Covid-19 info (3 Viewers)

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I am so sad that the Cenotaph in front of The Alamo was graffitied yesterday during a protest here in San Antonio. Man that is just sacrilegious. I would go down there just to protect it, but some armed civilians beat me to the punch. However, they were too late.

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Chaos and anarchy I swear! Not cool man, not cool.
My son wanted to go down and observe the protest. My wife and I were like "HELL No!" One you could get shot, two arrested and three exposure to COVID-19. He's just a kid at 17 and was curious, he came too after our rebute.

Mike, the LA cops showed no mercy and we were watching it live. I kept yelling at the TV "send in the gas, to disperse the crowd to stop the confrontations!" Then somebody lit a police car on fire and black smoke that was bellowing from the car scattered everyone. Then calm for the moment. I feel for the cops as they were doing their regular duty, then the had to mobilize indefinitely for riot control until the unrest subsides. There are some tired and beat brothers and sisters in blue out there. Such a waste of man power and not to mention tax dollars. PLUS, EXPOSURE TO COVID-19. The Minnesota Governors speech yesterday hit a nerve when he announced that 100K school lunches could not be delivered on Friday due to the riots. I didn't even think about that! Man, protest peacefully for the sake of the kids for chisss sakes.


"My favorite discussion topics are Sex, Politics and Religion, not sure why people get bent out of shape about them, the way it is I guess."

Oh OZ your a good mate man, but you forgot one...FOOD.

John from Texas

Food can cause some arguments, that's for sure :wink2:

They won't win much support defacing a Cenotaph, more likely to make them more enemies :mad:

Why would they do such a foolish and disrespectful thing?!
Very sad to see what is happening and been reading various reports/articles.

One, which I cant find now (might have been from Minnesota newpaper online), was a very good article about why the police are unable to protect law abiding citizens in a situation like this.

I looked up Minneapolis police department and only 800 officers. Divide by 2 x 12 hour shifts and assuming all on duty then max you have is 400 officers. Clearly not enough for what is going on. Same elsewhere.

Fair to say current chaos changed my views about gun ownership. However on the other side you have to feel great sympathy for law enforcement as dont know who has a gun.

Couple of points have stood out to me.

Arrests in NY of people throwing molotov cocktails. In one case at a police vehicle with officers inside. Hopefully those involved already lost their jobs like the dog walker lady. Throwing molotov's should be a "crossing a line event" and priority given to action against those using them. Many years ago it was drummed into me, during riot training, that lethal force justified if being attacked with molotov's. Naturally after appropriate warnings and all filmed and recorded.

Then there was the Tweet by the daughter of MN GOV basically advising protesters that if they went out that evening the National Guard were unlikely to be there as takes too long to deploy them. Her father just happens to be the person responsible for their call out !. Hopefully this comes under some sort of criminal offence of incitement.

In fact some of the celebrities or relatives of politicians should resist the urge to Tweet altogether.

Okay the tale of the horrendous tape:

On May 1st I posted that the death toll due to COVID-19 here in the US was 63,871. One month later the death toll is 106,195, which means that in one month 42,324 souls have ONE month with no end in sight.

As I mentioned before, if this trend continues whereby 40 thousand people are dieing a month, by the end of the year that number could possibly be 240K plus the current 106K numbers and we could see a death toll in the mid 300Ks! Like I said...IF.

3 Days ago Moscow reported an increase in the death toll in their city and as a Nation the cases are on the rise. Likewise, Latin America cases are growing exponentially along with India. Worldwide there have 374,327 souls lost to COVID and currently (according to Worldometer) there are 6.2 Million cases worldwide. The Hopkins has worldwide cases at 6.185 million with the United States leading the rest of the world in deaths and infection rate. The UK is second with 38,571 souls lost and the disparity between first and second is a huge margin if 67,624. China is reported to be in 15th place which I find suspect since it originated there and their blatant reputation for mis-reporting or for that matter not reporting at all.

So, the question is why? Why is the United States the highest thus far and has yet to flatten the curve given the US has all the resources, technology and brain power to lick this thing? Well, I have two theories as to why:

First, we are reporting/information centric, info, and more info. I still get ask to provide personal information just to buy at candle at Bath and Body works. The gas stations now ask for your phone number so you can "save a dollar". These examples are elementary I know, but it proves that on a consumer level that info is important. Now take that mentality (or classical conditioning) of asking and receiving information and put it into a medical setting and there you go. Our medical information is protected yet used to determine everything from rates of obesity, causes of illness and trends. In fact, the dissecting and isolating of information is now on the genetic level, where our genes are studied to provide information of possible health concerns of us and our future generations. So, our reporting is detailed, demanded and disseminated to provide an accurate diagnosis to determine the condition of our health and death to ensure the patient and the family are "informed" properly. Why so much emphasis on detailed medical history and reporting? Our laws for patients and health providers based on previous lawsuits and court cases that have shaped what, when and how our medical information should be used and who can access it.

Second, we are "free" and open society with rights and protections. Any violation of those rights and protection goes against the principles of our Constitution and democracy. Therefore, as a free society we choose to do what we want versus doing what is needed. If for example, a mask is a choice then a citizen can choose to wear one...or not. However, if a mask was a protected right or outlined in our Constitution then it would be a law to comply by (since Americans are such law abiding citizens...haha) and by God it would be an 'Mercian right to exercise his 101st schmucatelli Amendment to wear a mask. But it isn't and since a lot of these guidelines are an option, yet highly recommend for the public good Johnny American does not have to comply unless there is a threat of crime and punishment. That is why you get these yahoo's angrily telling whoever will listen that wearing a mask is "not in the Constitution". So, 'Mericans are quick to invoke their inalienable rights if they feel threatened by change and also demand authorities to protect them and their rights. With this "free" citizen mentality Americans have the right to thumb their noses at anything they deem infringes on their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Including, going to a pool party in the Ozarks, attending church, throwing a block party and refusing to follow the CDC guidelines to stop the spread. What I'm saying here is it is our vanity and arrogance that is the caused us, these United States, to be the leader in infections and deaths simply because of our attitude.

I have talked about attitude before and since nothing has changed at the top, nothing will change at the bottom. Having a poor attitude can infect the workplace, sports team or even your own personal life if you let it. And since our bad attitude has now spilled over from pandemic to protesting (I'm with GF on this, but not the violence) the two are mixing it up very, very well and when the rioting subsides we will still be at square one: no cure, no end in sight and the death toll will rise.

Please, please share your comments,

John from Texas


I am also very concerned about the amount of deaths since things started to open up. These riots are going to cause a lot fo exposure as well. We have all felt, or know someone who has felt, the impact of this virus, medically and financially. As we have no choice but to reopen the country so people can make a living, I am just praying for an effective vaccine sooner rather than later.
I saw the footage of all the vandalism and looting that took place in my ****ing city last night.

Reprehensible and disgusting.

So someone dies in MN, so these decide to loot and vandalize businesses in Boston? What did those poor bastards do to deserve that?

First, their stores get shut down for three months and they lose a ton of business, now their stores are vandalized, looted and stripped clean?

For what?

What are you protesting here for? What do you want our mayor and governor to do about what happened in MN? Would it make them feel better if our mayor and governor said "Gee, sorry"...……………...

ANYONE they catch looting/vandalizing should have to make restitution AND do SERIOUS jail time; no fines, no misdemeanor, no slap on the wrist, how about a 5 to 10 year prison term, how do you like that?

None of them can make restitution as I doubt if the pieces of **** are gainfully employed.


This country is going to **** right before my eyes, it's going from bad to worse.

We are collectively screwed.

For a long, long time.
Now they are attacking people.Time to get hard.This is what the certain groups want.
I saw a firefighters memorial vandalized.... I wanted to jump through my tv and beat the crap out of someone!
The ones who does this are scum with no pride,they are animals.Should be treated as if they were rabid.
The ones who does this are scum with no pride,they are animals.Should be treated as if they were rabid.


I’m sure that you mean well, but you’d be better served by being more precise in your comments. As written, the targets of your ire could be just about anyone. In terms of interpreting your actual meaning, I seriously doubt that you want the other members “filling in the blanks” for you. Those things said, I’m certain that virtually everyone from your neck of the woods has to have been traumatized by what they’ve endured these past few months. Hang in there, fella. :)


Shocking...just shocking. You can't even pay respects to your loved ones with out the possibility of being murdered? Senior citizens nonetheless. Sick, very sick.

Yes, it is hard to imagine that six months ago, the wife and I were on our way to Puerto Rico, Las Vegas (business) a Spring Break trip with the kids to San Diego, going to the State Championships for soccer, Prom photos, graduation and a epic Japan trip via Seattle after a family wedding...then a send off to College. This was NOT how 2020 was supposed to turn out. Since the wife's breast cancer, COVID-19, shutdowns, no school for the kids, stay at home orders and lots and lots of hand sanitizer this is seriously the most bizarre year. Now, we have national wide protesting, the highest COVID-19 infection and death rate in the world, crumbling leadership, the US military being called in...I repeat OUR Active Duty military being ordered to restore order against AMERICANS. This is chaos, crazy, concerning and not the MISSION. The mission is battling the virus!!!

The bottomline:

George Floyd was murdered in broad daylight by a cop.

People are fed up with with blatant wonton police brutality.

People are fed up with COVID-19 and its restrictions.

People are fed up with our Governmental leaders.

People are fed up with being lied too.

People are fed up with mis information.

People are fed up with the media.

People are fed up our leadership saying "do I as I say, not as I do"

People are fed up with with the divisiveness amongst our elected officials.

People are just...fed up...and it is spilling into our streets.

If a man can be murdered in broad daylight then by god people can protest and vent their frustrations in broad daylight and night too and sadly looting, violence and mayhem are taking away from the reason for mourning the righteous and just name of George Floyd and his memory.

May they hang their heads in shame.

NO man should die like that at the hands of our police and he joins a long list of men who have suffered the same fate.

George and ZB, I am sorry that your town is being desecrated and I share your anger with my town suffering the same. This is extremely frustrating to watch as we all know someone who is first responders and don't want them to be put into this situation. Neither do we want to see our cities destroyed. This is the ultimate quagmire where we respect and love our cops, are disgusted by the act of a few and the liberties those are taking from a senseless murder.

What we need is love. Leadership with love. One love and I love you gents and ladies. Wear your mask, keep it real, be safe and Toy Soldier on my brothers.

John from Texas

PS: My dinner the other night at Las Palapas.



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I’m sure that you mean well, but you’d be better served by being more precise in your comments. As written, the targets of your ire could be just about anyone. In terms of interpreting your actual meaning, I seriously doubt that you want the other members “filling in the blanks” for you. Those things said, I’m certain that virtually everyone from your neck of the woods has to have been traumatized by what they’ve endured these past few months. Hang in there, fella. :)

The scum who vandalized the firefighters memorial,the looters,Any other time looters are shot plain and simple.
Sad commentary on our media.Growing up I always looked up to them to tell the truth and keep the politicians honest.I really didn't realize they were so biased and have an agenda.All I ask of them to tell the truth whether I like that truth or not.When they report a story tell the whole story not the slant they want.
The looters are going wild in New York right now but cops are badly out numbered.
I saw 30 or more arrests in LA tonight...handcuffed and being taken to buses to be transported...whatever sentence they get from the judge...I think they should add on 1,000 community service hours for cleaning up destroyed property...give them a broom, a shovel and a trash can and make them clean...get the graffiti washed off too...
I'm trying hard not to post comments here about the riots etc.

Have never liked the term "black" to describe race or the word "white' for that matter!

The term "black" to describe Maori or Pacifica would be considered highly offensive down here and rightly so and would receive the desired response regardless of race, colour or religion.

I'm certainly not some tree hugging liberal hippie either but it saddens me to see this tragic and un-necessary death as an excuse to trash your own back yard.

The Covid hysteria craziness has helped create the perfect storm for the US and I have little sympathy for protesters who choose to break the law, ignore curfews and simply pop along to see some action on the streets and loot whatever they can, but then cry if they get hit with a rubber bullet or tear gas.

All they are doing are fuelling the mass disorder along with the idiot media who keep filming and encouraging criminal behaviour!

Some stiff penalties were handed down after the protests here in San Antonio. From

Joe Canales, 44, of Uvalde, was arrested for aggravated assault of a peace officer, evading arrest, rioting and resisting arrest. He is being held on $125,000 bond.

Wayne Waldrip III, 21, of San Antonio, was arrested for assault, resisting arrest and unlawful carry of a weapon. He is being held on a $26,500 bond

Alejandro Yanez, 17, of San Antonio, was arrested for rioting. He is being held on a $15,000 bond.

Ryatt Aguilar, 19, of San Antonio, was arrested for rioting and retaliation. He is being held on a $35,000 bond.

Davianna Reece for a curfew violation.

Ethan Pulliam for a pedestrian in the roadway.

and there is more to come. Now you get thrown in the Bexar County Cooler where COVID is rampant.

John from Texas
For me, one of the saddest moments is the looting of the Iconic Macy's Store in NYC, if that can't be protected what can be? What a sad State of Affairs. This has gone way past the horrible tragedy of George Floyd. This is out of control, order needs to be restored, this is just damage upon damage.

I feel the worst for the Floyd family, not only did they senselessly lose a loved one, that is the utmost horror, but now they literally wake up every day and see this mess. I just can't imagine the compounding of feelings. Just horrible.

For police officers nationwide in large cities, I can't imagine the thought of facing this mess, I just can't. This has turned a unity moment into absolute anarchy and crime. I hope the perpetrators whoever they are, continually face justice to the nth degree.

Spending my time now working with the two largest volunteer teaching organizations to develop a curriculum on protesting and free violence erodes the legitimacy of causes.

Also did some research by speaking to law enforcement contacts and medical professionals. I am a research guy from way back.
Some interesting information.

there is no evidence that George Soros funded these demonstrations or funds Antifa. According to my FBI sources Antifa is not a nationally organized movement and funding comes from many individuals and illicit activities.
Conspiracy theories abound on social media.

Outside agitators include Antifa, BLM, White Supremists, Communist organizations and even foreign actors.

Police allegations that a victim speaking must be proof of breathing is medically false. You can emit sounds and short sentences while being deprived of air or not breathing.

Social media is worse than the media when it comes to fake news and conspiracy theories. Most people just don't have the motivation, aptitude or time to do their research.

Now I will spend my time trying to fight racism and educate our young students on civics and economics.
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