Corona virus (4 Viewers)

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My daughter-in-law was tested ten days ago when she had symptoms.......still no results and fortunately she feels fine now.

Rich, hope she gets better soon.


I’m taking a break from this thread. Just as I limit my intake of the news for obvious reasons, I’m going to do the same here.
Interesting show on PBS last night about the polio epidemic during the 1950s and the debate about rushing a vaccine into use. Salk and the March of Dimes wanted to aggressively address the virus and tested the vaccine on children in orphanages etc. It turned out the vaccine worked but a bad batch caused a number of children to become sick and even die. The vaccine was pulled off the market for a short while and then reintroduced with more safeguards for its production. Eventually polio was eradicated.

The scenes and stories of children having to live in those "iron lungs" sometimes for months or years was just unbelievable. Just lying there day after day. What a terrible time that must have been for their parents and family.
NY is getting pummeled by this virus. Like him or not, Gov. Cuomo seems to be the only one "leveling" with us...and I don't even live there! I just couldn't believe that the Mayors/Governors of DC, Maryland and Virginia are just NOW implementing preventative public procedures. Like NOW???

Per the book I am reading The Great Influenza by John M. Barry it seems history is repeating itself: a misinformed public, denial- leadership, "God" first mentality with public sermons on the mound, wholly underprepared Medical staff and equipment, cut funding or lack of because of "other priorities". It is just stunning that literally a hundred years ago we and the world went through the same situation yet learned nothing. Estimates have the 1918 flu at 50 millions world wide and 675,000 in the US. But you have to take into consideration that was a 100 years ago with a smaller world population.

Personally, I could care less about the inheritance our President recieved. All Presidents inherit a "mess" of some sort. What I care about is how you rise to the occasion on YOUR watch and I supported G Dubya when he was handed 9/11, I supported BO when he was handed the recession...hell I supported Reagan as a kid against the Commies, the Wall and the Nukes. I even supported Bush, Sr in the Gulf and went to because of it. Clinton-I was overseas and didn't vote, plus there was no cause to support back then...I think. Regardless, like him or not I always supported the CINC regardless of party.

This guy...I have tried Ringo...I haver really, really tried, but this has been a failure since day one and hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to perish because of it. I may, you may or someone you know or a family member. I just about passed out when "The Pillow Guy" came out on TV the other day in the Rose Garden briefing offering "comfort". I was speechless.

Sorry for the rant I am just found out that a friend of mines daughter has been infected. She's a college student doing an overseas study in Spain. She was recalled home, she was fine, some time went by and then she got sick, took six days for her test to come back. SHe's at home with her family...they have been exposed. They asked to be tested and denied. Her mom (my business friend) was at work and installed some signage at our shop not knowing if her daughter had the virus. Our employees may have been exposed second hand...we don't know. We would know if they could get tested but NAH..."the tests are perfect and anyone can get one"

John from Texas


I couldn't agree more! No politics, no religion, no electioneering.....we just want facts and action. But all of us need to do our part as well and stay home if possible and take care if you have to go out or go to work. Bless the doctors, nurses, EMT and health workers, law enforcement, fire fighters, food market workers and all those who expose themselves to help their fellow human beings!
Rich, hope she gets better soon.


I’m taking a break from this thread. Just as I limit my intake of the news for obvious reasons, I’m going to do the same here.

Thanks and I agree.
My family are ok and we are lucky to have homes to stay in. I can't imagine staying in a small apartment for months and living check to check.
My son and daughter work for companies that have deep pockets and they can work from home and still get paid.
All my wife and I can do is donate as much as we can to help those who really need it.
I see many many court cases coming from this as more and more state and local officials are taking draconian measures on their own.The state legislatures need to convene and decide what is the appropriate measures.The US Congress was in session during the 1918 pandemic and almost all of WWII.
Well it looks like Maine just enacted a total shutdown. .... BY LAW!

The new "MANDATE" put forth yesterday and will go into effect tonight at Midnight FORCES mandatory "STAY-AT-HOME" law.

The police will now have the ability to arrest anyone who is out and about, except for a small number of cases.
The list of "essential" reasons (to be out of the house) shrunk considerably.

Fines can be as high as 6 months in Jail and a $1000 fine.

It is supposed to be in effect until April 30th but may be extended at the discretion of the governor.

GOOD FOR HER. :salute:::salute::

Now if we can just get a law to shut down the boarders to keep out the MASS, NY, NJ and CONN A$$ H0les coming up here we would be fine.
In the last week the number of cases jumped in Maine due to these selfish waste-of-skin wanting to get out of the city. Three have tested Positive for COVID-19. They said they couldn't get into the hospitals in their state and Maine seemed to be doing well and our hospitals are not packed.

--- LaRRy
1984 here we come.No one person should dictate that.It should be the legislature that does that.No one even during WWII was doing these type of measures.I honestly don't know what's right and wrong but my gut feeling is they are going too far.I hope the experts know what their talking about but I have a bad feeling about it all.One guy wants to put trackers on everybody.{eek3}
Kind of ironic, at a time when officials are emptying jails, they're going to lock up citizens who leave their homes. Chris
NY is getting pummeled by this virus. Like him or not, Gov. Cuomo seems to be the only one "leveling" with us...and I don't even live there! I just couldn't believe that the Mayors/Governors of DC, Maryland and Virginia are just NOW implementing preventative public procedures. Like NOW???

Per the book I am reading The Great Influenza by John M. Barry it seems history is repeating itself: a misinformed public, denial- leadership, "God" first mentality with public sermons on the mound, wholly underprepared Medical staff and equipment, cut funding or lack of because of "other priorities". It is just stunning that literally a hundred years ago we and the world went through the same situation yet learned nothing. Estimates have the 1918 flu at 50 millions world wide and 675,000 in the US. But you have to take into consideration that was a 100 years ago with a smaller world population.

Personally, I could care less about the inheritance our President recieved. All Presidents inherit a "mess" of some sort. What I care about is how you rise to the occasion on YOUR watch and I supported G Dubya when he was handed 9/11, I supported BO when he was handed the recession...hell I supported Reagan as a kid against the Commies, the Wall and the Nukes. I even supported Bush, Sr in the Gulf and went to because of it. Clinton-I was overseas and didn't vote, plus there was no cause to support back then...I think. Regardless, like him or not I always supported the CINC regardless of party.

This guy...I have tried Ringo...I haver really, really tried, but this has been a failure since day one and hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to perish because of it. I may, you may or someone you know or a family member. I just about passed out when "The Pillow Guy" came out on TV the other day in the Rose Garden briefing offering "comfort". I was speechless.

Sorry for the rant I am just found out that a friend of mines daughter has been infected. She's a college student doing an overseas study in Spain. She was recalled home, she was fine, some time went by and then she got sick, took six days for her test to come back. SHe's at home with her family...they have been exposed. They asked to be tested and denied. Her mom (my business friend) was at work and installed some signage at our shop not knowing if her daughter had the virus. Our employees may have been exposed second hand...we don't know. We would know if they could get tested but NAH..."the tests are perfect and anyone can get one"

John from Texas


Not going to get into a pissing contest here, but this is as much Trumps fault as a Man in the Moon. The USA has been woefully NOT prepared for this for some time and they are still not. Neither is any of the 50 States. And trutfhfully, our Governor here in MD is doing a pretty **** good job. Our Schools have been closed SINCE the beginning. On top of that, nearly ALL of our cases are relegated to areas that surround DC and Baltimore. It is 90% of them at current count. That shows you that the large danger areas are where the most people are, I don't know what you want to do to avoid that totally.

This is a virus that unfortunately was unknown and is going to run its course and is going to take people with it. There is nothing to do but do what sensible people are doing. Venturing out for short times for necessities and practicing sanitization. There is nothing else to do except deal with it. Our healthcare professionals are going to do their very best and you have to put faith in that. The supplies will continue to increase, that is about all you can do.

It is a terrible situation but the last place it needs to reside in is a pissing contest because I can probably name 457 different reasons about why this is a complete mess.

To me I don't think blaming anyone is doing any good.This is not like a hurricane coming at you that you can track.When word started to get out about this the US and other countries were blocked and lied to.I think most of our leaders are doing the best they can and I think it's very frustrating to them because they can't do more.If they start blaming each other I think it's mostly out of frustration and fear.
To me I don't think blaming anyone is doing any good.This is not like a hurricane coming at you that you can track.When word started to get out about this the US and other countries were blocked and lied to.I think most of our leaders are doing the best they can and I think it's very frustrating to them because they can't do more.If they start blaming each other I think it's mostly out of frustration and fear.

Agree, if you really want to lay blame somewhere, it has to start in China and I am not sure they even know what caused this in all seriousness.

Not going to get into a pissing contest here, but this is as much Trumps fault as a Man in the Moon. The USA has been woefully NOT prepared for this for some time and they are still not. Neither is any of the 50 States. And trutfhfully, our Governor here in MD is doing a pretty **** good job. Our Schools have been closed SINCE the beginning. On top of that, nearly ALL of our cases are relegated to areas that surround DC and Baltimore. It is 90% of them at current count. That shows you that the large danger areas are where the most people are, I don't know what you want to do to avoid that totally.

This is a virus that unfortunately was unknown and is going to run its course and is going to take people with it. There is nothing to do but do what sensible people are doing. Venturing out for short times for necessities and practicing sanitization. There is nothing else to do except deal with it. Our healthcare professionals are going to do their very best and you have to put faith in that. The supplies will continue to increase, that is about all you can do.

It is a terrible situation but the last place it needs to reside in is a political pissing contest because I can probably name 457 different reasons about why this is a complete ****show.


Y'know what TD, your right. I shouldn't throw so much shade on another state or Governor without checking my own. This is a mess and a unique one for that matter. This is not like a natural disaster that we are wholly prepared for at anytime...well I should say we get better after each one. So, I'll stand right next to you in the stall and we can pee together. Again, your right TD, your right.

John from the State that serves Drive-thru Margaritas...never mind drinking and driving-Texas
I see many many court cases coming from this as more and more state and local officials are taking draconian measures on their own.The state legislatures need to convene and decide what is the appropriate measures.The US Congress was in session during the 1918 pandemic and almost all of WWII.


I did not know that (the legs being in session non stop during the 1918 flu and War). I think the mindset is a very, very good question and needs to be explored and or questioned. We are wading in new waters and I think the reality can be overwhelming to most of us. But, does that give the government both locally and nationally the right to throw out our rights? The answer is a big NO and you nailed the "appropriate measures" statement to the wall.

Went to Costco today...had to and I made it point to be nice, courteous and say "hello" to the workers. One of the check out guys was telling me that customers cars are being broke into to steal broad daylight. Likewise, theft of electronics in the store are on the rise. I asked him why there wasn't a cop/security at the front like HEB has at both the entrance and exit. He told us Costco HQ in Washington said no...period.

Went to the Gun Store around the corner. More like a mercantile with guns, its a sheik western kind of joint. The ex marine at the counter told me that 65,000 9mm rounds last week. With in that week they were sold out and they have a two box limit on ammo because of the virus. I bought two boxes of 5.56mm...$16.75 for both.

One of the neighbors has gunite going in today for their pool. In my opinion, perfect timing. Its going to be a long hot summer.

Somebody is tracking cell phone data and posting it where people apparently are not "social distancing" here in town. Likewise, our city now has zip code data of where the most infections are or reported cases. Whats next? This information dumping could be a slippery slope. I don't know but we will see.

Went to the liquor store today to pick up some mixes for the wife. Business is humming and its the only store open on the strip mall except Target. Booze and Target.

John from Texas
Agree, if you really want to lay blame somewhere, it has to start in China and I am not sure they even know what caused this in all seriousness.



Birds, bats, swine in open unregulated disgusting street markets, which are back open by the way. Found out last night bats are eaten over there. Yes, bats. Thats like eating a flying rat. Other delicacies are shark fins, rhino horns and pangolins. Just a treasure trove of good eats I tell ya and all the bacterias and viruses to go with it. Until they sort out their food health the viruses will keep coming. However, they have claimed "victory" and will probably have a parade.

John from Texas
Agree, if you really want to lay blame somewhere, it has to start in China and I am not sure they even know what caused this in all seriousness.


Tom, heard a report, there's a published paper that studied the cause. Originally thought to be bats sold in the wet market, we've all heard that. But 60 people interviewed say that the horseshoe bat was not sold there. However two labs within 7 miles of the market were testing that species. Theory is the virus accidentally infected a worker who in turn infected others. Not thought to be a weapons project. Not the final answer of course but interesting. Chris
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Yes I heard that too. Heard the government is considering moving labs to less populous area.
Not going to get into a pissing contest here, but this is as much Trumps fault as a Man in the Moon. The USA has been woefully NOT prepared for this for some time and they are still not. Neither is any of the 50 States. And trutfhfully, our Governor here in MD is doing a pretty **** good job. Our Schools have been closed SINCE the beginning. On top of that, nearly ALL of our cases are relegated to areas that surround DC and Baltimore. It is 90% of them at current count. That shows you that the large danger areas are where the most people are, I don't know what you want to do to avoid that totally.

This is a virus that unfortunately was unknown and is going to run its course and is going to take people with it. There is nothing to do but do what sensible people are doing. Venturing out for short times for necessities and practicing sanitization. There is nothing else to do except deal with it. Our healthcare professionals are going to do their very best and you have to put faith in that. The supplies will continue to increase, that is about all you can do.

It is a terrible situation but the last place it needs to reside in is a political pissing contest because I can probably name 457 different reasons about why this is a complete ****show.

Being critical of our leaders and debating their policies is just part of being a Democracy. I don't think anyone here is blaming the President for the virus but there is legitimate criticism of his performance on addressing it. The facts are that he played it down, even called it a "hoax" and it would "disappear" on its own.........We lost valuable time in quarantining and developing testing on a massive scale. He did the right thing closing off China early but other things were not done timely or effectively.
My biggest problem is that we have not gone to a true national response and left it up to individual states who end up competing with each other and FEMA for life saving equipment. While Louisiana went on lockdown all the surrounding states (Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas and Alabama) stayed stupid is that. The governor of Florida was allowing people to congregate until today when he finally locked down. It only takes a few people traveling from state to state to start an avalanche of infections.

This is a war and should be treated like one. During WWII as you know, the government mandated factories to produce military equipment and put vital resource on ration. We worked together as one country and saved the world from fascism.
If we don't criticize, constructively, and civilly debate to help make decisions on who we want to be our representatives we are just sheep. We should not, however, get personal and insulting....that goes both ways.
I think the 2 doctors said yesterday that they felt that we started quite early based on the data they had .China didn't even admit to it transferred human to human until January 20th or 24th.
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