Covid-19 info (3 Viewers)

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All right Mr. Appeals Lawyer Friend, you are weighing in, not waying in...............................:):p I just had to do it, I am sorry. I know you are using an expletive right now as you read this to describe me, I can hear it.....................!

Seriously, it is a very good post, lot of good thoughts that resonate.

Thank for correcting my spelling/grammer. I guess I have grown too reliant on my computer to correct my mistakes.{sm4}
I agree with you Chris.

However, here on the forum I believe we do our best to comment, debate, vent, bring up ideas, possible solutions AND like NY soldiers take actions in our community. Personally, I sent words of love and thoughts to my friends in blue, the fire department and have made an extra effort to extend my kindness to my fellow man. Had a nice conversation with a cowboy at the gas pump today and good laugh over "masking" at the gas station.

I am so tired of stories like the one you told about the "no knock" warrant that I am sick to my stomach AND thats why I continually to read the post on this thread to get educated about other incidents in cities and wrongs to ordinary citizens. I don't take the forum as a complaint department rather a release to talk via our computers to learn, understand and listen. Maybe I took the last part of yyour post wrong and If I did, I'm sorry but when you said TF I assumed Tree Frog.

Regardless, thank you for sharing whats going on in your town and I did not know about the shooting in LA or the retired police chief who was gunned down. It is getting worse, I agree and can't stand to see this happening, especially in the middle of a PANDEMIC.

Thank you you for service brother,

John from Texas

John, thank you for your insight. I think you have brought some very introspective views as to what's going on. keep posting what you see. I like what you and others bring out here for discussion.. Chris

This weekend I am going downtown and sitting in front of Kings X to protect it from any rioters or looters. I will go unarmed, wearing my Pacific Air Force shirt, my Blue USAF Security Forcers beret and with a cooler of bottled water. Nobody, but nobody will bring harm to my respite and favorite store in the world.

I am going to protest the destruction of my city, its landmarks (The Menger Hotel) and my passion and hobby Kings X.

ICE COLD WATER-CHECK (we are going to hit 100 degrees this weekend)

Going back on duty for Toy Soldiers.

John from Texas

PS: Im NOT joking.

This weekend I am going downtown and sitting in front of Kings X to protect it from any rioters or looters. I will go unarmed, wearing my Pacific Air Force shirt, my Blue USAF Security Forcers beret and with a cooler of bottled water. Nobody, but nobody will bring harm to my respite and favorite store in the world.

I am going to protest the destruction of my city, its landmarks (The Menger Hotel) and my passion and hobby Kings X.

ICE COLD WATER-CHECK (we are going to hit 100 degrees this weekend)

Going back on duty for Toy Soldiers.

John from Texas

PS: Im NOT joking.


Just be careful. I'm not joking either. Your wife and daughter need you.

Hey John from Texas, arm yourself. Don't bring a water bottle to a gun fight. Also remember the Alamo. Protect that. Just joking. Better to stay home.
Turns out I was wrong. Louisville PD, I live 25 east of Louisville, and Nat'l Gd were fired upon and they returned fire into a crowd. A restaurant owner, known for giving meals to police officers, was killed. Now I don't expect the police and Nat'l GD to be martyrs or targets, but firing blindly into a crowd? Kent State comes to mind.

Chris, i think i have this right, but late tonight surveillance video has surfaced that shows that restaurant owner opened fire on authorities first and he was then fired upon. It was not a random target from what I just read, they returned his fire and killed him. It doesn't look like they randomly fired back into the crowd and hit him. Again, I saw this was just released, I am by no means an authority on this, it just looks like new information is contradicting a lot of what was reported earlier. The statements were attributed to local authorities. It doesn't give any indication of why he fired, but it says it is clear that he had a gun and fired first, they directly returned the fire and hit the mark. Now, it is an awful occurrence but if what I just read is true, I have a hard time faulting an officer for doing their job.

I also would like to share a story from college - I was Criminology minor as I had inklings to join the CIA or FBI on graduation (Thank God I didn't do that), anyhow during an early class, we had a Deadly Force Seminar which involved guest speakers from the MD State Police, Prince Georges County and the FBI and a yahoo in class actually asked the question, "Why do you shoot to kill, why don't you shoot them in the legs like the movies"? The answer was the same from all 3 speakers - if someone is shooting at you, you aim at center mass for a kill shot, that is the only way to protect yourself from being killed. In other words, the training is that if a situation has gotten to the point of deadly gunfire, an officer has to protect him or herself first. SO correlation if the above information is correct, you can see how they killed the restaurant owner.


I think the problem with this country is that there is two types of law enforcement mentality. 1 set of rules for celebrities and wealthy, and another set of rules for the rest of us.

Here are my examples, besides George Floyd. I am using the following four examples because the conclusions are quite clear, and you may have heard of some of these.
1. May 1985 - Authorities in Philadelphia attempt to sever a search warrant on a group of civilians belonging to the MOVE organization. The rowhouse was assaulted by over 500 police officers.
The authorities knew there were women and children in the house. The same day a bombed was dropped on the house resulting in a fire that consumed an entire city block. Multiple people were killed including many children.
Before the raid occurred, no one in MOVE was suspected of killing or planning to kill anyone.

2. Feb 1993 - Waco, Texas. Armed authorities, attempting to serve a search warrant, raided a compound with men, women and children killing multiple people. Before the raid occurred, no one
in the compound was suspected of killing or attempting to kill anyone. But yet overwhelming deadly force was used. Multiple children were killed before everything was over.

3. Jan 1996 - John DuPont - heir to DuPont fortune - shot and killed American wrestler Dave Schultz. Dozens of police officers, possibly over 70 surrounded DuPont's house. There was no attempt to
forcibly enter or shot at the house. The SWAT team did not raid the house. Authorities decided to turn off the heat. DuPont surrendered after two days. No one was wounded or killed.

4. June 1994 - Police give chase to OJ Simpson, who did not turn himself in as ordered, was possibly armed and was suspected of murdering two people. The chase ended at Simpson's house. Police made no attempt
to break into house and make an arrest. Authorities waited until Simpson decided he wanted to surrender and give himself up. No one was wounded or killed.

Do the math. If they are coming for you or me, nothing will stop them from taking us down. They will burn down the house or the entire neighborhood if they have to. This is the kind of mentality that has to be changed.

I believe the DuPont and OJ events were handled correctly. No one was killed or wounded, But that is the way everyone should be treated. Deadly force should never be the first option against anyone and all other means of arrest
should be exhausted first.
My cousin, who's not a member of this forum, shared a couple of things with me yesterday.

Seems some fella in Portland Oregon showed up in hot zone for rioting and looting (notice nothing about "protesting") dressed in black, black helmet and facemask with a bag full of "Make America Great Again" bumper stickers and stuck them over the "Bernie" and "Antifa" stickers on the rioters/looters vehicles (apparently they park outside of the hot zones and then enter and mayhem ensues), which I assume were of the Prius variety...................the looters returned to find their vehicles smashed to pieces by other looters/rioters...................

It seems there are some of you who like to post statistics; here you go...........last year in the US according to the FBI, there were 10 million arrests; of those, there were 1,000 or so police shootings. Of those 1,000 shootings, FORTY ONE were unarmed. As it stands right now, our country is getting looted and pillaged for a statistic that does not even register as a percentage; ie, I'm not a math wizzard, but you tell me how it shakes out 10 MILLION/41 UNARMED............

Seems like there is an undercurrent of police hate going on right now everywhere. As many of you know, my Dad was a Boston Police Officer for 37 years; every day he left our house, the reality was that might be the last time we saw him. He wore that badge and that uniform proudly, he loved his job "to protect and to serve" and did it well, when he retired and they called his name during the cerimony, the ovation was tremendous, I don't think I was ever more proud of him than on that day.

A cousin of mine wanted to be a police officer in the worst way, my Dad pulled some strings to get him onto the Boston Police; one night he was doing a detail at a bar that was known for trouble, a fight broke out, he tried to break it up, in the process some fine, upstanding citizen smashed a bottle across his face and he lost an eye. That haunted my Dad until the day he died, he felt tremendous guilt over that...……………..oh gee; I suppose that piece of **** who took my cousins eye out all because he was trying to do his job has rights too, right?

I am the son of a police officer, I saw with my own eyes what my Dad went through, how he changed as a person due to his work experiences and how he felt about things as well. I respect the law, it's not an easy job, it's not a fun job, it's a very difficult, stressful, demanding job. I have relatives who are in law enforcement and a great number of customers who are current and former police officers, many of whom used to trade war stories with my Dad when they saw him at the toy soldier shows he used to attend with me when he was alive.

I respect all of them for what they do and the job they do, plain and simple, end of story.

My Dad used to say " A lot of people hate the police; until they need them"...…………………….just remember that for every police officer standing behind that badge, there is a family who stand with him/her in front of it; they have family and loved ones who care about them too.

I thought long and hard about posting anything about the police, this is a toy soldier forum and all, fun and games, comical banter, just boys being boys, but enough is enough; as a dealer, if someone chooses not to buy from me because of how I think and that my Dad, a person I loved with every ounce of my soul was a police officer, then guess what; I guess I'll have to learn to live with that disappointment, because my position on police officers is NEVER going to change, so keep posting stories, have at it, have a ball trying to prove whatever it is you're trying to prove with your stories.

I hope that is clear.

As in crystal.
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Chris, i think i have this right, but late tonight surveillance video has surfaced that shows that restaurant owner opened fire on authorities first and he was then fired upon. It was not a random target from what I just read, they returned his fire and killed him. It doesn't look like they randomly fired back into the crowd and hit him. Again, I saw this was just released, I am by no means an authority on this, it just looks like new information is contradicting a lot of what was reported earlier. The statements were attributed to local authorities. It doesn't give any indication of why he fired, but it says it is clear that he had a gun and fired first, they directly returned the fire and hit the mark. Now, it is an awful occurrence but if what I just read is true, I have a hard time faulting an officer for doing their job.

Tom, you're right. I just now read the article and watched the video. Shame on me for going with the initial and apparently biased reports. Was going to update my post but you beat me to it. Chris
My cousin, who's not a member of this forum, shared a couple of things with me yesterday.

Seems some fella in Portland Oregon showed up in hot zone for rioting and looting (notice nothing about "protesting") dressed in black, black helmet and facemask with a bag full of "Make America Great Again" bumper stickers and stuck them over the "Bernie" and "Antifa" stickers on the rioters/looters vehicles (apparently they park outside of the hot zones and then enter and mayhem ensues), which I assume were of the Prius variety...................the looters returned to find their vehicles smashed to pieces by other looters/rioters...................

It seems there are some of you who like to post statistics; here you go...........last year in the US according to the FBI, there were 10 million arrests; of those, there were 1,000 or so police shootings. Of those 1,000 shootings, FORTY ONE were unarmed. As it stands right now, our country is getting looted and pillaged for a statistic that does not even register as a percentage; ie, I'm not a math wizzard, but you tell me how it shakes out 10 MILLION/41 UNARMED............

Seems like there is an undercurrent of police hate going on right now everywhere. As many of you know, my Dad was a Boston Police Officer for 37 years; every day he left our house, the reality was that might be the last time we saw him. He wore that badge and that uniform proudly, he loved his job "to protect and to serve" and did it well, when he retired and they called his name during the cerimony, the ovation was tremendous, I don't think I was ever more proud of him than on that day.

A cousin of mine wanted to be a police officer in the worst way, my Dad pulled some strings to get him onto the Boston Police; one night he was doing a detail at a bar that was known for trouble, a fight broke out, he tried to break it up, in the process some fine, upstanding citizen smashed a bottle across his face and he lost an eye. That haunted my Dad until the day he died, he felt tremendous guilt over that...……………..oh gee; I suppose that piece of **** who took my cousins eye out all because he was trying to do his job has rights too, right?

I am the son of a police officer, I saw with my own eyes what my Dad went through, how he changed as a person due to his work experiences and how he felt about things as well. I respect the law, it's not an easy job, it's not a fun job, it's a very difficult, stressful, demanding job. I have relatives who are in law enforcement and a great number of customers who are current and former police officers, many of whom used to trade war stories with my Dad when they saw him at the toy soldier shows he used to attend with me when he was alive.

I respect all of them for what they do and the job they do, plain and simple, end of story.

My Dad used to say " A lot of people hate the police; until they need them"...…………………….just remember that for every police officer standing behind that badge, there is a family who stand with him/her in front of it; they have family and loved ones who care about them too.

I thought long and hard about posting anything about the police, this is a toy soldier forum and all, fun and games, comical banter, just boys being boys, but enough is enough; as a dealer, if someone chooses not to buy from me because of how I think and that my Dad, a person I loved with every ounce of my soul was a police officer, then guess what; I guess I'll have to learn to live with that disappointment, because my position on police officers is NEVER going to change, so keep posting stories, have at it, have a ball trying to prove whatever it is you're trying to prove with your stories.

I hope that is clear.

As in crystal.

George, always had great respect for your Dad, really was a nice man and loved talking to him. Your post is a good one and a reminder that it is one of the toughest jobs in America. I have a cousin who is retired MD Police, State Secret Service and Homeland. He in his retirement is now a Federal Warrant Officer serving on the worst of the bad, he just can't quit. I have a lot of respect for him that he still wants to make a difference. I can only tell you that at least 50% of the warrants he serves are life threatening as they get the warrants for the biggest dead ends. It is a thankless job to the nth degree. I mentioned earlier that I considered law enforcement myself, but in truth, I knew that I was not cut out for it on a number of fronts.

Of course, when you see these agitators looting your Country, it makes everyone want to be an armchair law enforcer, what is going on just disgusts me on all levels, I try to let this stuff go by me, but this time it really is pissing me off, I just don't understand the mentality and what is behind the violent looting. That is not standing up for the disenfranchised or the wronged, it is just an opportunity of crime.

Tom, you're right. I just now read the article and watched the video. Shame on me for going with the initial and apparently biased reports. Was going to update my post but you beat me to it. Chris

NO worries at all, I actually have a project in Louisville right now, so probably looking at the city more than I would usually and I saw the incident yesterday morning. Not to pick on this situation in the least, but I know everyone has heard me say this, here is yet another example of the facts getting in the way of the story in the Media. I guess I just don't want to understand that the Media does have an agenda and a narrative, it just saddens me. Maybe this was just a mistake of rushing the facts out as they came before they were all in, I don't know, but I can tell you that this kind of coverage is not helping anything. Holy Smokes.

George, always had great respect for your Dad, really was a nice man and loved talking to him. Your post is a good one and a reminder that it is one of the toughest jobs in America. I have a cousin who is retired MD Police, State Secret Service and Homeland. He in his retirement is now a Federal Warrant Officer serving on the worst of the bad, he just can't quit. I have a lot of respect for him that he still wants to make a difference. I can only tell you that at least 50% of the warrants he serves are life threatening as they get the warrants for the biggest dead ends. It is a thankless job to the nth degree. I mentioned earlier that I considered law enforcement myself, but in truth, I knew that I was not cut out for it on a number of fronts.

Of course, when you see these agitators looting your Country, it makes everyone want to be an armchair law enforcer, what is going on just disgusts me on all levels, I try to let this stuff go by me, but this time it really is pissing me off, I just don't understand the mentality and what is behind the violent looting. That is not standing up for the disenfranchised or the wronged, it is just an opportunity of crime.

The Boston Globe this morning is reporting that at several PEACEFUL demonstrations last night, various members of the BPD took a knee in support of the protestors, wild applause ensued.

That story will get underreported by mainstream media I'm sure...……………………….

Don't get me wrong, there are bad police officers, not going to deny it, just like there are bad doctors, lawyers, dentists, accountants, bad apples in every profession, every toy soldier dealers...…….{sm4}

That said, you don't paint with a broad brush and impune an entire profession.

I remember one time in VA I got pulled over, was heading to the DC club show. I was lost, so I pulled into the breakdown lane to call the hotel, wasn't sure what the policy is in VA on hand helds, then I saw a sign up ahead for the exit, so I got back into traffic, got lit up.

Barney Fife and his one bullet comes up to the van, no "License and Registration", he lays into me, something about passing someone in the breakdown lane. I explained what happened, he said "That's not what I saw", I hand him my license and registration, he comes back with some rinky dink 25.00 fine, to which I replied 'As soon as you saw my Massachusetts plate, you were begging for a reason to pull me over, weren't you"...…………..he just smirked, handed me my papers and off he went.

Another time at Eddies show, I went the wrong way at the exit on the way back to the hotel after setting up and somehow ended up on 95 South...……….something about VA and me just don't agree...……… I called 911...…….got a dispatcher on the phone, told him it's not an emergency, I am all turned around and lost, he politely asked me what exit am I at, I told him, he walked me back to the loop, I banged an illegal U turn, but he told me not to worry, stay on the phone and if you get pulled over, hand the phone to the officer, luckily Barney Fife was not on patrol that night...…………….

Bad cop/good cop.

They are BOTH out there.
I think the problem with this country is that there is two types of law enforcement mentality. 1 set of rules for celebrities and wealthy, and another set of rules for the rest of us.

Here are my examples, besides George Floyd. I am using the following four examples because the conclusions are quite clear, and you may have heard of some of these.
1. May 1985 - Authorities in Philadelphia attempt to sever a search warrant on a group of civilians belonging to the MOVE organization. The rowhouse was assaulted by over 500 police officers.
The authorities knew there were women and children in the house. The same day a bombed was dropped on the house resulting in a fire that consumed an entire city block. Multiple people were killed including many children.
Before the raid occurred, no one in MOVE was suspected of killing or planning to kill anyone.

2. Feb 1993 - Waco, Texas. Armed authorities, attempting to serve a search warrant, raided a compound with men, women and children killing multiple people. Before the raid occurred, no one
in the compound was suspected of killing or attempting to kill anyone. But yet overwhelming deadly force was used. Multiple children were killed before everything was over.

3. Jan 1996 - John DuPont - heir to DuPont fortune - shot and killed American wrestler Dave Schultz. Dozens of police officers, possibly over 70 surrounded DuPont's house. There was no attempt to
forcibly enter or shot at the house. The SWAT team did not raid the house. Authorities decided to turn off the heat. DuPont surrendered after two days. No one was wounded or killed.

4. June 1994 - Police give chase to OJ Simpson, who did not turn himself in as ordered, was possibly armed and was suspected of murdering two people. The chase ended at Simpson's house. Police made no attempt
to break into house and make an arrest. Authorities waited until Simpson decided he wanted to surrender and give himself up. No one was wounded or killed.

Do the math. If they are coming for you or me, nothing will stop them from taking us down. They will burn down the house or the entire neighborhood if they have to. This is the kind of mentality that has to be changed.

I believe the DuPont and OJ events were handled correctly. No one was killed or wounded, But that is the way everyone should be treated. Deadly force should never be the first option against anyone and all other means of arrest
should be exhausted first.

As an ex police officer (in Hong Kong) can't let this one pass.

When you say the rest of us I hope you are not implying people on this forum are of the same type as the MOVE and Davidian guys mentioned in your first two examples.

I had never heard of the MOVE group before today but well aware of Waco.

Regarding Waco I note you missed out the bit about the allegations of sexual abuse of minors and stockpiling of weapons and the fact members of the public and postman etc had made multiple reports about their activities. Never mind the 4 killed ATF agents and 16 wounded. Clearly the raid did not go as planned but do you seriously think the officer in charge wanted or intended it to turn out as it did ? Koresh was a nutter and his followers a heavily armed cult.

Likewise with MOVE you missed out the fact a police officer had been killed during a previous raid. if you are a law abiding citizen and 500 police are coming for you then you should probably consider coming out. Seems you forgot to mention they had been classified as a terrorist organisation and there was gunfire from them prior to the bomb being dropped. Again does anybody seriously think the police there that day wanted it to end as it did.

it is a tragedy women and children were killed but I don't for a second think law enforcement intended them to be.

DuPont and OJ totally different scenarios and both knew no escape and quite different scenarios to first two. Pretty sure there are regular such cases not involving famous people happening all the time.
Warrior;887333) Seems some fella in Portland Oregon showed up in hot zone for rioting and looting (notice nothing about "protesting") dressed in black said:
The guy should get a medal plus would be fun to see the tactic used in more places.
Well my protest plans have been scrubbed. The City is shutting down the Alamo Plaza until Sunday. The Menger which houses Kings X is in the Plaza and traffic and pedestrians will not be allowed to enter that area. In the meantime, here are mugs shots of the rioters (not peaceful protestors) who got locked up:

AND they are on the look out for looters who were captured on social media/pictures etc, which is on a separate link on the same website.

Likewise, there are 71 new cases of COVID in Bexar Country and 3 more deaths.

My pressure release valve broke at my house and had to have a plumber come out to fix it at the street...$700 bucks.

Then the sprinkler valve busted too...unknown cost as of yet.

Went to Dinner last night at a The Red Barn Steakhouse which has been around since 1953. I know the owner and he comped our dinner as a graduation gift to my daughter and the family, which was a total surprise! I partook in 3 Dos Equis on draft, a Rib Eye (med-rare) and by God it was good oh and that was before I knew the dinner was going to be comped. So, don't think I was taking liberties. Anyway, here is graduation pic:


That is daughter #2 in the middle, the boss lady and me. The graduation was kinda drive through and you know what? It was cool and fun! Drive through in the sense that you went into the school, got checked in, she walked the stage in auditorium with by her self "as IF" she had been called up, we got to witness it, ushered out of the auditorium to the theater for official pictures, they gave us and her a gift and then exited outside where a whole bunch of teachers were banging cow bells, screaming and yelling for her...with a bubble machine. I liked it! She liked it and we got to forgo the 700 names one by one up to stage for 3 hours while your hungry and your butt hurts. Lastly, we were accompanied by the new math teacher at the high school...she looked good in a mask. HaHa!

Anyway some good news for this thread amongst the misery and chaos that is going on in our world right now and the cops plain and simple. Love 'em.

John from Texas

PS: You have to read the story about PFC Wong who, in LA decided to play Soldier (by impersonation) and took a Uber to the riots fully armed and joined the guard unit for duty. Crazy story, but I guess he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Great photo of your family, John, and congratulations again to your daughter!:salute::
Hey John from Texas, I remember you posting pics of yourself, I think in Mexico. You seemed taller in those photos. You seem stocky in the grad photo. I guess you could guard King X with a water bottle. Congrats on the grad. My eldest daughter graduated from University of Northern Colorado this year too. She had a fantastic GPA, but because of Covid19, no good job prospects. She just accepted an entry level position at Target.
Hey John from Texas, I remember you posting pics of yourself, I think in Mexico. You seemed taller in those photos. You seem stocky in the grad photo. I guess you could guard King X with a water bottle. Congrats on the grad. My eldest daughter graduated from University of Northern Colorado this year too. She had a fantastic GPA, but because of Covid19, no good job prospects. She just accepted an entry level position at Target.

awwwwww man...that's rough...

tell em John...
stocky...'s all muscle from working that concrete...
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