy, June 1st IMO is a realistic target date, in areas like NY and CA, God only knows.

I am proud of our governor and how he has handled this, no panic, no unrealistic demands, he has been brilliant throughout this, we have about 5500 infected out of about 50K tested, about 450 in the hospital, around 50 deaths...…………...ANY death is unacceptable, but it's about 1% of those who come back infected, about 10% of those infected require hospitalization, 10% of those tested come back as infected, those numbers are not catastrophic by any means, our hospitals are holding out so far, we'll see what the next two to three weeks as across the board, the numbers are going to spike from all reports...………………

As far as any sort of a return to normalcy; the normalcy ship has sailed, life will never be normal again sadly.
I was waiting for the crime! Van Gogh painting stolen from a closed museum. I know harsh, but I’m all for the death penalty for these types of people!!!
The US government is committing one billion dollars to J&J to build the production facility here in our country.
Some hopeful news as well on medications to treat the most seriously ill patients.
Not tested and all true yet but promising.

I believe it’s a little premature to get overly hopeful until the candidate goes through Phase II (efficacy trials).
And our Chinese'pals' are almost back to business as usual.Factories to re-open in 2 weeks.They know they cannot defeat us militarily but a little NBC warfare can really
level out that 'playing field'.Insidious bastards,what.

Perhaps a 'needed'(?) baby boom to follow here.Extra Christmas presents!
I was waiting for the crime! Van Gogh painting stolen from a closed museum. I know harsh, but I’m all for the death penalty for these types of people!!!

And the Guillotine for anyone stealing your toy soldiers!
I was waiting for the crime! Van Gogh painting stolen from a closed museum. I know harsh, but I’m all for the death penalty for these types of people!!!

reminds me of looting to take advantage of the opportunity...
reminds me of looting to take advantage of the opportunity...

I have a pretty direct tactic towards looting. "If you loot, I will shoot". Not saying that to be a jerk, cliche or anything other than what it is. And on the advice of my counsel and law enforcement family, should there be any question to self defense, I will make sure the body is still on my property and in my doorway and I have the correct and only answer I will give. "I was in fear for my life". And just to make sure I do not miss, all magazines are loaded to capacity, I have 30 chances to defend my and my family's life. I will likely need no more than 1.

End of story to that nonsense.
I have a pretty direct tactic towards looting. "If you loot, I will shoot". Not saying that to be a jerk, cliche or anything other than what it is. And on the advice of my counsel and law enforcement family, should there be any question to self defense, I will make sure the body is still on my property and in my doorway and I have the correct and only answer I will give. "I was in fear for my life". And just to make sure I do not miss, all magazines are loaded to capacity, I have 30 chances to defend my and my family's life. I will likely need no more than 1.

End of story to that nonsense.

You purchase yours before the law change in MD Tom?.... :)
I have a pretty direct tactic towards looting. "If you loot, I will shoot". Not saying that to be a jerk, cliche or anything other than what it is. And on the advice of my counsel and law enforcement family, should there be any question to self defense, I will make sure the body is still on my property and in my doorway and I have the correct and only answer I will give. "I was in fear for my life". And just to make sure I do not miss, all magazines are loaded to capacity, I have 30 chances to defend my and my family's life. I will likely need no more than 1.

End of story to that nonsense.

these opportunistic thieves really bug me...
living in hurricane country...
I have seen my share of cities ravaged to the bone by Mother Nature...
loss of life...electricity...drinking services...

only to see some idiot smashing out a window of steal a 60" tv...

when the city doesn't even have electricity...

in times like that...

if you have to wade through waist deep water...
to pilfer a grocery store and to get food for your family...
I can live with what you gotta do...

but Gogh's...
jail time or the pistol for you guys that take advantage of a crisis...
these opportunistic thieves really bug me...
living in hurricane country...
I have seen my share of cities ravaged to the bone by Mother Nature...
loss of life...electricity...drinking services...

only to see some idiot smashing out a window of steal a 60" tv...

when the city doesn't even have electricity...

in times like that...

if you have to wade through waist deep water...
to pilfer a grocery store and to get food for your family...
I can live with what you gotta do...

but Gogh's...
jail time or the pistol for you guys that take advantage of a crisis...

Here in New York, there used to be a big problem with looting in times of crisis, but after Mayor Guiliani and Mayor Bloomberg packed the streets with police after 9-11 and the blackout the subsequent summer (I remember they even armed the cadets in the police academy so they could have an armed presence on every street in the City) we haven't had any looting problems since. Since then, I moved out into a nice suburb, which is very quiet. Like Tom, I keep a nice collection of WWII military rifles, with fixed bayonets, so if anyone is foolish enough to try to loot a house with four dogs (the largest of which is 100 lb. Husky/Wolf mix), and they get past the dogs, I'm pretty sure one shot will take care of what the dogs left.
reminds me of looting to take advantage of the opportunity...

In adversity, bad men are worse and good men better. To TD, in Hawaii, your approach would land you in jail. In Hawaii, there are strict laws in regard to self-defense. Gives criminals an advantage. Better to send the dogs.
I’d imagine home burglaries are going to be way down. Tough to find an empty house these days.
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