Covid-19 info (2 Viewers)

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Back to Covid, i am also upset at the complete disregard of health during the pandemic. All of these yahoos may be putting everyone in even more danger.
Tom I don't really see where we disagree much. I condemn the violence unequivocally but everything these days is being politicized. You know I am a research guy and I contacted friends, family and former business associates in Chicago, Denver, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Seattle. and many other places without response yet. They told me that the vast majority of demonstrations were peaceful. Much of the violence came from outside agitators and groups with violent agendas. When you see over and over a few dozen or even a few hundred people in a population of hundreds of thousands or millions committing crimes its easy to project and generalize based on your prejudices. The media spends most of its time highlighting the violence and Conservative pundits are blaming the "radical Democrats, Liberals and progressives" for the violence. And yes there are liberal pundits who may exaggerate police brutality and justify the violence but I haven't seen much of them. As far as our leadership "no comment!" as I will get in trouble again.
All sides are to blame and there are criminals who always take advantage of unrest and natural disasters. I was only commenting to George who I like and respect that its not just Antifa who are inciting these violent protests. But I stand by my opinion that Conservative pundits are far more egregious in playing the blame game and spreading conspiracy theories. You can have a different view on that.

The reports of outside agitators i have mentioned come from mayors and police departments. they have arrested some of these White Supremacists, Antifa and Black Lives Matter so I assume the evidence will come out. I have no doubt that many came from the communities and of course they should be arrested and prosecuted if they committed crimes.
The following was posted by a college buddy of mine on a private Facebook page. He was a GBI agent for 30 years and recently retired. He’s appeared in a number of True Crime shows as an expert or former detective type. Anyway, these are his views on the arrest:
Quick take based on the Floyd arrest warrant:
I am not sure calling all police officers involved in George Floyd’s death “animals” is correct.
Two officers cuffed Floyd in a legitimate arrest and he resisted entering the police car. The culpable officer and his partner arrived to assist. It seems the former had seniority by rank or experience.
The initial arresting officers controlled Floyd's torsoe and feet, much like a pallbearer with one task of a casket. As they restrained Floyd. One asked if they should turn him over for fear of a medical event, to which the culpable senior officer said no, so the others deferred. The others could not see what occurred where Floyd's head was or what the culpable officer was doing.
All were awaiting an ambulance based on Floyd's complaints. The fourth officer was merely protecting the scene.
Many arrestees claim they cannot breath, and speaking, perhaps errantly, is perceived that one can breathe. Crowds always holler the arrestee is being mistreated.
Floyd was not asphixiated by police, but their actions caused his death due to stress on underlying health issues.
I think the senior officer should be charged with manslaughter And suspect it will be difficult to convict the other officers of any crime absent politics.“​
I think your buddy is mistaken about the other officers not seeing what was happening to Floyd and I spoke with a retired FBI high level regional commander about this. The video showed at least one of the officers looking at the victim
as he lay gasping for air with a knee on his neck. We will see what an independent autopsy has to say about cause of death. All for a counterfeit twenty dollar bill! Couldn't you issue a bench warrant for that infraction?
Nothing more to say until I see the official reports and prosecutions.
Back to Covid, i am also upset at the complete disregard of health during the pandemic. All of these yahoos may be putting everyone in even more danger.

Qoting myself here, in all seriousness what about the pandemic these cities were locked down what the hell now? If i cant go to a rock concert, then why are these assemblies being allowed? Not trying to be funny yet i find it ironic in the fact of the lockdown what we are now seeing.

was there a significant protest in San Antonio?
I didn't hear or see anything about it...

we had a couple of dozen people with signs on the Seawall yesterday...
about 10 blocks from where we met for dinner a few months back...
mixed race and seemingly disorganized...but peaceful...
hopefully nothing will happen here...

I had to laugh as one guy drove by...
beeped his horn and flipped them off...^&grin...

Texas...hahaha...a different breed...

keep that boy safe...
I like your son...
he's my "cake man"...

Mike, honestly I couldn't tell. I mean it did not make national news, but apparently the whole Alamo Plaza was a hot bed for protest and the cops were in riot gear. The open carry gang came in with rifles, body armor etc, and then there were a mix of peaceful and unruly protestors. I don't think anything was looted, but a few buildings and the Cenotaph were graffitied. I saw pictures on of the cops on Houston Street and in front of the Alamo (Federal Property) so chingos of park rangers. I did not read about any violence though...yet.

Its hard to distinguish protestors from agitators, but in the cops mind they can all be potentially dangerous.

John next door
Qoting myself here, in all seriousness what about the pandemic these cities were locked down what the hell now? If i cant go to a rock concert, then why are these assemblies being allowed? Not trying to be funny yet i find it ironic in the fact of the lockdown what we are now seeing.

Thats a good point TD, a really good point. Isn't everybody there already breaking the rules of social distancing and what have you. All this social mixing via protesting is going to cause a spike man.

I'll protest from my EZ Boy chair and consorting with you guys.

Forrest Gump: "The war in Vietnam?"

Abbie Hoffman: "The war in VIET-F#$%ING-NAM!"


John from Texas
these riots are setting an ugly precedent for how society will handle social issues in the future...
I don't want to see this ever happen again in my lifetime...
I want reform as much as anybody...
but this looting...violence...destruction of property and mob just crushing my soul...
I'm afraid that unless the police step up their physical retaliation...
and show that they will do WHATEVER is necessary to stop this...
show that there are hard physical and incarceration consequences that follow...
this is just gonna escalate tonight and to other cities...
it's time to make a stand and stop this...
Your right Mike.Too many people are getting hurt and now some are getting killed.
these riots are setting an ugly precedent for how society will handle social issues in the future...
I don't want to see this ever happen again in my lifetime...
I want reform as much as anybody...
but this looting...violence...destruction of property and mob just crushing my soul...
I'm afraid that unless the police step up their physical retaliation...
and show that they will do WHATEVER is necessary to stop this...
show that there are hard physical and incarceration consequences that follow...
this is just gonna escalate tonight and to other cities...
it's time to make a stand and stop this...


Lemme back track a little...apparently last night was really bad in down town San Antonio with tear gas, smashed windows and yes some looting. Likewise, there was a march today on Broadway all the way to downtown and there were thousands of people on the street. I just saw Rodeo Dr. in Beverly Hills is being looted with signs that say "eat the rich". What is this "Purge" for heavens sake?

It needs to stop.

John your neighbor

Lemme back track a little...apparently last night was really bad in down town San Antonio with tear gas, smashed windows and yes some looting. Likewise, there was a march today on Broadway all the way to downtown and there were thousands of people on the street. I just saw Rodeo Dr. in Beverly Hills is being looted with signs that say "eat the rich". What is this "Purge" for heavens sake?

It needs to stop.

John your neighbor

Purge is a movie...with a few sequels...where murder is allowed one night a week in the year...with no criminal charges...stupid movie...
Best thing I saw today..... 6 real protesters tackled an ATIFA criminal and dragged his *** over to the police line and told them “take his ass”!
I like that trend...if you have a link or a video of it...please share...what city was that?
Best thing I saw today..... 6 real protesters tackled an ATIFA criminal and dragged his *** over to the police line and told them “take his ***”!

I would like to see some more unity in all of these communities between the protestors and the police officers. There is Zero reason for a standoff, they all (IMO) believe in the same thing in this case, what happened to George Floyd was wrong and justice will be served. Real leaders on both sides locally need to step up and "March" in unison. It would send these Violent Aggressors, Looters and Rioters packing without every throwing a punch or firing a shot.

I just can't believe in the middle of a Pandemic, this is where we are. Sad. And I will post again, where the hell is the lockdown due to the virus? Lock these **** streets down in the name of health. If there is a surge, I think these agitators should face additional charges.

On a side note, I found it disheartening to read posts by Celebrities who I will not name willing to put up $100,000 of dollars for people arrested no matter what the charge during these protests. I don't have an issue with folks who were arrested because of non violent civil disobedience (Unlawful Assembly) and similar charges. In my opinion they should even have to bail out, they should be released assuming they have a clean record and are legit protestors who got caught up in the moment. I do have a very big problem with these celebrities willing to bail out violent arrestees and one Celebrity in particular fanned the fires with her message that included many racial epithets and many other bombshells. This just doesn't help matters. Like it or not (I don't at all) , some of these so called celebrities are role models in communities, they are not helping and in fact making it worse. Hollywood is a glass house and always likes to throw stones and gas on fires. It just never ends.

As I said before Dr. King has to be looking down in utter disgust at this entire mess.

[FONT=&quot]there are some good people out there protesting....

A least one downtown Austin shop was looted late Saturday as remnants of earlier crowds protesting police violence set multiple fires and harassed Austin police officers and firefighters.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]A mob raided the wares of Private Stock Premium Boutique on Sixth Street about 11 p.m. The store carries fashion street clothes, including T-shirts and shoes priced for hundreds of dollars.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“Hey y’all, that’s a black-owned business,” someone in the crowd shouted as thieves kicked in doors and windows and ran away with armfuls of merchandise.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]After the Private Stock break-in, a handful of demonstrators worked to restore a security gate across the storefront. Employees at other Sixth Street businesses worked to board up the windows and doors of their establishments.[/FONT]
there are some good people out there protesting....

A least one downtown Austin shop was looted late Saturday as remnants of earlier crowds protesting police violence set multiple fires and harassed Austin police officers and firefighters.

A mob raided the wares of Private Stock Premium Boutique on Sixth Street about 11 p.m. The store carries fashion street clothes, including T-shirts and shoes priced for hundreds of dollars.
“Hey y’all, that’s a black-owned business,” someone in the crowd shouted as thieves kicked in doors and windows and ran away with armfuls of merchandise.
After the Private Stock break-in, a handful of demonstrators worked to restore a security gate across the storefront. Employees at other Sixth Street businesses worked to board up the windows and doors of their establishments.

In truth it should not matter who owns the business. I don't want to see any of this and this unlawfulness should not stand.

In truth it should not matter who owns the business. I don't want to see any of this and this unlawfulness should not stand.

TD Hispanic/Asian...of course it shouldn't matter who owns the business....I'm just delighted there was a semblance of sanity in those takes a lot of courage for someone to step up and protect that property from that crowd...the article had a couple of other good samaratin blurbs in it... Hispanic/Asian...of course it shouldn't matter who owns the business....I'm just delighted there was a semblance of sanity in those takes a lot of courage for someone to step up and protect that property from that crowd...the article had a couple of other good samaratin blurbs in it...

I know, my post was more of a lament than anything else. It is good to find some positives in this mess. You just have to shake your head in general. Between this and COVID, I guess I am just an Angry Guy!

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