Corona virus (3 Viewers)

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Unfortunately, some officers use their new powers to harass and bully people getting groceries, medications, etc.

Hope you and family are well Martyn. Chris

Hi Chris

Managed to get a 16 pack of toilet rolls this morning so all looking good{sm4}

Hope you and your family all stay safe

President Trump on Saturday said he is considering imposing an enforceable quarantine on New York, parts of New Jersey and parts of Connecticut as part of the efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

This is extreme, but I agree with it. Gotta stop this sucker somehow.
350 million people roaming around isn’t good. We have to treat each state like a country when it comes to borders
President Trump on Saturday said he is considering imposing an enforceable quarantine on New York, parts of New Jersey and parts of Connecticut as part of the efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

This is extreme, but I agree with it. Gotta stop this sucker somehow.
350 million people roaming around isn’t good. We have to treat each state like a country when it comes to borders

His comments, based on what I’ve read, were limited to, placing restrictions on people trying to leave the N.Y. metro area. I can’t speak for Conn or NY but NJ is in the top 5 in the country in practicing social distancing and staying at home. Moreover, the three states are acting in concert.

What’s needed is a national quarantine as we have other states where officials within a state are acting differently.
This is extreme, but I agree with it. Gotta stop this sucker somehow.
350 million people roaming around isn’t good. We have to treat each state like a country when it comes to borders

My concern is that this action comes too late to prevent truly massive loss of life in the USA. In order to sustain the effort needed in the area around “The City,” other parts of the nation needed to remain somewhat open and functional. With the spread of the virus to numerous other population centers, I see that possibility receding rather dramatically. The “supply chain” is under considerable strain, and distribution of not only medical supplies, but food, is threatened. Again, IMO, cordoning off a region of the lower-48, is simply too little, too late. I’m afraid that we’re looking, more and more, like Italy. An old adage comes to mind, “do something, even if it’s wrong.” In this instance, it might more aptly read, “do something, even if it should have been done a month ago.” It’s all very sad and unfortunate. :(

I ordered toilet paper from Ebay: $35.07 for 10 Charmin jumbo rolls. $18.00 for the rolls and $14.40 shipping $2.67 tax from Florida.

Cops are now at HEB our grocery stores.

Our business (concrete) is considered locally "essential" and business is a booming. Though we have had some dry spells. However, we have sacrificed our pay for our employees.

My kids senior year is pretty much over. No prom for them and my daughters soccer season is on the verge of being cancelled altogether. To bad, they were headed to the playoffs. No school till April 23.

I first started wearing black nitrile gloves to Costco in February and received more than one snarky look or eye roll. I didn't care because debit machines are flipping gross man...I hate 'em. People now are in the stores with gloves AND masks.

The wife decided to repaint the interior of the knees and back hurts and all the massage joints are closed.

We ain't getting a check. Our income exceeds the minimum. But, my daughter (who is 18) wants to file her taxes quickly so she can get a check too. She voted in the primaries (they let her go from school to vote) and wants her check gawddammnit.

I'll try to post more, but an illness in the house is sucking my time.

John from Texas

PS: We still have all is not lost.
My concern is that this action comes too late to prevent truly massive loss of life in the USA. In order to sustain the effort needed in the area around “The City,” other parts of the nation needed to remain somewhat open and functional. With the spread of the virus to numerous other population centers, I see that possibility receding rather dramatically. The “supply chain” is under considerable strain, and distribution of not only medical supplies, but food, is threatened. Again, IMO, cordoning off a region of the lower-48, is simply too little, too late. I’m afraid that we’re looking, more and more, like Italy. An old adage comes to mind, “do something, even if it’s wrong.” In this instance, it might more aptly read, “do something, even if it should have been done a month ago.” It’s all very sad and unfortunate. :(


I agree with your statements. It's too late, LOTS of time wasted by BS on both sides and its time to simply make a new mission: SAVE LIVES. Lots of deniers and haters who are eating humble pie now. New York and the east coast are taking a beating and I fear for them and our members who live there. However, I don't think the supply chain is threatened, but is strained. Mind you I am only thinking of the truck drivers. I think the supply will be threatened IF the drivers get sick or worse, hijacked. EVERYTHING will be threatened if the medical professionals get sick, law enforcement and first responders. Unlike politicians, they can't do their jobs from home via Skype. I worry for them the docs, cops and front line folks. They are the backbone, the order and the saviors in our communities. If they fall to sickness who replaces them? You? Me? No, they are not expendable and with out them for 14 days or worse if they die, we are going to be suffering socially, economically and more importantly psychologically.

Rhienhold Neibuhr wrote in The Children of Light and The Children of Darkness:

"Mans capacity for justice make democracy possible; but man's inclination to injustice make democracy necessary"

Sorry for being bleak, its not my intention as I agree with you wholeheartedly. I am just worried for our country and pray the scientists and doctors come up with a solution as quickly as possible or there will be unimaginable deaths worldwide.

John down the Street on I35 South and make a right on 1604.
We went from 3,000 to 11,000 today.That is terrifying.More and more healthcare workers,police and other first responders are becoming infected or completely exhausted.We are headed for some dark days and if a second wave hits us in the fall it could be worse.The world is going to look very different at the beginning of 2021 than it did in 2020.China may attain it's goal of becoming the #1 superpower.Makes you think doesn't it.:rolleyes2::mad:
Its day 4x of our month long lock down here in New Zealand,with only essential services running and everything closed other thansupermarkets, Pharmacies, Gas stations, hospitals and medical clinic’s.

The roads are almost empty, apart from buses and essentialservice vehicles and those working essential services. The public can use theircars to drive to supermarkets and to drop food supplies to older relatives, plusdrive a short distance (2km) to a park or reserve to exercise, but that’s it.

By and large most Kiwis are adjusting to those changespretty well but its early days and of course there are always the idiots.

The panic buying has reduced dramatically since the lockdown, but you still have to que to get into a supermarket as they will onlyallow a certain number in at any one time.

You can’t buy takeaway food or coffee anywhere and all theliquor stores are closed and our supermarkets only sell beer and wine.
We went from 3,000 to 11,000 today.That is terrifying.More and more healthcare workers,police and other first responders are becoming infected or completely exhausted.We are headed for some dark days and if a second wave hits us in the fall it could be worse.The world is going to look very different at the beginning of 2021 than it did in 2020.China may attain it's goal of becoming the #1 superpower.Makes you think doesn't it.:rolleyes2::mad:

Nah China is screwed too Mark, for all we know they're dropping like flies over their as well. I wouldn't believe a word of what they're reporting to the world, neither would I trust Putin and his mob.
As I have relatives and many friends in the medical field I communicate with them every day.
Researchers are working feverishly around the world for cures and vaccines. The good news is
that there is tremendous cooperation and networking. With computer technology today researchers
can tap into the day to day discoveries and research. There are promising advancements being made and
I truly believe we will see life saving results sooner than later.
This doesn't mean we can go back to normal any time soon but it is a ray of hope.

My nephew is a PHD in microbiology and his company assigned him to work with a group of researchers
from Israel, Germany, Japan and China. They pass their findings to researchers all over the world.

Maybe, we as humans can find a common cause to show that we are all vulnerable to diseases and
environmental concerns that need global actions.
Nah China is screwed too Mark, for all we know they're dropping like flies over their as well. I wouldn't believe a word of what they're reporting to the world, neither would I trust Putin and his mob.
I believe that there dropping over there too but that regime don't care about it's people.I don't trust Putin either.I think the biggest mistake was they allowed over 5,000,000 leave that province after they knew about the virus.I don't if that's true or not but there are thousands of stories out there.We may never know the whole truth.
We went from 3,000 to 11,000 today.That is terrifying.More and more healthcare workers,police and other first responders are becoming infected or completely exhausted.We are headed for some dark days and if a second wave hits us in the fall it could be worse.The world is going to look very different at the beginning of 2021 than it did in 2020.China may attain it's goal of becoming the #1 superpower.Makes you think doesn't it.:rolleyes2::mad:

It is serious but if China can overcome it, so can we. Faith. Chris
Hi Chris

Managed to get a 16 pack of toilet rolls this morning so all looking good{sm4}

Hope you and your family all stay safe


It's the simple pleasures in life that count. ^&grin

I was in a store the other day when the clerk brought 12 rolls from the storeroom for another customer and was able to get the same. Timing. :smile2: Chris
We went from 3,000 to 11,000 today.That is terrifying.More and more healthcare workers,police and other first responders are becoming infected or completely exhausted.We are headed for some dark days and if a second wave hits us in the fall it could be worse.The world is going to look very different at the beginning of 2021 than it did in 2020.China may attain it's goal of becoming the #1 superpower.Makes you think doesn't it.:rolleyes2::mad:

Mark, if you’re talking about NJ that’s not quite correct. On March 26 there were around 3700 cases; this afternoon it stands at 9,000 but rising. Still bad whichever you cut it. The place you want to live in NJ, only 3 cases.

Spain and Italy are a few weeks ahead of us and based on what I’m reading and hearing from a friend, the situation in Spain may be peaking.

I’m getting a little worried about myself as I’m not feeling great today. On the other hand it’s rainy and damp so that could be a factor.
Salem has 3,We in Cumberland had 11.Cape May county had 7 last time I looked.You take care Brad we might not always agree but you and I are among the elite Toy Soldier collectors of the world.We are a small group so we have to stay strong.^&grin
I just caught the tailend of it as I entered the room but I believe Putin has sent Russian military to Italy to help.:rolleyes2:
Salem has 3,We in Cumberland had 11.Cape May county had 7 last time I looked.You take care Brad we might not always agree but you and I are among the elite Toy Soldier collectors of the world.We are a small group so we have to stay strong.^&grin

Thanks Mark. Looks like you were right about the 11,000 cases. It only seems that less than a week ago NJ had a 1,000 or so.
[h=2]Will they ever learn? Chinese markets are still selling bats and slaughtering rabbits on blood-soaked floors as Beijing celebrates 'victory' over the coronavirus[/h]By George Knowles For The Mail On Sunday
Terrified dogs and cats crammed into rusty cages. Bats and scorpions offered for sale as traditional medicine. Rabbits and ducks slaughtered and skinned side by side on a stone floor covered with blood, filth, and animal remains.
Those were the deeply troubling scenes yesterday as China celebrated its 'victory' over the coronavirus by reopening squalid meat markets of the type that started the pandemic three months ago, with no apparent attempt to raise hygiene standards to prevent a future outbreak.

Read the article here but be warned there are some very upsetting pictures accompanying the article :mad:

Downing Street says China faces a 'reckoning' over the coronavirus | Daily Mail Online

Stay safe

FWIW, that is a practice found only in south China, not in the North, per my wife.

If you remember, at the end of the movie Contagion, you see practices that led to the contagion being done again. Life imitates art.
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