Corona virus (6 Viewers)

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In adversity, bad men are worse and good men better. To TD, in Hawaii, your approach would land you in jail. In Hawaii, there are strict laws in regard to self-defense. Gives criminals an advantage. Better to send the dogs.


I have mentioned this before. If you got the huevos to come to my casa wit out will be met with the old saying "Mi casa es tu casa"

Cause your not leaving.

What did Sonny say to the bikers in A Bronx Tale..."Nows yous can't leave"

Okay, enough of the morbid chit. Sadly the painting was probably cut out of the frame which destroys it even further. Theres a good documentary about it called "The Art of the Steal" These guys are clever if not brilliant in their thievery, but the problem is selling it on the black market. Pennies on the dollar for priceless art IF they get to sell it all.

GOOD NEWS! I got up early went to HEB was 25th in line and got a MEGA PACK of Charmin AND my ebay toilet paper order came in. Went to Costco more benches to eat your hot dog combo. They had everything I needed except TP, but after my score this morning it was okay. I got there early enough I was 4th in line.

Went to Home Depot and a random lady started talking to me in the cleaning isle. I was looking for Drain-o, after some small talk she told me her husband is a ICU Doc and only has three masks that is he is re-using over and over again. She was there picking up spray bottles and disinfectant to clean them for him. Her daughter is a Doc in FT. Worth and was exposed to a carrier via a in hospital conference. She has not been able to get tested and until then she must remain on duty. Remember she's a doc and can't get tested.

John from Texas
these opportunistic thieves really bug me...
living in hurricane country...
I have seen my share of cities ravaged to the bone by Mother Nature...
loss of life...electricity...drinking services...

only to see some idiot smashing out a window of steal a 60" tv...

when the city doesn't even have electricity...

in times like that...

if you have to wade through waist deep water...
to pilfer a grocery store and to get food for your family...
I can live with what you gotta do...

but Gogh's...
jail time or the pistol for you guys that take advantage of a crisis...

Yeah, Mike you never see anyone coming out with a big *** Brisket or Prime cuts of beef. Its alway shoes or electronics. If I saw a looter with a bottle of whiskey, fresh shrimp, a few lobsters and some steaks I would applaud the dude. But nah man, it always something that is just so stoopid.

John down the street
I’d imagine home burglaries are going to be way down. Tough to find an empty house these days.

You what else in down? Pan handlers...they are like gone from the street corners. There isn't a soul who would come in contact with a homeless person right now. Don't get me wrong their human beings man and I pity them, but everyone knows indigents have terrible hygiene and the highest population to get infected because of their situation. Their through and I think it is a public health concern to have the hanging out by the populous. I'm mean you can't stop them, but I think our good hearts are elsewhere right now with Pandemic and the idea of even coming with in 12 feet of an indigent is a risky thought.

I used to work at a homeless shelter when I was teenager and frankly I loved it. Helping those who need help. But as I think back, their bunk beds are in close quarters with shared bathrooms and there is no such a thing as social distancing. This is going to be a major health situation for the shelters who try to provide services for them. But, honestly that is not my concern right now as you know.

John from Texas
Local radio station had a very well spoken individual from the medical field on today, he spoke about the pandemic and it's impact.

One of the things he kept referencing back to was social distancing; his prediction is social distancing/limiting gatherings of large groups of people will be the LAST thing that goes, he said non life supporting businesses will probably begin opening up again in June, there will be no return to school for kids, they may even start later this Fall, but meetings/concerts/gatherings/conventions/conferences/sporting events/night clubs/bars will be a no go probably into next Spring as round two of this thing is coming in the Fall.

So, no pro or college sports this Fall, MLB will not have a season this year in all likelihood.

These were his predictions/thoughts, subject to change naturally depending on the advances science makes, ie, a medicine to fight it or more importantly, a vaccine to prevent it, if either/both of those things happen, they would be a game changer.

And yes, I'm sure there will be those who say "I'M not getting no **** vaccine, who knows what side effects there will be, blah, blah, blah"...………...yeah, ok, you do that then, best of luck to you, keep me posted on how that works out for you, I'll gladly step to the front of the line for my vaccine whenever it's ready.

When he mentioned conventions, I thought of toy soldier shows, specifically Chicago and the East Coast Toy Soldier Show.

Again, short of a medicine to cure it or a vaccine to prevent it, in all likelihood, neither one will go off this year, the individual states may not lift the ban on large gatherings and even if they do, not likely the hotel in Chicago or FDU will want to host a large event like that, which is going to severely impact hotels who depend on weddings, parties, shows, or convention centers whos sole purpose of being in business is to host conventions.

Like Brad said earlier up thread, what normalcy is actually like on the other side of this will resemble nothing like what it used to be for a long, long time, if ever again.
In adversity, bad men are worse and good men better. To TD, in Hawaii, your approach would land you in jail. In Hawaii, there are strict laws in regard to self-defense. Gives criminals an advantage. Better to send the dogs.

I like Hawaii, have visited but would never liver there due to laws, etc. To each his own, I am a believer in self defense and stand your ground. I hope to never have to test either of them, but appreciate the fact that they protect the law abiding citizen.

As to the rest of this thread. I don't know what normal is going to be either, that said, I am not writing off every event, etc that is coming up. Eventually sooner or later, we will move on from this through vaccine, knowledge, etc. It will burn itself out. My hope is sooner rather than later.

her's a sad little article on the N-95 respirator masks...

if it's true...then that suxs...

Coronavirus Cases Have Surged, But The US Is Refusing To Take The World’s Most Available Masks

From other articles, we are not the only Country refusing medical goods from China, I believe there is a lot of question around quality, usefulness, etc. There are a lot of differing articles out there. In today's world, hard to know which press source has the facts.
Yeah, Mike you never see anyone coming out with a big *** Brisket or Prime cuts of beef. Its alway shoes or electronics. If I saw a looter with a bottle of whiskey, fresh shrimp, a few lobsters and some steaks I would applaud the dude. But nah man, it always something that is just so stoopid.

John down the street


I remember a video of New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina...
3-4 days after the hurricane...
no nothing...
people suffering bad...
it was a very sad scene...

cops were standing right there when someone in the crowd threw a rock through the grocery store window...
the crowd looked at the cops...
the cops looked at the crowd...
and the cops stepped away and let them take all the food they could carry...
almost like they gave them the go ahead to break the window and monitored the looting...

which I have no issue with...
let the people eat...
if I was a cop there...
I would of broke the window for them...

foods a necessity...
you wanna take food...
I'm okay with that...

but if you're like the guys in this video...
shame on you...
this is nothing more than a crime of opportunity...
A couple was just charged with child endangerment for hosting a party for their kids!!!! Good!!!!
This is what it’ll take to stop the morons!
some people are idiots...
I would arrest the parents who let their children go to it also...
Just read that ANOTHER of NYPD finest has died from COVID, which brings the total to 3. Also, her locally an SAPD traffic cop went to NY to pick up a relative who had the virus, came back and went back to work without quarantining. His partners noticed he was getting sick and reported him to the Capt. Come to fine out he tested positive and gave out 30 traffic tickets while he was sick. For shame man.

John from Texas
Just read that ANOTHER of NYPD finest has died from COVID, which brings the total to 3. Also, her locally an SAPD traffic cop went to NY to pick up a relative who had the virus, came back and went back to work without quarantining. His partners noticed he was getting sick and reported him to the Capt. Come to fine out he tested positive and gave out 30 traffic tickets while he was sick. For shame man.

John from Texas

Cases like this illustrate the egotism that makes the virus so hard to fight. One person who thinks the rules don't apply to them can do so much damage.

Cases like this illustrate the egotism that makes the virus so hard to fight. One person who thinks the rules don't apply to them can do so much damage.


Brother, you said it right. I would be pissed for getting a ticket, let alone from a cop who knew in the back of his mind that he was a first degree contact to a COVID patient. It's almost criminal man! Seriously though, putting the public at risk like that...HELL your co-workers and fellow cops! Jimmy Christmas if the cops get sick, we're done.

On another front of you should know better...I was behind a dude who was checking out at HEB and the genius had two packs of TP that he was checking out with. The cashier ran both TP's but the system would only charge for one. HEB has already put in the computer system "1" TP per purchase. Brilliant! Nonetheless, dumb *** played dumb (like the dumb *** he was being) and was like "oh, I didn't know" Bruh, STFU EVERYBODY KNOWS YOU CAN ONLY BUY ONE PACK OF TP IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. Wasting my flipping time...everyones time...take you and your Tesla Jacket and get dafuqe out of her before I beat with you with your own pack of TP.

Another PENdejo.

John from Texas
Just referring to some of the comments being posted on here about developing a vaccine for Covid-19 its clear many of you don't really know what a virus is or how they can affect your cells and reproduce.

To understand how limited vaccines are when used to fight virus's you need to have an understanding of what a virus is first

There's loads of really great websites out there that will explain how a viris operates, heres one that you may find useful.

Just read that ANOTHER of NYPD finest has died from COVID, which brings the total to 3. Also, her locally an SAPD traffic cop went to NY to pick up a relative who had the virus, came back and went back to work without quarantining. His partners noticed he was getting sick and reported him to the Capt. Come to fine out he tested positive and gave out 30 traffic tickets while he was sick. For shame man.

John from Texas

That's really bad. My nephew works in the Pentagon and has to report to the office twice a week. His boss tested positive and knew he had been exposed before working face-to-face with his subordinates. Now my nephew is worried about his family. The callousness of people is disgusting. Chris
My daughter-in-law was tested ten days ago when she had symptoms.......still no results and fortunately she feels fine now.
My doctor friends who are now working in NYC and Boston hospitals tell me that you cannot believe what the government is saying.
They are short of ventilators, respirator masks and protective gear. The testing capabilities are abysmal. Where are the 27
million tests our VP and officials are talking about? Why are our states bidding against FEMA and each other for equipment?
We talk about "fake news", well guess what, the media and our government are both guilty!
This is from NY. This has to start becoming a crime

“A man who knew he had been exposed to coronavirus and was showing symptoms has admitted to intentionally hiding his symptoms in order to visit his wife at the maternity ward last week, creating chaos at her hospital. He only admitted to his symptoms after his wife began exhibiting them as well."
My daughter-in-law was tested ten days ago when she had symptoms.......still no results and fortunately she feels fine now.
My doctor friends who are now working in NYC and Boston hospitals tell me that you cannot believe what the government is saying.
They are short of ventilators, respirator masks and protective gear. The testing capabilities are abysmal. Where are the 27
million tests our VP and officials are talking about? Why are our states bidding against FEMA and each other for equipment?
We talk about "fake news", well guess what, the media and our government are both guilty!

NY is getting pummeled by this virus. Like him or not, Gov. Cuomo seems to be the only one "leveling" with us...and I don't even live there! I just couldn't believe that the Mayors/Governors of DC, Maryland and Virginia are just NOW implementing preventative public procedures. Like NOW???

Per the book I am reading The Great Influenza by John M. Barry it seems history is repeating itself: a misinformed public, denial- leadership, "God" first mentality with public sermons on the mound, wholly underprepared Medical staff and equipment, cut funding or lack of because of "other priorities". It is just stunning that literally a hundred years ago we and the world went through the same situation yet learned nothing. Estimates have the 1918 flu at 50 millions world wide and 675,000 in the US. But you have to take into consideration that was a 100 years ago with a smaller world population.

Personally, I could care less about the inheritance our President recieved. All Presidents inherit a "mess" of some sort. What I care about is how you rise to the occasion on YOUR watch and I supported G Dubya when he was handed 9/11, I supported BO when he was handed the recession...hell I supported Reagan as a kid against the Commies, the Wall and the Nukes. I even supported Bush, Sr in the Gulf and went to because of it. Clinton-I was overseas and didn't vote, plus there was no cause to support back then...I think. Regardless, like him or not I always supported the CINC regardless of party.

This guy...I have tried Ringo...I haver really, really tried, but this has been a failure since day one and hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to perish because of it. I may, you may or someone you know or a family member. I just about passed out when "The Pillow Guy" came out on TV the other day in the Rose Garden briefing offering "comfort". I was speechless.

Sorry for the rant I am just found out that a friend of mines daughter has been infected. She's a college student doing an overseas study in Spain. She was recalled home, she was fine, some time went by and then she got sick, took six days for her test to come back. SHe's at home with her family...they have been exposed. They asked to be tested and denied. Her mom (my business friend) was at work and installed some signage at our shop not knowing if her daughter had the virus. Our employees may have been exposed second hand...we don't know. We would know if they could get tested but NAH..."the tests are perfect and anyone can get one"

John from Texas

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