Corona virus (4 Viewers)

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Also, you should probably have a certain amount of your investments in bonds.

Most people, especially americans, think that life is all about gaining money-losing money....I am sorry for this blindness....Animals can easily survive, so also the man can live in this world with his big brain an his advanced neurological system...Why wasting this big brain only for gathering money? The human mind can reach through the spiritual transformation joy and extasy..Money just give slavery,some pleasures, fear, anxiety, isn't it?)
Most people, especially americans, think that life is all about gaining money-losing money....I am sorry for this blindness....Animals can easily survive, so also the man can live in this world with his big brain an his advanced neurological system...Why wasting this big brain only for gathering money? The human mind can reach through the spiritual transformation joy and extasy..Money just give slavery,some pleasures, fear, anxiety, isn't it?)

Hmm, maybe when this virus emergency blows over you can come visit America again.

You just might find a lot of Americans that care about more than money; just saying.

Most people, especially americans, think that life is all about gaining money-losing money....I am sorry for this blindness....Animals can easily survive, so also the man can live in this world with his big brain an his advanced neurological system...Why wasting this big brain only for gathering money? The human mind can reach through the spiritual transformation joy and extasy..Money just give slavery,some pleasures, fear, anxiety, isn't it?)

Animals forge for food, no money means you will go hungry. Utopia is great until you starve.
No spiritual transformation will put food on the table for my family....
Most people, especially americans, think that life is all about gaining money-losing money....I am sorry for this blindness....Animals can easily survive, so also the man can live in this world with his big brain an his advanced neurological system...Why wasting this big brain only for gathering money? The human mind can reach through the spiritual transformation joy and extasy..Money just give slavery,some pleasures, fear, anxiety, isn't it?)

It’s not just for making money for one’s sake but having enough money for retirement.
You got to have money to live.Your home,food,clothes,fuel,all that cost money.They don't give it to you.
Most people, especially americans, think that life is all about gaining money-losing money....I am sorry for this blindness....Animals can easily survive, so also the man can live in this world with his big brain an his advanced neurological system...Why wasting this big brain only for gathering money? The human mind can reach through the spiritual transformation joy and extasy..Money just give slavery,some pleasures, fear, anxiety, isn't it?)

Sounds great! Would you share your secret for surviving without money in an urban area, particularly now that I'm an octogenerian? Sounds like something all of us in the USA would appreciate . . .

Bosun Al
There is a very real financial concern for just about anyone has has a monthly nut. If you have to pay taxes April 15th, or rent, a mortgage, health insurance or any other regular monthly expense you rely on a salary or business income to pay, and your business or your employer’s business shuts down, your life could be irreparably harmed by the financial climate generated by this virus. I have to admit that I am quite worried. The courts just announced a shut down until further notice. If this goes on for more than a month or two, I could find myself and more importantly my family in a really bad place.
I don’t know exactly how important money is to me?

However, I need insulin to survive and insulin cost money.

Essentially I’ll die without insulin and since it costs money, I guess money is sort of important?
Insulin for me to! Mortgage And food are up there too. So after about a nano second of self deliberation..... yeah, money is important
The airlines are asking for a $50 billion plus bailout! Wow. It must be nice. The same crooks that charge people for checking bags and engage in every form of price fixing and terrible customer service. I'm glad we don't live in a "socialist" state but allow the markets to function. LOL. My 401K could use a big bailout as well.
Looking and listening to the madness of each day.".Lets close everything" then looking over my vintage auto in the garage,,"of course our sat events are cancelled ',,Im starting to hear "waltzing matilda " in the air,,,The last race in On the beach,,,the bright spot being hazemat suits are 15$ on ebay,,,,There is still time brother,,
Really wish Trump took this seriously from the start. He dropped the ball.
I posted a reply to that and deleted... keep politics out of this thread - it’s an important thread and we don’t want it locked down.
I ask mods to be mindful of posts here - be quick to delete politics and leave the discussion up and going.
Really wish Trump took this seriously from the start. He dropped the ball.

Just to jar the errant memory, recall what was erupting from Mighty Mount Media just eight weeks ago:

Different voices, above, but all served to undermine effective control of the spread of COVID-19, IMO.

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It seems that Maine is pretty much LOCKED DOWN. Anything not defined as essential is closed.
Everything is closed for a minimum of two weeks and others are saying that they will open (ONLY) when conditions are safe.

I (personally) will not be affected by many of these closings, however one item that caught my attention is gas prices.
Just a few weeks ago the price was between $2.69 - $3.19 per gallon.

Today, on my short trip I noticed that the prices have DROPPED dramatically in all stations to $1.69 - $1.89 per gallon; with even lower prices expected.
A tiny silver lining in a VERY BLACK cloud.

Also on the good news front, a local piece of dog dirt who hoarded 178 packages of Toilet paper and was attempting to sell them has be caught, fined. He must donate all the rolls to nursing homes, hospitals and such or face additional fine and jail.

I truly hope he donates the very last package and THEN gets the WORSE CASE of Montezuma's Revenge the world has even seen. {sm4}


--- LaRRy
It seems that Maine is pretty much LOCKED DOWN. Anything not defined as essential is closed.
Everything is closed for a minimum of two weeks and others are saying that they will open (ONLY) when conditions are safe.

I (personally) will not be affected by many of these closings, however one item that caught my attention is gas prices.
Just a few weeks ago the price was between $2.69 - $3.19 per gallon.

Today, on my short trip I noticed that the prices have DROPPED dramatically in all stations to $1.69 - $1.89 per gallon; with even lower prices expected.
A tiny silver lining in a VERY BLACK cloud.

Also on the good news front, a local piece of dog dirt who hoarded 178 packages of Toilet paper and was attempting to sell them has be caught, fined. He must donate all the rolls to nursing homes, hospitals and such or face additional fine and jail.

I truly hope he donates the very last package and THEN gets the WORSE CASE of Montezuma's Revenge the world has even seen. {sm4}


--- LaRRy


Is there a lot of community spread in Maine? If not, then I have to wonder about the "lockdown" in your location, or anywhere else that's not impacted. My concern is that, two weeks from now, your area MIGHT actually have the virus spreading among the locals. So, what to do then, lock it down for another two weeks? And what do you do in the rest of the country? BTW, I don't know the answers to the questions. Profoundly hope that someone in a decision-making position actually does.

Change of subject...

Came across a map of major virus hotspots, locations with a lot of sick people:


Note that the circles lie in something of a climatic temperature band.

I posted a reply to that and deleted... keep politics out of this thread - it’s an important thread and we don’t want it locked down.
I ask mods to be mindful of posts here - be quick to delete politics and leave the discussion up and going.

Agree, there is NO government that prepared for this idiocy and mass hysteria, let alone an actual disease that is unknown other than the daily information they get from other affected areas.

Is there a lot of community spread in Maine? If not, then I have to wonder about the "lockdown" in your location, or anywhere else that's not impacted. My concern is that, two weeks from now, your area MIGHT actually have the virus spreading among the locals. So, what to do then, lock it down for another two weeks? And what do you do in the rest of the country? BTW, I don't know the answers to the questions. Profoundly hope that someone in a decision-making position actually does.


Afternoon, Moe.
I live in Mid-Coast Maine.
It is not really a rural area, but typically the homes are on large tracks of land; something like 100's of acres per property.
I am one of the poor ones with only 32 acres.

The state was spared any cases until about 2-3 week ago.
The numbers are a bit confusing, but it seems that there are 21 - 27 presumptive cases, but only 3 - 5 active.
But they are in different counties across the state.

No deaths - THANK GOD.

So no, thankfully there seems to be no community spread.
I must not understand your message since I can't believe that you believe a community should wait until there are many cases before reacting??

* A lot of that has to do with the fact that winter in Maine tends to keep people at home or small gatherings and NOT out in large groups.

* Maine is being very Proactive rather than reactive. The Governor has been "trying" to keep ahead of the game.

* ALL eating establishments are closed ... only drive through is allowed and the person must pay online, prior to pickup.

* All catering services are shut down.

* VERY FEW nonessential businesses are open. Plays, bowling allies, movies theaters arcades, etc are closed. Some Big Box stores are open, but many small stores are closed.

* Drug stores are open but the Lincoln County RULE is only "ONE" person in the Pharmacy at a time. No waiting for prescriptions. Call in your prescription and they will call or text you when ready. Can't simply walk in.

* All city, county and federal offices are minimally staffed and only for important tasks. SADLY the tax collector is STILL OPEN{sm2}
* Seems like all libraries are closed but they are offering FREE download of e-Readers books

* No Kindergarten, elementary or high schools are open.
* Private schools are closed
* Almost all Colleges and Universities are telling their students not to come back after spring break and are offering on-line courses.

* Seems all churches and religious building are closed.

* 100% of all child and adult day care centers are closed

* Nursing homes and elderly living centers & villages are 100% locked down by-order-of the CDC. No one gets in. Generally there is a County Sheriff or State Cop there should anyone try to give them grief.

* Hospitals have opened separate COVID-19 centers. If you fear you might have the virus you MUST call 911 and they will come and get you. You can't simply drive to the doctor or hospital.

* I am not sure, but I think the limit of meetings is NO MORE than 50; that has dropped in the last few days from 200.

* Banks are mostly closed,only allowing one two persons at a time. Normal banking should done on-line and at ATMs.

* Supermarkets are open but there are now strict limits on dozens of items.
BIG notices are spelling out the "Price Gouging" laws saying that they will be enforced and Heavy Fines and Jail will result.

The list goes on an on.............

If the conditions are not better than YES the shutdown or lock down will extend.

I would much rather have these restriction now, for a while, than see friend and neighbors sick or die.

--- LaRRy
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