Yeah, ZB I saw that too. I don't understand the fascination with time and "it will disappear" dates. NOT going to get political here...just saying. We need this thread and its a good outlet for information, ideas and overall venting. But, I'm frustrated too with our leadership. Locally, our Mayor and County Commissioner are working triple time to keep us informed and implement safer procedures. Remember, here is San Antonio is where the ship passengers/diplomats are being evacuated to for quarantine...en masse. I don't know if it was reported but one of them was released, booked a room at a airport hotel to fly out the next day, went to the foodcourt at the mall and was recalled back to quarantine because a third test revealed she was positive
after she left. She was brought back for another 14 days and the mall was closed for deep cleaning. Its still closed.
The Southwest Research lab is here that houses a thousand baboons. Apparently, their is a huge demand on baboons right now for testing and the lab itself is quite busy (under the radar) for helping with finding a cure. I read somewhere that they are injecting the baboons with the virus and studying the outcomes AND then reinfecting those who survive again to study them even more. I'll look for the article and post it.
I'm up early and gotta get going. Word on the neighborhood app says that Costco is stock with butt wipe. So, like an dork I am going there to wait in line to get a pack. This is stupid ridiculous and I found this pic online:
View attachment 259239
John from Texas