Corona virus (6 Viewers)

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Here’s a very useful article about being exposed to the virus by packages received at home or touching packages at the grocery store. The risk of infection is low.

A good and helpful article, Brad, albeit a bit scary, although the information does calm my fears a bit.

However, every package (mail) that arrives gets sprayed with Lysol, Clorox (or similar) diinfectent before entering the house. Next, I use latex (rubber) gloves and put it on the porch and spray the bottom of the box and then let it sit for two days. After that I open the box/mail and use hand-sterilizer.

I may be overdoing it a bit but my wife is a high risk person (minor heart issues) so I try to bring the % down to ZERO.

Thankfully Maine is still very low on COVID-19 scale with 253 cases and only (but sadly) 1 death.

Thanks, Sir.

--- LaRRy
A good and helpful article, Brad, albeit a bit scary, although the information does calm my fears a bit.

However, every package (mail) that arrives gets sprayed with Lysol, Clorox (or similar) diinfectent before entering the house. Next, I use latex (rubber) gloves and put it on the porch and spray the bottom of the box and then let it sit for two days. After that I open the box/mail and use hand-sterilizer.

I may be overdoing it a bit but my wife is a high risk person (minor heart issues) so I try to bring the % down to ZERO.

Thankfully Maine is still very low on COVID-19 scale with 253 cases and only (but sadly) 1 death.

Thanks, Sir.

--- LaRRy

LaRRy, UV-light deactivates the virus protein, permanently, so a sun lamp would do the trick. The lamps are widely available, because so many people use them to grow pot...or so I’m told. ;)

Go easy with the disinfectant spray, as it’s hard on your mucous membranes. Where it might prove useful is sprayed in the mailbox. For that matter, it might not be a bad idea to get a good-sized, plastic crate to use as a fumigation chamber.

At some point, the old law of diminishing returns kicks in. Guess it just depends on how low your risk tolerance is.

A good and helpful article, Brad, albeit a bit scary, although the information does calm my fears a bit.

However, every package (mail) that arrives gets sprayed with Lysol, Clorox (or similar) diinfectent before entering the house. Next, I use latex (rubber) gloves and put it on the porch and spray the bottom of the box and then let it sit for two days. After that I open the box/mail and use hand-sterilizer.

I may be overdoing it a bit but my wife is a high risk person (minor heart issues) so I try to bring the % down to ZERO.

Thankfully Maine is still very low on COVID-19 scale with 253 cases and only (but sadly) 1 death.

Thanks, Sir.

--- LaRRy


I was wearing black nitrile glove at Costco and HEB back in February and getting snarky looks, eye rolls and "Hmphfs" Now, when I go to the store if your NOT wearing something you get eye rolls, snarky looks and Hmphfs. I was (and still am) tryin to be apart of solution not the problem and don't want to see anyone get sick in the House. It was reported that an elderly lady passed way up in New Braunfels the other day from COVID and they found out she had visited the same HEB I went to yesterday, a week ago. She visited Wal-mart too. So, no you can't be too cautious.

My god I had a lot of haters and deniers looking and me side ways since then. In fact, I had some contractors come to our shop and tell us we were "stupid" for closing our show room and only taking orders from the back dock. That same contractor came back the next day and told us he was shutting down because all his contracts were cancelled. My eldest daughter almost socked a guy for fake coughing in our shop...he's one of those anti-vaccers who just had twins under a year ago. He took picture of himself and the family at Hooters right before the city shut down and posted it on facebook. The bliss I tell you.

China always claims victory for something...anything. I knew they were going to say all is well shortly, everything is fine and so on. However, we really don't know because they kicked out all of the western journalist who were reporting the truth. And the truth is we don't know how they are faring. They only tell us (the world) what they want. Shame on them and in regards to Marks comment about being them becoming super power, I still say they can't land a plane on an aircraft carrier to date...and its not even moving...its docked. But, they march real purty.

The CNN documentary "Pandemic" that came out a few years back showed exactly how China rolls when it comes to food safety and its not good. I'm not surprised though as that is how they have been preparing food for eons. However, its disgusting and would never fly in the most countries and because of their bass-ackwards way of preparing food their will be more flu's to come in the future. The Chinese may have figured out how to contain it or whatever, but they sure as hell are doing nothing (past or present) to prevent it now and in the future. You can blame MAO for that one when he killed off all the professors, scientist and doctors during The Great Terror in the 60's and 70's. Oh and they burned ALL the books and closed the libraries too. "Read Mao!"

On the bright side, The Governor of Texas has allowed drive-thru margaritas! And you can order take out with booze too.


John from Texas
LaRRy, UV-light deactivates the virus protein, permanently, so a sun lamp would do the trick. The lamps are widely available, because so many people use them to grow pot...or so I’m told. ;)

Go easy with the disinfectant spray, as it’s hard on your mucous membranes. Where it might prove useful is sprayed in the mailbox. For that matter, it might not be a bad idea to get a good-sized, plastic crate to use as a fumigation chamber.

At some point, the old law of diminishing returns kicks in. Guess it just depends on how low your risk tolerance is.


Hey Moe, Ya' I actually have one, but it is small.
HOWEVER .. I have been hearing a lot about the ineffectiveness of UV-Lamps AND the danger in using them for this purpose.

Here is a link to (at least one) article that discusses the UV <> COVID-19 debate.

There’s only one type of UV that can reliably inactivate Covid-19 – and it’s extremely dangerous.

What is really depressing these days is the media is printing everything possible and then every Crackpot is coming out with useless inventions or schemes just to make money.

So, it is hard to know what is valid and what isn't.

I am being very safe with the Lysol and other stuff.
Only spraying outdoors, sits for a good while and then goes into the porch in a special box.

As mentioned in a previous discussion, being a resident in a <somewhat> rural town in Maine has its benefits.
The local Post Office is blasting the mail and packages with UV as it enters the office. All mail is placed in plastic bags, the kind that use pickup at the local market to put veggies and fruit inside.


I don't know, but ask the folks in the states like Mass, Calif, Florida, NY, Mich and more where the infection rate is in the multiple thousands, while here we have only 249. I'll take the extra effort any day.

PLEASE EVERYONE ... just stay inside and play with your treasures.

COVID-19 does not have legs or feet ..... it needs humans to get it about.!!!!!!!!!!!!

--- LaRRY

Thankfully, trump dropped his Easter nonsense today.
Moved target to April 30
Would expect to start seeing a phased returned to normalcy beginning in a couple of weeks. In those areas of the country with few cases, things will go back to normal fairly quickly. It could be months, however, in NY, California and a few other places with hot spots.
Just for fun......


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I was wearing black nitrile glove at Costco and HEB back in February and getting snarky looks, eye rolls and "Hmphfs" Now, when I go to the store if your NOT wearing something you get eye rolls, snarky looks and Hmphfs. I was (and still am) tryin to be apart of solution not the problem and don't want to see anyone get sick in the House. It was reported that an elderly lady passed way up in New Braunfels the other day from COVID and they found out she had visited the same HEB I went to yesterday, a week ago. She visited Wal-mart too. So, no you can't be too cautious.

My god I had a lot of haters and deniers looking and me side ways since then. In fact, I had some contractors come to our shop and tell us we were "stupid" for closing our show room and only taking orders from the back dock. That same contractor came back the next day and told us he was shutting down because all his contracts were cancelled. My eldest daughter almost socked a guy for fake coughing in our shop...he's one of those anti-vaccers who just had twins under a year ago. He took picture of himself and the family at Hooters right before the city shut down and posted it on facebook. The bliss I tell you.

China always claims victory for something...anything. I knew they were going to say all is well shortly, everything is fine and so on. However, we really don't know because they kicked out all of the western journalist who were reporting the truth. And the truth is we don't know how they are faring. They only tell us (the world) what they want. Shame on them and in regards to Marks comment about being them becoming super power, I still say they can't land a plane on an aircraft carrier to date...and its not even moving...its docked. But, they march real purty.

The CNN documentary "Pandemic" that came out a few years back showed exactly how China rolls when it comes to food safety and its not good. I'm not surprised though as that is how they have been preparing food for eons. However, its disgusting and would never fly in the most countries and because of their bass-ackwards way of preparing food their will be more flu's to come in the future. The Chinese may have figured out how to contain it or whatever, but they sure as hell are doing nothing (past or present) to prevent it now and in the future. You can blame MAO for that one when he killed off all the professors, scientist and doctors during The Great Terror in the 60's and 70's. Oh and they burned ALL the books and closed the libraries too. "Read Mao!"

On the bright side, The Governor of Texas has allowed drive-thru margaritas! And you can order take out with booze too.


John from Texas

I could really do with a Margarita right now too. :D
Thankfully, trump dropped his Easter nonsense today.
Moved target to April 30

Yeah, ZB I saw that too. I don't understand the fascination with time and "it will disappear" dates. NOT going to get political here...just saying. We need this thread and its a good outlet for information, ideas and overall venting. But, I'm frustrated too with our leadership. Locally, our Mayor and County Commissioner are working triple time to keep us informed and implement safer procedures. Remember, here is San Antonio is where the ship passengers/diplomats are being evacuated to for quarantine...en masse. I don't know if it was reported but one of them was released, booked a room at a airport hotel to fly out the next day, went to the foodcourt at the mall and was recalled back to quarantine because a third test revealed she was positive after she left. She was brought back for another 14 days and the mall was closed for deep cleaning. Its still closed.

The Southwest Research lab is here that houses a thousand baboons. Apparently, their is a huge demand on baboons right now for testing and the lab itself is quite busy (under the radar) for helping with finding a cure. I read somewhere that they are injecting the baboons with the virus and studying the outcomes AND then reinfecting those who survive again to study them even more. I'll look for the article and post it.

I'm up early and gotta get going. Word on the neighborhood app says that Costco is stock with butt wipe. So, like an dork I am going there to wait in line to get a pack. This is stupid ridiculous and I found this pic online:



John from Texas
Would expect to start seeing a phased returned to normalcy beginning in a couple of weeks. In those areas of the country with few cases, things will go back to normal fairly quickly. It could be months, however, in NY, California and a few other places with hot spots.

That looks like the planning in MD. Governor extended schools to April 24, online learning in earnest until then. Unlike VA, he wants schools back in session if at all possible this year. We are not doing anything stupid by any means but we are looking for an end date as the cases spike and peak in the next 2 weeks here (latest projection).

On a leadership call with global leaders in our Company Friday, we currently have a May 15th - June 1 rolling target date for offices. Of course this will depend on each one locally as I don't see the NYC office coming online anytime soon.

Point is, I like the fact that we are planning for the future, that is always a good sign. Easter was wishful thinking and I don't mind that either, like i said before, it will be what it will be and it will not go on forever. We will eventually return to a normal. It is not the end of the world like a large amount of our press seemingly wish it would be. The constant barrage of bullshit stories gets old. I stopped watching, have been enjoying a ton of blu rays and old tv shows, it is a great time to enjoy them and avoid the constant drivel of manure.

I'm up early and gotta get going. Word on the neighborhood app says that Costco is stock with butt wipe. So, like an dork I am going there to wait in line to get a pack. This is stupid ridiculous and I found this pic online:

View attachment 259239

Black market! Who'da thought? {eek3}
I'm up early and gotta get going. Word on the neighborhood app says that Costco is stock with butt wipe. So, like an dork I am going there to wait in line to get a pack. This is stupid ridiculous and I found this pic online:

View attachment 259239

Black market! Who'da thought? {eek3}

Yeah, ZB I saw that too. I don't understand the fascination with time and "it will disappear" dates. NOT going to get political here...just saying. We need this thread and its a good outlet for information, ideas and overall venting. But, I'm frustrated too with our leadership. Locally, our Mayor and County Commissioner are working triple time to keep us informed and implement safer procedures. Remember, here is San Antonio is where the ship passengers/diplomats are being evacuated to for quarantine...en masse. I don't know if it was reported but one of them was released, booked a room at a airport hotel to fly out the next day, went to the foodcourt at the mall and was recalled back to quarantine because a third test revealed she was positive after she left. She was brought back for another 14 days and the mall was closed for deep cleaning. Its still closed.

The Southwest Research lab is here that houses a thousand baboons. Apparently, their is a huge demand on baboons right now for testing and the lab itself is quite busy (under the radar) for helping with finding a cure. I read somewhere that they are injecting the baboons with the virus and studying the outcomes AND then reinfecting those who survive again to study them even more. I'll look for the article and post it.

I'm up early and gotta get going. Word on the neighborhood app says that Costco is stock with butt wipe. So, like an dork I am going there to wait in line to get a pack. This is stupid ridiculous and I found this pic online:

View attachment 259239


John from Texas

People talk about a return to normalcy. Frankly, I don’t know what that means. What is normal anymore? I have no idea.

To try to reopen the country in less than a couple of months could spike the number of cases. If local governments are premature, we could be in the same situation again. If you look at other countries, two months at a minimum is required and we’ve only been at this, essentially, since March. The virus doesn’t know a timeline; it follows its own dictates. This thing is starting to move across the country. In order to combat it effectively, the entire country needs to be on lockdown. If you look at the US map, cases have increased. Part of the problem is that there is no uniformity in approach nationally and there needs to be. The federal government can say what it wants but the governors will have the last word.
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