Corona virus (2 Viewers)

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Toy Soldier Show Saturday 28th March 2020 - CANCELLED
Haverstock Hill School, Camden
Like you we all look forward to the London Toy Soldier Show. Our priority has to be the Health & Safety of Guideline staff, traders and friends who visit the show.
Many of our traders and visitors are of an older generation and some may have underlying health issues. The Coronavirus is causing disruption around the world, we have listened to Government advice and regret the March 28th Toy Soldier Show is cancelled.
Please follow the Government advice stay safe and healthy.
We look forward to the 27th June London Toy Soldier Show when we can welcome you all in brighter times. Any prepayments will be carried forward. Could we please ask that you notify any customers and visitors that the show is cancelled.

If you require any further information, please contact the office 01582 668411 or e-mail


My sister-in-law has flu-like symptoms, and is being tested for the virus. Both my son (who has asthma) and my mother-in-law (who is nearly 80 and a cancer survivor) are high-risk, so we are basically isolating them both. For persons like myself, my wife and my daughter, who are neither elderly nor have any lung or immunodeficiency issues, the virus is probably no worse than getting the flu, as Tom indicates. The real problem, if we were to be exposed, is spreading the virus to high-risk people we encounter, especially our close family members. So we are isolating ourselves as well, to protect them. No restaurants, movies, or other crowded indoor places. My wife still had to go to her office, but, because the Court's are taking everything on submission due to the virus (so no court appearances), I am working only from home. I think, for the time being, we should all try to follow the dictates of social isolation, to reduce the spread of the disease, and protect the elderly, very young and others at high risk. We have to slow the spread, so that our hospitals do not become overwhelmed, like the hospitals in Italy. While, with proper treatment, the mortality rate is estimated at approximately 1%, in Italy, where there simply are not enough hospital beds to go around, the mortality rate is 5.8%. If we all treat this as a worst case scenario and isolate ourselves as best we can, we can keep the spread of the virus low enough that every at risk case can get the necessary treatment, without overwhelming our health care system. If we limit the spread, we can but the time necessary to find and implement a vaccine. Just my two cents.
On a positive note......the C-Virus is not airborne like the flu. You catch it from droplets directly from a cough or sneeze or touching an infected surface.
If you wash your hands thoroughly and keep social distance the virus can be prevented. Also 80% of people who get the virus will have either minimal
symptoms or none at all.
So we can beat this with discipline and cooperation. We still must listen to our health experts and be vigilant.
I agree that panic is not going to help the situation and while our life styles will be affected in time things will calm down.
A good time to catch up on reading, exercising, spending time with family, taking long walks, playing with toy soldiers
and watching old movies.
Stay well!

Good to see (or hear) the voice of reason, Rich.

"" ... A good time to catch up on reading, exercising, spending time with family, taking long walks, playing with toy soldiers
and watching old movies. ... "
I just noticed that ALL food business, like Bars, Restaurants, Eateries and more are now closed in NY, NJ and CONN.

YET .. I still see that there are some Toy Soldier shows planning to still be held. {eek3} :redface2:
Yep, getting that US Marine Flame thrower or the Japanese Marching figure is definitely worth risking my health or life … or that of my wife and family.

Just MY opinion!

--- LaRRy
Good to see (or hear) the voice of reason, Rich.

"" ... A good time to catch up on reading, exercising, spending time with family, taking long walks, playing with toy soldiers
and watching old movies. ... "

I just noticed that ALL food business, like Bars, Restaurants, Eateries and more are now closed in NY, NJ and CONN.

YET .. I still see that there are some Toy Soldier shows planning to still be held. {eek3} :redface2:
Yep, getting that US Marine Flame thrower or the Japanese Marching figure is definitely worth risking my health or life … or that of my wife and family.

Just MY opinion!

--- LaRRy

I have one thing to add to Rich's list - use your computer and buy buy buy toy soldiers. Somebody needs to keep the Economy kicking. IF you need a link to "Tom's Treasures", please let me know. :)

In all seriousness to what has been posted here, I hope and I mean this, hope that we are truly over prepared and underwhelmed by the disease. Hopefully we have the South Korea plan partially in place and the combination of that and warmer weather and a little luck and we get out of this and return to normalcy which by that time there is a vaccine specific. Obviously health comes first, but good news and normalcy goes along way too.

I have one thing to add to Rich's list - use your computer and buy buy buy toy soldiers. Somebody needs to keep the Economy kicking. IF you need a link to "Tom's Treasures", please let me know. :)

Actually, Tom, that is a "PERFECT" IDEA ....

Everyone should visit their top 5 - 10 -- or more -- favorite Toy Soldier dealers on Friday <-> Saturday <-> Sunday and --- SPEND, SPEND in total safety. Well .. all most ... until the wife over sees what you are doing ...^&grin

Maybe the dealers can place "SHOW" Specials" on their web pages, how about POPPING up the "DEAL OF THE HOUR."
That way you will keep going back to the web site to see what is coming up <NEXT>

If you know how, turn on the camera in the laptop and startup VIDEO CHAT service, it is almost like being there.
BUT PLEASE folks ... no pajamas or boxer shorts ... EWWW :redface2:

When you get hungry go to the fridge and make a hot dog.
A lot less $$$ then the ones at the show food booth and probably healthier.

Okay, what else can we do? Ideas?

--- LaRRy
I just heard on the local news that the government announced the first 45 healthy volunteers have started testing a corona virus vaccine today. They said it would be a year to 18 months before any vaccine would be widely available. I don’t know exactly what “widely available” means, but I hope it means that the vaccine will be available to those at high risk sooner.
PA just joined those states shutting down non-essential businesses and restaurants. I was curious about the flu vaccine stats. Less than half the population bothers to get it even though it is effectively free. That is up from 10% back in 2004. Pretty sad. Hopefully this is a wake up call. My guess, though, is that a lot of people will get the flu and corona virus vaccine when it becomes available but over time it will slid back to normal.
The State of Maryland has shut down all restaurants, bars, gyms, and movie theaters, with only drive-thru, carry-out, and delivery being allowing for the eateries. -- Al
PA just joined those states shutting down non-essential businesses and restaurants. I was curious about the flu vaccine stats. Less than half the population bothers to get it even though it is effectively free. That is up from 10% back in 2004. Pretty sad. Hopefully this is a wake up call. My guess, though, is that a lot of people will get the flu and corona virus vaccine when it becomes available but over time it will slid back to normal.

I have NEVER missed a FLU shot.

In the service it was MANDATORY, but I would have gotten mine anyway.
I believe, to date, it has shown to be 100% effective in preventing deaths or illness from the FLU.

Except for some RARE medical conditions I don't understand why anyone would even considering not getting the shot.
When the CORONVIRUS shot is ready, I'll try to be first in line.

Heck, I would even consider to be a volunteer at this point for the trial COVID-19 vaccination.

--- LaRRy
Trump just said that this virus may last through August. Gulp!

Stock market just lost 3,000 points. Double gulp!
Trump just said that this virus may last through August. Gulp!

Stock market just lost 3,000 points. Double gulp!

August? He is optimist! {sm4}Uk scientists say it will last till spring 2021......By the way, from tomorrow, I am in prison at home, all France is in quarantine from tomorrow, noon, you can go out of home only for buy food..

and all Schengen space is closed.
Now I am worried about capacity.....ICU units, hospital beds, respirators and protective suits for our health care workers.
NY Governor is asking the President to use the Army Corp. of Engineers to help build facilities to house additional 100,000
ICU units. They can refit College dormitories and gyms, build tents and requisition some hotel/motels.

Trader Joe in NYC has 3 hour lines.

It will be a rough year but we will get through, hopefully medications are not too far off and vaccines by year end.
Good luck everyone!
I don't remember this level of societal disruption even after 9/11 and I was in DC at that time. It really is surreal. Like something from a science fiction movie. No fear or panic but an abundance of caution that results in widespread closures. The clumsy, ad hoc response should be a wake up call for what might be even more serious situations in the future.
If it has to be a year, many of us can survive but people who work in the service industries may not. That will bring forth a whole set of consequences.

Out here, there are no such lines at the grocery stores and they’re fairly well stocked. Population density has something to do with that.
And in France from tomorrow, you must bring a self certificate every time you go out of home, even to buy food or doctor, and police will check you, if you don't have it, you must pay 135 euros fee ..
Trump just said that this virus may last through August. Gulp!

Stock market just lost 3,000 points. Double gulp!

Pretty soon it will be down to zero so we will not have to worry about it! I don’t understand why they are not closing the exchanges for a couple of months.
Pretty soon it will be down to zero so we will not have to worry about it! I don’t understand why they are not closing the exchanges for a couple of months.

It will not go down to zero. The bottom will crest soon. To close the exchanges for a couple of month would only breed panic. Moreover, a lot of trading is done outside the exchanges. If the exchanges were closed, trading would still continue.

On this we need to keep calm and not turn investments into cash.
It will not go down to zero. The bottom will crest soon. To close the exchanges for a couple of month would only breed panic. Moreover, a lot of trading is done outside the exchanges. If the exchanges were closed, trading would still continue.

On this we need to keep calm and not turn investments into cash.

The french president said this evening that the world will not be the same after this emergency, and I think he is right in this...
It will not go down to zero. The bottom will crest soon. To close the exchanges for a couple of month would only breed panic. Moreover, a lot of trading is done outside the exchanges. If the exchanges were closed, trading would still continue.

On this we need to keep calm and not turn investments into cash.

Also, you should probably have a certain amount of your investments in bonds.
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