I'll take stocky and don't worry my feelings aren't hurt. I mean at you could have said I was fluffy or something, then maybe I would have been a little butt hurt. Oh, and I'm 6'3, but Mike Miller is like 6'6 and upon first look I wouldn't want to get Mike Millers drink order wrong. I think if one did not know we were toy solider collectors, nice guys and saw us together you may think we were two hitman or cops. Yeah, Mike and I are a motley crew.
Thanks for brining the funny! And yes slinging concrete in the backyard does wonders for the physique. I'm working on pallet number...4 I think? The wife is trucking along and we had the pre-surgery meeting with doc yesterday. Looks like surgery and reconstructive surgery will be at the end of July. Its gonna suck and we are not looking forward, yet we are just to get past this chemo crap. Your boy graduates in August a year early and I'll send a graduation pic of him to you guys as well. Its funny because since he is graduating early, he walks the stage with all the district flunkies (like me when I was in school) who either were on the 5 year high school graduation plan or just coming out of juvie or d-hall. Maybe a few of them are early grads, but for the most part it will be a hodgepodge of kids graduating. When I look back I don't know how I graduated at all. That was back when, if you were 18, you could sign yourself out of school and just leave if you wanted to. I remember signing myself out one time cause "I was feeling ill" and went to a Stevie Ray Vaughn with Double Trouble concert in downtown San Antonio.
Yeah, my protest/protection detail was thwarted by a higher authority and since I respect authority I decided to stand down. Even though I had plans to go down un-armed, I was going to take a couple of No. 2 pencils with me...I was trained that you can do a lot to man with a No.2 pencil. Hell, you can do a lot to rioter with a bottle of water and I ain't talking about handing them out to drink. Thats why I was going to take a few that were frozen solid. I mean in the name of protecting Kings X and toy soldiers I think I could get a pass for saying "I didn't strike him, the water bottle did" Now, I'm just talking chit, so let me shut up now.
I never imagined this day. It was just yesterday when they were little and we were playing "goba-ment" with their toy figures and voting in and out Spongebob or Batman as President of the "homies". Plus, airing out grievances from the "toy community" about what time to go to bed, snacks and room cleaning. It was fun little game and my kids still have their toy figures somewhere in a box waiting to be opened for the next town hall meeting. They have long forgot about them, but I haven't. Its a cherished memory.
Well, my friends apparently 20,000 new cases were reported in a single day yesterday and so the COVID-19 pandemic is still surviving and not magically disappearing. In fact, I read this morning that the departed George Floyd tested positive for COVID-19 which means now the cops who were arresting him have all been exposed and need to be isolated for 14 days. I did not see them or him wearing masks in the video, but now them, the paramedics and anybody else who came in contact with George Floyd has been exposed. Hence, the virus may claim more lives because of this situation which could have been avoided. Its a double tap if I have ever seen one and yup COVID cases are going to spike because of the riots, protests (peaceful or not) and large gatherings that are taking place right now.
These protests could have a devastating effect on the national health and though good intentioned (the peaceful ones) the result may be devastating.
Thanks for the accolades my friends,
John from Texas