Covid-19 info (3 Viewers)

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very true, the old statement that bad apples spoil the entire bunch cannot be more true here, and unfortunately it is a whole lot of bad apples, the situation is just downright sad and scary all at the same time and then on top of the current COVID crisis. I mean ,holy smokes, that is about all to say, it is insane. I could never have imagined the year 2020 quite like this so far.

By the way, been meaning to ask you, what years were you at George Washington? My late Dad got his Doctorate there.

I transferred from Ohio State as a junior in the fall of 1968 and graduated in 1970 a semester after my senior year as I changed to a double major (Sociology and Political Science).
I then stayed in DC to continue my internship for the Bi-Paritsan Congressional Clearing House. Brad went to GW as well. I lived in Roslyn Virginia right over Key Bridge, then on Connecticut Avenue right
near the zoo and my final year in Silver Spring Maryland.
I transferred from Ohio State as a junior in the fall of 1968 and graduated in 1970 a semester after my senior year as I changed to a double major (Sociology and Political Science).
I then stayed in DC to continue my internship for the Bi-Paritsan Congressional Clearing House. Brad went to GW as well. I lived in Roslyn Virginia right over Key Bridge, then on Connecticut Avenue right
near the zoo and my final year in Silver Spring Maryland.

Gotcha, I need to ask Mom when Dad finished there as I am fuzzy on the memory. Will do as I am pretty sure it had to be near the same time!

Small world it is.
Wow, been gone a couple of days and BOOM hasn't this thread suddenly changed direction.

Before Julie and the Mods are left with no option but to close it, how about we return to the Covid content and leave the other stuff out of it.

Cheers Toddy. :salute::

Its hard to change the trajectory because there is so much going on right now in the US. The death of George Floyd I think has rattled us, since it was filmed by a bystander who were pleading with them to stop. That man was killed in broad daylight, with witnesses AND on Camera as IF this was business as usual. Its not. The police once again did not relent and again someone was killed. Sadly, this keeps happening and happening and there seems to be no end in sight. It just sucks man.


Why were they protesting at the grocery store? Should't they be like down town or at city hall or something. The grocery store? Thats the wrong venue in my opinion unless they had some sort of sale on peaches or something. Any luck on the Stimulus check yet in response to COVID-19?


You need to write a book or an article on your experiences during the 60's. That is a story that needs to be told and I would be the first to read it.


In my neck of the woods every one here is complying with the social distance and mask guidelines and I have yet to see any one put up a stink about it. Except the family from Mexico that was denied entry into the neighborhood HEB here. Other than that, practically EVERYONE is in compliance. Our Mayor and County Judge here are revered for their leadership and San Antonio is a different animal here. Destroying your neighborhood or city (here) is literally sacrilegious as it is probably someone you know or related too. There is a old saying in SA that it is big city with a small town feel and also maybe because its Military City USA. So, maybe a sense of discipline amongst the populace? City pride? Or maybe its too hot. I say that but all hell in breaking loose in Austin right now.


Your right, thats why I threw a fit when NY said he was leaving and I protested his protest. I'm glad he's back. Jazz don't leave you gave us "micro-aggression"...what else you got to add?


I am waiting to see whats going to happen in Georgia when they just went full bore "open". Out of respect for Rute, I wish them no ill will and never have, but I was shocked at how fast they went to full open. Yeah, the protests have an underlying issue of virus spread and this may exasperate the second wave. BUT, like I said folks are wearing masks, so is the media out there and as I mentioned this is a good thing. Now, we just need to have people wear them in normal times when you got the sniffles or a cough, just like they do in Japan. Oh and ZB what about those Samuel Adams commercials?


This thread is tops to me and wakes up a side of the brain that is dusty. I absolutely look forward to reading everyones posts and perspectives not only on the news of the day, but the virus as well.


I just watching the news today and this is awful. I think on the other thread back in March or Feb I prayed that it would be a drama free year because COVID was enough. Drama free as in natural disasters like hurricanes, floods and tornadoes. I didn't think about protests and riots in that drama, but here we are.

GREAT NEWS and COVID CONTENT! Went out to eat today at a local joint with the wife. The first time since early March and our first post COVID outing. The place is called Las Palapas, home of the "Mama Ruths Flauta Plate" and "The Okie Burrito" and trust me the food is good! Anyway, we were handed plastic silver ware and a paper pamphlet menu. Every other booth was closed and there was no salt and pepper on the table. I ordered a 32 ounce Modelo on Draft, three enchiladas and one fajita taco with guacamole. The wife had the chicken tortilla soup. It was hot outside and the restaurant nice and cool. The food was fresh, hot and the beer was cold. The food came out in record time and the waitress was on point and even gave the wife a chicken flauta on the house. Man, it was nice to get out. They have one dedicated bus girl who disinfects every table, booth, door handles and chairs nonstop. Constantly cleaning and it was welcoming site. Plus, everyone who works there is masked. We were too until we sat down and out lysol/bleach smelling booth. We felt safe eating there and the staff was over gracious with customer service. When we left one family was coming in and thats it.

So, its a comfort level issue I think "going out" and patronizing a business, especially a restaurant and I think it will continue to be a comfort level. If we didn't feel comfortable or have "faith" that Las Palapas was doing everything they can to be open, we wouldn't go. I can't say that for some other eateries local and the franchise level. Overall, though it is just a local joint and nothing fancy it was nice to go out to eat with the wife and have a quite dinner.

John from Texas
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Why were they protesting at the grocery store? Should't they be like down town or at city hall or something. The grocery store? Thats the wrong venue in my opinion unless they had some sort of sale on peaches or something. Any luck on the Stimulus check yet in response to COVID-19?

Just being sarcastic...…………….just funnin………….no check yet, I put todays mail in a tub full of Lysol like everyone else is doing, will fish out the letters tomorrow and see what shows up.
Those two astronauts who left Earth today might not want to return. The space station is looking like a good plan B at the moment. That might change when Tom Cruise goes there to film his movie. Not a fan of those funky space suits though. They looked like something a kid would wear at Halloween if his mom made it for him. Probably the same designer who came up with the Rams new uniforms.
My favorite discussion topics are Sex, Politics and Religion, not sure why people get bent out of shape about them, the way it is I guess.

History proves that Crime increases when things get tough, for example crime increased by approx 65% in Britain during WW2, a sad fact but that's humans for you. I recommend the British TV series 'Foyle's War' for an insight into that period.

Why can't we all just get along in these Covid times?! Too many biased Viewpoints, hidden Agendas and Greed for Money for that to happen. The times have changed, but humans don't seem to change much, do we.
looks like the NYC police have had enough of getting glass bottles thrown at them...
they have gone on the offensive and retaliated physically with the crowd...

I know a lot of you guys are gonna hate this...
but I applaud their response to this unruly crowd...

the crowd dispersed immediately...
for now...
The extremist groups (left and right) have done their jobs well as they have turned a lot of people against the protesters.How in the hell did they get to all these cities so fast.

I am so sad that the Cenotaph in front of The Alamo was graffitied yesterday during a protest here in San Antonio. Man that is just sacrilegious. I would go down there just to protect it, but some armed civilians beat me to the punch. However, they were too late.


Chaos and anarchy I swear! Not cool man, not cool.
My son wanted to go down and observe the protest. My wife and I were like "HELL No!" One you could get shot, two arrested and three exposure to COVID-19. He's just a kid at 17 and was curious, he came too after our rebute.

Mike, the LA cops showed no mercy and we were watching it live. I kept yelling at the TV "send in the gas, to disperse the crowd to stop the confrontations!" Then somebody lit a police car on fire and black smoke that was bellowing from the car scattered everyone. Then calm for the moment. I feel for the cops as they were doing their regular duty, then the had to mobilize indefinitely for riot control until the unrest subsides. There are some tired and beat brothers and sisters in blue out there. Such a waste of man power and not to mention tax dollars. PLUS, EXPOSURE TO COVID-19. The Minnesota Governors speech yesterday hit a nerve when he announced that 100K school lunches could not be delivered on Friday due to the riots. I didn't even think about that! Man, protest peacefully for the sake of the kids for chisss sakes.


"My favorite discussion topics are Sex, Politics and Religion, not sure why people get bent out of shape about them, the way it is I guess."

Oh OZ your a good mate man, but you forgot one...FOOD.

John from Texas

I am so sad that the Cenotaph in front of The Alamo was graffitied yesterday during a protest here in San Antonio. Man that is just sacrilegious. I would go down there just to protect it, but some armed civilians beat me to the punch. However, they were too late.

View attachment 262030

Chaos and anarchy I swear! Not cool man, not cool.
My son wanted to go down and observe the protest. My wife and I were like "HELL No!" One you could get shot, two arrested and three exposure to COVID-19. He's just a kid at 17 and was curious, he came too after our rebute.

Mike, the LA cops showed no mercy and we were watching it live. I kept yelling at the TV "send in the gas, to disperse the crowd to stop the confrontations!" Then somebody lit a police car on fire and black smoke that was bellowing from the car scattered everyone. Then calm for the moment. I feel for the cops as they were doing their regular duty, then the had to mobilize indefinitely for riot control until the unrest subsides. There are some tired and beat brothers and sisters in blue out there. Such a waste of man power and not to mention tax dollars. PLUS, EXPOSURE TO COVID-19. The Minnesota Governors speech yesterday hit a nerve when he announced that 100K school lunches could not be delivered on Friday due to the riots. I didn't even think about that! Man, protest peacefully for the sake of the kids for chisss sakes.


"My favorite discussion topics are Sex, Politics and Religion, not sure why people get bent out of shape about them, the way it is I guess."

Oh OZ your a good mate man, but you forgot one...FOOD.

John from Texas

Just Sad is about all I can say. I watched again last night and it is just frankly upsetting. Your photo really is sad. I will never forget in Baltimore a few years ago, idiot rioters ruined Francis Scott Key Statue. It is just criminal, they are trying to rewrite history to fit a modern day Anarchy narrative. This just goes so far against what this protest should be about.

This should have been an issue that all of America would have united on and we did just that. From the White House to the Outhouse so to speak, our entire Country condemned this heinous act against George Floyd. It was a unanimous outrage. Now, all of a sudden, we have several cities being destroyed and ravaged and many innocent law enforcement officers being hurt, injured and killed (Oakland), many people who live in those neighborhoods waking up to war zones of ruined businesses, homes, etc and a Country that is angry on all fronts.

I am hoping Americans realize that this is not peaceful protestors fault and that the George Floyd tragedy still becomes a legacy in that it reforms and causes the right actions and conversations to be had. We need to reject these Anarchists, Violent Agenda Driven Groups once and for all and label them for what they are - Domestic Terrorists. I think the FBI needs to really take action here, start investigations and really get to the root of these groups, these are not willy nilly unorganized agitators, they are well organized, well heeled and very dangerous to America. These violent groups do NOT deserve the protections of the First Amendment, they are criminals and need to be dealt with severely. I don't care who is funding them, they all need to be prosecuted. What they are doing goes against every fiber of our civilized society. These groups are NOT protestors, they are criminals and dangerous ones at that.

As I posted before about Dr. King, I just can't believe what is happening. Civil Rights leaders who are still alive today should speak out and speak out repeatedly. There has to be a voice of reason to this. Two I mentioned - Atlanta's Mayor and the St. Paul, MN Mayor, but there has to be more.


Reprehensible and disgusting, find the POS who did this, make him/her pay for the clean up and send him/her to prison, make it a felony/federal crime, defacing gubmint property.

This happened in MN, why are people protesting/rioting/looting in other cities, what does the city of San Antonio or any other city have to do with this? The mayor of San Antonio can't do a thing about it/not his/her fault, why trash his/her city over something that happened in MN?

Scumbags, just an excuse to come out of their mom's basement, put their sandals on and act like dorks...……………….
My son wanted to go down and observe the protest. My wife and I were like "HELL No!" One you could get shot, two arrested and three exposure to COVID-19. He's just a kid at 17 and was curious, he came too after our rebute.


was there a significant protest in San Antonio?
I didn't hear or see anything about it...

we had a couple of dozen people with signs on the Seawall yesterday...
about 10 blocks from where we met for dinner a few months back...
mixed race and seemingly disorganized...but peaceful...
hopefully nothing will happen here...

I had to laugh as one guy drove by...
beeped his horn and flipped them off...^&grin...

Texas...hahaha...a different breed...

keep that boy safe...
I like your son...
he's my "cake man"...
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These "protests" are way too organized; using radios, pallets of bricks being staged in areas, whatever group is behind it is well organized...…………….Antifa is behind this 100%, they are well funded.
These "protests" are way too organized; using radios, pallets of bricks being staged in areas, whatever group is behind it is well organized...…………….Antifa is behind this 100%, they are well funded.

We also see evidence of White Supremacist groups being involved. Their goal is to start a race war.
The media and conservative pundits are also throwing gas on the fire, only highlighting the violence
and not showing the vast majority of peaceful protestors.
I saw these same tactics in the late 60's where small groups of radical anarchists infiltrated the peaceful
anti-war marches. Conservatives jumped on the violence to label the legitimate, lawful protestors as
"hippie communists".
Funny how those hippie communists turned out to be entrepreneurs, business leaders, attorneys, doctors
and generally capitalists!
We also see evidence of White Supremacist groups being involved. Their goal is to start a race war.
The media and conservative pundits are also throwing gas on the fire, only highlighting the violence
and not showing the vast majority of peaceful protestors.
I saw these same tactics in the late 60's where small groups of radical anarchists infiltrated the peaceful
anti-war marches. Conservatives jumped on the violence to label the legitimate, lawful protestors as
"hippie communists".
Funny how those hippie communists turned out to be entrepreneurs, business leaders, attorneys, doctors
and generally capitalists!

Rich, to be fair, no matter what the group, this is disgraceful and I watched multiple coverages of this and I found no difference in reporting. These rioters even attacked the press, on both sides. This stopped being about race on Friday.

I am all for peaceful protestors and I saw all forms of press trying to find them over the last 3 nights (not days) and they were few and far between. I don't see any slant about these rioters. They are being reported by all press as criminals. That is a good start. I really don't think this has anything to do with Conservative versus Liberal, this is outright lawlessness and this is about a unified response to that.

And for the record, it was confirmed that the attacks on CNN and Fox were coordinated attacks by outside agitators. The attack in Atlanta was not homegrown attack on CNN. The attack in DC on Fox was caught on camera and they have identified the main aggressor as an outsider in the national BLM movement. This is not about Race or Politics, this has turned into full criminal anarchy.

I think you should think about accusing one side of only "highlighting violence", I see every news report from local to National reporting events. The violence is the dominant event unfortunately and all of them are reporting it which is their job. I also would add that I have seen a universal commentary from all sides of the press lamenting how the true story of the George Floyd tragedy is being lost. I don't think this at this point has anything to do with Politics, it is crime.

Now, I have seen leaders at all levels throw accusations and gas on the fire, they are not exhibiting good leadership. They are acting like children, if you want to say that than I am in full agreement, but this is far from a one sided display.

This is a moment for unity in response to violence and as I said before, this is an opportunity for law enforcement at all levels to stop and expose this violence for what it is - anarchy. The true message here is George Floyd's Tragedy, that is what is getting lost and it is not being lost by any side or group, it is being lost b/c of this violent response that I would be willing to bet my life's savings is universally condemned by a majority of Americans. Nobody (I hope) in their right mind thinks what is going on is ok, it is just NOT.


Rich, to be fair, no matter what the group, this is disgraceful and I watched multiple coverages of this and I found no difference in reporting. These rioters even attacked the press, on both sides. This stopped being about race on Friday.

I am all for peaceful protestors and I saw all forms of press trying to find them over the last 3 nights (not days) and they were few and far between. I don't see any slant about these rioters. They are being reported by all press as criminals. That is a good start. I really don't think this has anything to do with Conservative versus Liberal, this is outright lawlessness and this is about a unified response to that.

And for the record, it was confirmed that the attacks on CNN and Fox were coordinated attacks by outside agitators. The attack in Atlanta was not homegrown attack on CNN. The attack in DC on Fox was caught on camera and they have identified the main aggressor as an outsider in the national BLM movement. This is not about Race or Politics, this has turned into full criminal anarchy.

I think you should think about accusing one side of only "highlighting violence", I see every news report from local to National reporting events. The violence is the dominant event unfortunately and all of them are reporting it which is their job. I also would add that I have seen a universal commentary from all sides of the press lamenting how the true story of the George Floyd tragedy is being lost. I don't think this at this point has anything to do with Politics, it is crime.

Now, I have seen leaders at all levels throw accusations and gas on the fire, they are not exhibiting good leadership. They are acting like children, if you want to say that than I am in full agreement, but this is far from a one sided display.

This is a moment for unity in response to violence and as I said before, this is an opportunity for law enforcement at all levels to stop and expose this violence for what it is - anarchy. The true message here is George Floyd's Tragedy, that is what is getting lost and it is not being lost by any side or group, it is being lost b/c of this violent response that I would be willing to bet my life's savings is universally condemned by a majority of Americans. Nobody (I hope) in their right mind thinks what is going on is ok, it is just NOT.


Tom I don't really see where we disagree much. I condemn the violence unequivocally but everything these days is being politicized. You know I am a research guy and I contacted friends, family and former business associates in Chicago, Denver, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Seattle. and many other places without response yet. They told me that the vast majority of demonstrations were peaceful. Much of the violence came from outside agitators and groups with violent agendas. When you see over and over a few dozen or even a few hundred people in a population of hundreds of thousands or millions committing crimes its easy to project and generalize based on your prejudices. The media spends most of its time highlighting the violence and Conservative pundits are blaming the "radical Democrats, Liberals and progressives" for the violence. And yes there are liberal pundits who may exaggerate police brutality and justify the violence but I haven't seen much of them. As far as our leadership "no comment!" as I will get in trouble again.
All sides are to blame and there are criminals who always take advantage of unrest and natural disasters. I was only commenting to George who I like and respect that its not just Antifa who are inciting these violent protests. But I stand by my opinion that Conservative pundits are far more egregious in playing the blame game and spreading conspiracy theories. You can have a different view on that.
Tom I don't really see where we disagree much. I condemn the violence unequivocally but everything these days is being politicized. You know I am a research guy and I contacted friends, family and former business associates in Chicago, Denver, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Seattle. and many other places without response yet. They told me that the vast majority of demonstrations were peaceful. Much of the violence came from outside agitators and groups with violent agendas. When you see over and over a few dozen or even a few hundred people in a population of hundreds of thousands or millions committing crimes its easy to project and generalize based on your prejudices. The media spends most of its time highlighting the violence and Conservative pundits are blaming the "radical Democrats, Liberals and progressives" for the violence. And yes there are liberal pundits who may exaggerate police brutality and justify the violence but I haven't seen much of them. As far as our leadership "no comment!" as I will get in trouble again.
All sides are to blame and there are criminals who always take advantage of unrest and natural disasters. I was only commenting to George who I like and respect that its not just Antifa who are inciting these violent protests. But I stand by my opinion that Conservative pundits are far more egregious in playing the blame game and spreading conspiracy theories. You can have a different view on that.

I see these charges and claims about outside agitators all over. There is never a name or an address. Just finger pointing at mysterious people, who come out of nowhere when there's upheaval, and then disappear when the upheaval subsides. Hmmm
A few more things I find strange:
- How is it possible for literally every city to have been overtaken by outside agitators? Dont agitators have to be from somewhere? Or are there large encampments full of embittered insurrectionists scattered around the country?
- Despite such claims, I have yet to hear a name, an address, even a distinct organization other than "Antifa", which seems to have no structure. Everyone knew who the KKK leaders were back when they were prominent. And yet Antifa is completely amorphous and anonymous. (Other than "its Soros funded".) I dont know much about fomenting revolutions, but this seems a poor model for doing so. It smells to me like the authorities have found a convenient unnameable scapegoat. That way they can blame somebody, while assuring their local rioters they wont be pursued for their misdeeds if they return to being law abiding citizens.
- Alot of the rioting, looting and lawlessness was filmed and can be found online. What type of folks, including their basic demographic information, would seem to be readily available.
- Those engaging in criminal vandalism, destruction and theft can often be IDed from video. Instead of blaming the unknowable "agitators", why not call out the people who were arrested in the act or can be clearly seen on tape? Seems to me that there is a vested interest in not naming names.
- See the bold above. Rather than making a generalized claim and asserting it as absolute truth, without a single piece of evidence or fact, why not provide specific names, addresses, organizations, etc etc. Otherwise it sounds like BS propaganda.
The following was posted by a college buddy of mine on a private Facebook page. He was a GBI agent for 30 years and recently retired. He’s appeared in a number of True Crime shows as an expert or former detective type. Anyway, these are his views on the arrest:

Quick take based on the Floyd arrest warrant:
I am not sure calling all police officers involved in George Floyd’s death “animals” is correct.
Two officers cuffed Floyd in a legitimate arrest and he resisted entering the police car. The culpable officer and his partner arrived to assist. It seems the former had seniority by rank or experience.
The initial arresting officers controlled Floyd's torsoe and feet, much like a pallbearer with one task of a casket. As they restrained Floyd. One asked if they should turn him over for fear of a medical event, to which the culpable senior officer said no, so the others deferred. The others could not see what occurred where Floyd's head was or what the culpable officer was doing.
All were awaiting an ambulance based on Floyd's complaints. The fourth officer was merely protecting the scene.
Many arrestees claim they cannot breath, and speaking, perhaps errantly, is perceived that one can breathe. Crowds always holler the arrestee is being mistreated.
Floyd was not asphixiated by police, but their actions caused his death due to stress on underlying health issues.
I think the senior officer should be charged with manslaughter And suspect it will be difficult to convict the other officers of any crime absent politics.“​
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