Covid-19 info (2 Viewers)

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I have to be true to myself; I like what I like...………………;)………………...I think they were all after me for my Tiger tanks.

I think you were the Tiger.^&grin^&grin^&grin
I hope the Second wave is gentle. More lockdowns will severely cripple most countries economically.

George, I have reviewed that picture with the model and you with your chit eating grin and I have determined (with the help of some savvvy tech teenagers in the house) that-that picture is photo shopped. There is a clear line in her blonde hair that separates you from her and though it is a good try to deceive us with your braggadocio triumphs in this world, we sir are not fooled. Again...fake George bravado news.

It should have all come from the top George with a seriousness and determination to eradicate the spread. Whether you like to Gobament in place or not, if the leadership would have taken this thing seriously in the first place with genuine concern and respect for science we would not be in this position right now. I think that when our Captain blows the whistle for the charge I believe every 'Merican would have come out yelling from the trenches. The problem is only half of us leaped out of the trenches and our Captain did not charge with us. Instead, made fun of the enemy, didn't think there even was one and went back to his bunker to have a coffee. Meanwhile, troops died in battle and continue die in battle with out their commander, who by the way is sending off dispatches (twitter) to the home front that victory is with in reach, achieved and don't you dare criticize his commanding of his troops.

You are absolutely right though, it should have been a Federal lockdown and since it was and wasn't, but then only became recommendations, it failed to have strength or for that matter respect. There is no doubt in my mind we would all have complied to save our way of life, but in saying that IF the gobament is going to shut us down then they have the responsibility to provide and protect us from financial ruin, unemployment and food shortages. AND they could have and every one would have been safe, secure, have a peace of mind and understand that this is just temporary thing for the greater good of our country. If you want to impose rules then you must compose relief in order to give everyone the confidence they need to stay home for two weeks or possibly more. Uncertainty is a stress among stresses.

Nah, man thats not what happened and it has been a chit show since day one when it was proclaimed that this virus will " magic". Well, guess what its the middle of June and we, these United States, have the highest infection rate and death rate IN THE WORLD WITH NO END IN SIGHT. When this thread first started (the first one) I said that we had better hope we don't have an terrorist attack or natural disaster happen this year ON TOP of the COViD virus or we'll be through. Never in my wildest imagination that I would think that we would have a nation wide protest that goes against every COVID SAFE guidline in order to stop the spread. No, quite the opposite of a natural disaster and more like a national disaster that is going to take the infection rate of this virus to unprecedented numbers in the coming weeks and months.

For everything we did to stop the spread it took ONE over aggressive cop, an iPhone and the death of one beautiful man at his hands to turn our country inside out and put people face to face, hand in hand and in close quarters with each other to completely wipe out the work our nation did to flatten the curve. This is America you and I live in now and the consequences of arrogance, vanity and silence is currently ruining everything we believe and trust in.

At a symposium in grad school I listened to a guest lecturer pose a scenario that I have never forgot. He said "What if I told you in 50 years the United States would not be the super power we are now? What would you think or say?" He answered him self and said "You would probably say hogwash, bull chit, your a loon...go home. Well, that same question was posed in England at the turn of the century and the guy who posed was banished from English society and guess what? Some 50 years later England was recovering from World War II, gave up British India and retracted/rejected colonialism. And it continued after those 50 years with Hong Kong, Antigua, and Belize to name a few"

Now folks, I never found out WHO posed that question and I didn't get to ask him, but man what a scenario. I'm not advocating the dissolution of our country....NO...but what I am saying or more so posing is what is our country going to look like in 50 years from now when you and I are gone? After what I have seen since January (and earlier) till now, I really don't know.

John from Texas

PS: Desert I am sorry I put you below NZ on my complaint list...I guess that's why you guys are always "Down Under".
Our States and Territories are very protective of their relative independence. I would like to see more Federal control in Australia to increase the standardization, laws and controls.

George, I have reviewed that picture with the model and you with your chit eating grin and I have determined (with the help of some savvvy tech teenagers in the house) that-that picture is photo shopped. There is a clear line in her blonde hair that separates you from her and though it is a good try to deceive us with your braggadocio triumphs in this world, we sir are not fooled. Again...fake George bravado news.

It should have all come from the top George with a seriousness and determination to eradicate the spread. Whether you like to Gobament in place or not, if the leadership would have taken this thing seriously in the first place with genuine concern and respect for science we would not be in this position right now. I think that when our Captain blows the whistle for the charge I believe every 'Merican would have come out yelling from the trenches. The problem is only half of us leaped out of the trenches and our Captain did not charge with us. Instead, made fun of the enemy, didn't think there even was one and went back to his bunker to have a coffee. Meanwhile, troops died in battle and continue die in battle with out their commander, who by the way is sending off dispatches (twitter) to the home front that victory is with in reach, achieved and don't you dare criticize his commanding of his troops.

You are absolutely right though, it should have been a Federal lockdown and since it was and wasn't, but then only became recommendations, it failed to have strength or for that matter respect. There is no doubt in my mind we would all have complied to save our way of life, but in saying that IF the gobament is going to shut us down then they have the responsibility to provide and protect us from financial ruin, unemployment and food shortages. AND they could have and every one would have been safe, secure, have a peace of mind and understand that this is just temporary thing for the greater good of our country. If you want to impose rules then you must compose relief in order to give everyone the confidence they need to stay home for two weeks or possibly more. Uncertainty is a stress among stresses.

Nah, man thats not what happened and it has been a chit show since day one when it was proclaimed that this virus will " magic". Well, guess what its the middle of June and we, these United States, have the highest infection rate and death rate IN THE WORLD WITH NO END IN SIGHT. When this thread first started (the first one) I said that we had better hope we don't have an terrorist attack or natural disaster happen this year ON TOP of the COViD virus or we'll be through. Never in my wildest imagination that I would think that we would have a nation wide protest that goes against every COVID SAFE guidline in order to stop the spread. No, quite the opposite of a natural disaster and more like a national disaster that is going to take the infection rate of this virus to unprecedented numbers in the coming weeks and months.

For everything we did to stop the spread it took ONE over aggressive cop, an iPhone and the death of one beautiful man at his hands to turn our country inside out and put people face to face, hand in hand and in close quarters with each other to completely wipe out the work our nation did to flatten the curve. This is America you and I live in now and the consequences of arrogance, vanity and silence is currently ruining everything we believe and trust in.

At a symposium in grad school I listened to a guest lecturer pose a scenario that I have never forgot. He said "What if I told you in 50 years the United States would not be the super power we are now? What would you think or say?" He answered him self and said "You would probably say hogwash, bull chit, your a loon...go home. Well, that same question was posed in England at the turn of the century and the guy who posed was banished from English society and guess what? Some 50 years later England was recovering from World War II, gave up British India and retracted/rejected colonialism. And it continued after those 50 years with Hong Kong, Antigua, and Belize to name a few"

Now folks, I never found out WHO posed that question and I didn't get to ask him, but man what a scenario. I'm not advocating the dissolution of our country....NO...but what I am saying or more so posing is what is our country going to look like in 50 years from now when you and I are gone? After what I have seen since January (and earlier) till now, I really don't know.

John from Texas

PS: Desert I am sorry I put you below NZ on my complaint list...I guess that's why you guys are always "Down Under".

Good post. One thing that upsets me right now and I am really finding unbelievable is that you can be labeled a racist b/c you may not agree with methodologies that are occurring or you may not express an opinion at all. I never thought I would see the day that mob rule would place labels on the silent majority (word is used regardless of race, creed, etc). I find that a sad state of affairs.

Americans wouldn't stand for it; "We have rights, what about my rights, I'm a citizen!!"...………………..:rolleyes2:

When this thing started blowing up, our president should have said "Everyone has two weeks to get their prescriptions, food, gas, whatever, then the Entire country is going on a two week lockdown, NO ONE outside of police, fire, doctors, nurses, EMTS and other essential workers are to leave their homes, PERIOD"...……..

But nope, we did this state by state nationwide piecemeal process, some states were strict, others were not, so here we are.

This country is not wired correctly to cope with something like a pandemic.

The really scary thing is how readily we (NZ) scarificed the democratic process all in the name of the 'greater good'.

I can imagine the same happening all over the globe?

As we drop from level 4 lockdown to level 1 after 10x weeks, the impact of shutting the doors and staying at home is now taking affect in all its glory, with huge job losses and businesses closing.

I see the re-emergence of the BLM movement as a further distraction and the attacks on law-enforcement at a time when they're most needed a damming indictment of how screwed up things have become.

I'm hoping common sense will ultimately prevail, however the mob mentality, coupled with flaky leadership is concerning.
I believe black lives matter but not the racist organization that proclaims that they are for African-American people.If that was the case they would be in Chicago.As far as our leader not doing enough he is ****ed if he does and ****ed if he don't.Everyone needs to go back at look at the timeline closely.If what has been done was done under the previous leader he would be called a god.:rolleyes2:As far as the virus spreading I said before it would.You can not keep people closed in especially in America.The medical experts have changed their story every day.No one believes anything they say.

Of course BLM and so does mine, yours my kids, mom, your parents, your friends and every other human being in the world. So, that why I said before (and I stand by it) ALL lives matter. To think that racism, nepotism, cronyism and the good ole boy network doesn't exist is blissful thinking because it still does and will continue till kingdom come. I don't believe in separatism because of race, creed or color AND we are all in this together...virus and all.

Mark, I don't believe the medical experts have changed their story at least Dr. Fauci hasn't: social distancing, masks, gloves, etc. On the other hand, the dear leader doesn't even have a story to run with and I believe he blew it with the death George Floyd. Had he embraced the horror of the situation and gone on a tirade like he does for everything else he would have won over the world! But, no...George Floyd changed the world and not him. Politically, that was a hyuge missed opportunity to make up for the...

Let me stop there to save the thread for being threatened with closure.

I believe in science and the medical experts. More so than the morons who bring conspiracy theories to the table. Oh, and there are STILL a lot of deniers out there. I read reports and published papers on new findings like the paper (not peered reviewed yet) on transmission through eyes, the effect of the virus on baboons and how baboons are in demand for testing. Virus survival in different climate conditions and not just COVID, but all of them. Sneeze theory and of course my biggest pet peeve-transmission through debit card machines. Your man admittingly doesn't read and there you go and y'now what its okay...he doesn't have to read anything if chooses not to do so. But, there are consequences for those who act with out preparation and there are an equal amount of consequences for those don't act at all.

Texas is on its third straight record day of infections...somewhere over 2,000 a day. It is going to be a long, hot summer.

John from Texas

Of course BLM and so does mine, yours my kids, mom, your parents, your friends and every other human being in the world. So, that why I said before (and I stand by it) ALL lives matter. To think that racism, nepotism, cronyism and the good ole boy network doesn't exist is blissful thinking because it still does and will continue till kingdom come. I don't believe in separatism because of race, creed or color AND we are all in this together...virus and all.

Mark, I don't believe the medical experts have changed their story at least Dr. Fauci hasn't: social distancing, masks, gloves, etc. On the other hand, the dear leader doesn't even have a story to run with and I believe he blew it with the death George Floyd. Had he embraced the horror of the situation and gone on a tirade like he does for everything else he would have won over the world! But, no...George Floyd changed the world and not him. Politically, that was a hyuge missed opportunity to make up for the...

Let me stop there to save the thread for being threatened with closure.

I believe in science and the medical experts. More so than the morons who bring conspiracy theories to the table. Oh, and there are STILL a lot of deniers out there. I read reports and published papers on new findings like the paper (not peered reviewed yet) on transmission through eyes, the effect of the virus on baboons and how baboons are in demand for testing. Virus survival in different climate conditions and not just COVID, but all of them. Sneeze theory and of course my biggest pet peeve-transmission through debit card machines. Your man admittingly doesn't read and there you go and y'now what its okay...he doesn't have to read anything if chooses not to do so. But, there are consequences for those who act with out preparation and there are an equal amount of consequences for those don't act at all.

Texas is on its third straight record day of infections...somewhere over 2,000 a day. It is going to be a long, hot summer.

John from Texas
I knew sooner or later our leader would be blamed for Floyd's death.I knew it.:rolleyes2: Fauci has changed his story over and over and one of the top doctors of WHO flipped flopped yesterday saying the oppisite what she said Monday.Just come out last week that the study on that malaria drug was faked.What did they say about hot humid weather killing the virus,how's that working?You can believe everything they say but I don't and that includes our leader. Mark
George, I have reviewed that picture with the model and you with your chit eating grin and I have determined (with the help of some savvvy tech teenagers in the house) that-that picture is photo shopped. There is a clear line in her blonde hair that separates you from her and though it is a good try to deceive us with your braggadocio triumphs in this world, we sir are not fooled. Again...fake George bravado news.

Photo shopped?


So Miss Tiffany has not been my girlfriend since 2004?

I'd better let her know then.

Wow, that's quite a crackerjack team of savvy tech teenagers living under your roof.

Have a gander at these two pictures; the night we met, New Years Eve 2004 and a week later on our first date...…………...back when I was on the sauce...…...I'm 6'2", she's 5'4", 5'1" of it is leg.

As you can clearly see, I'm not much on pictures, but why should I be when I have the real thing.

It is funny though; every picture I have off her and I, I do have a **** eating grin on my face.

Funny that.

Check back later in this thread with their findings, this ought to be good...……….……..OR, you can ask Louis, he met her at the World Figure Expo back in Boston in 2005.

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Of course BLM and so does mine, yours my kids, mom, your parents, your friends and every other human being in the world. So, that why I said before (and I stand by it) ALL lives matter. To think that racism, nepotism, cronyism and the good ole boy network doesn't exist is blissful thinking because it still does and will continue till kingdom come. I don't believe in separatism because of race, creed or color AND we are all in this together...virus and all.

Mark, I don't believe the medical experts have changed their story at least Dr. Fauci hasn't: social distancing, masks, gloves, etc. On the other hand, the dear leader doesn't even have a story to run with and I believe he blew it with the death George Floyd. Had he embraced the horror of the situation and gone on a tirade like he does for everything else he would have won over the world! But, no...George Floyd changed the world and not him. Politically, that was a hyuge missed opportunity to make up for the...

Let me stop there to save the thread for being threatened with closure.

I believe in science and the medical experts. More so than the morons who bring conspiracy theories to the table. Oh, and there are STILL a lot of deniers out there. I read reports and published papers on new findings like the paper (not peered reviewed yet) on transmission through eyes, the effect of the virus on baboons and how baboons are in demand for testing. Virus survival in different climate conditions and not just COVID, but all of them. Sneeze theory and of course my biggest pet peeve-transmission through debit card machines. Your man admittingly doesn't read and there you go and y'now what its okay...he doesn't have to read anything if chooses not to do so. But, there are consequences for those who act with out preparation and there are an equal amount of consequences for those don't act at all.

Texas is on its third straight record day of infections...somewhere over 2,000 a day. It is going to be a long, hot summer.

John from Texas

John, I don't want to turn this into a political discourse, but you have to be fair here:

A. Trump immediately condemned what happened to George Floyd and immediately called for federal intervention with the FBI. He did that, unfortunately, it was buried in our press. Again, I am just stating a fact here, not trying to get in a debate, it is an easy verifiable fact.

B. Trump had nothing to do with the criminal actions by a terrible human being that resulted in a person's death.

C. He didn't condemn any protests until the rioting, looting, mayhem and violence started and I for one am in agreement with the condemnation of that. As I said before Protests are Freedoms protected under our Constitution and Bill of Rights, Violence is covered under Criminal Code of Law.

D. We as a nation should not be apologizing for believing in civil discourse and debate and not believing in rioting. A riot may be started by a few, but a mob has followed and all you have to do for evidence is look at the multi millions (maybe a billion or more now) worth of damage in major cities from coast to coast. Innocent deaths of business owners, retired police, active federal officer (Oakland, CA) and many more injuries sustained. This is not OK and the way it has been brushed under the rug is disdainful. As an individual I draw the line when things get out of hand. I don't consider a Seattle Police Department being overrun and taken over by a lawless mob to be an exercise of free speech. This is ludicrous on its face. None of this is Ok.

I do feel like I am in the Twilight Zone watching what has gone on around us with COVID and now this. It seems surreal but in reality , it is one gigantic nightmare.

Regarding COVID and I am not offering an opinion on this, but the reported facts are that basically there is a lot of disagreement in the medical community once you get past the common sense (to me) ideals of Sanitization, Cleanliness, Hygiene, and other actions like wearing a mask, etc. The origins, severity, transmission, vaccines, treatment is a whole other ball of wax so to speak, there are a million experts (many highly regarded) with way different viewpoints. Point is to be fair, it seems like everyday we get a different direction in some regard - remember it transmitted on surfaces for the first 6 weeks, then we get a determination - maybe it doesn't! Next asymptomatic doesn't transfer, 4 hours later - yes it does!@! I can understand why there are varying degree of people believing different things. And finally, as I have said many times - there are a lot of Morons in this Country who have not followed any guidance and have put a lot of people at risk.

Sorry to make this long - meant to say - did anybody see the follow up from that "nefarious lake of the ozarks pool party that spread COVID like wildfire"? Apparently, no positive cases after all, so go figure.

I know for me, I follow the rules and common sense regarding COVID, worked thus far knock on wood.


[...]I don't believe the medical experts have changed their story at least Dr. Fauci hasn't: social distancing, masks, gloves, etc.[...]


A few months back, wasn't he appearing on news programs and telling people that masks were useless? In fact, didn't Fauci tell folks that wearing a mask could actually make a person MORE susceptible to the disease? If the answer to both questions is no, please just chock it up to my being a few years older than you. Likewise, if you're just trolling us, I'm sure that all the locals will forgive you;)


A few months back, wasn't he appearing on news programs and telling people that masks were useless? In fact, didn't Fauci tell folks that wearing a mask could actually make a person MORE susceptible to the disease? If the answer to both questions is no, please just chock it up to my being a few years older than you. Likewise, if you're just trolling us, I'm sure that all the locals will forgive you;)


I think the professionals knew all along the value the masks, but if they announced that at the outbreak, people would panic and hoard the masks, such that our first responders would be in very short supply of PPE.
I think the professionals knew all along the value the masks, but if they announced that at the outbreak, people would panic and hoard the masks, such that our first responders would be in very short supply of PPE.

that is 100% the reason why...…………..much like hand sanitizer...…… local supermarket has an entire end cap of it now, must be 500 bottles on the shelves...…………………….
I think the professionals knew all along the value the masks, but if they announced that at the outbreak, people would panic and hoard the masks, such that our first responders would be in very short supply of PPE.

Lamentably, that’s my interpretation as well. Don’t know if it’s a good idea for a “public health expert” to go picking winners and losers like that when the risks to the uninformed and/or naive are so high. I never bought it.:rolleyes:
I knew sooner or later our leader would be blamed for Floyd's death.I knew it.:rolleyes2: Fauci has changed his story over and over and one of the top doctors of WHO flipped flopped yesterday saying the oppisite what she said Monday.Just come out last week that the study on that malaria drug was faked.What did they say about hot humid weather killing the virus,how's that working?You can believe everything they say but I don't and that includes our leader. Mark

Mark, as you point out Fauci moves the goal post every time the wind blows! To be blunt the guy’s as slippery as an eel and clearly working his own angles. His got financial interests in vaccine research and their roll out and been playing the field since the 80s. Can’t believe more of your countrymen aren’t questioning his stance.

I know you’re leader has serious misgivings about him and with good reason.

For the record face masks won’t prevent you from getting a virus either.
Okay Gents,

Good points all around. I agree with you all about the medical information being dolled out. However, lets look at from a different perspective...surgeons wear masks and those plastic face coverings during while performing a procedure. Why? To protect the patient from the possibility of infection from them. Lots of surgical soap, gowns, two sets of gloves, masks, etc and everyone is wearing them. We as a society demand the medical field take all measures/precautions to wear PPE during any medical procedure. In fact, there has to be some sort of medical regulation/standard in the US (if not the world) for wearing PPE during a surgery. So, the mentality is to keep the room sterile and those working on the patient sterile to avoid bacteria and virus from coming into contact with the patient.

Meanwhile, we are laying on the gurney with a tube down our throats (or not) , knocked out with anesthesia and for the most part literally exposed. But, in the back of our minds we are good because THEY have taken the precautions to protect YOU from any possibility of infection. Which brings me to my point- wearing a mask is protecting the populous from YOU spreading the virus to your fellow man. If there is a barrier of keeping your coughs to yourself then half the battle is won. So, (like my Japan stories) people who feel ill, have a sneeze of cough wear masks at any given time of the year to keep them from spreading their sickness to you. In Japan, when you see someone wearing a white mask, you the public are immediately put on notice that THIS person is ill-yet going to work or living their life-you need to maintain a distance from THIS person and THIS person is doing their part not to spread THEIR sickness. Likewise, most Japanese folks also wear gloves in conjunction with wearing a mask for extra precautions. This social grace is ingrained in Japanese society and not looked down upon, ridiculed, politicized or anything else other than a public health measure.

The US mentality? Its a sign of weakness, who-haw, determines your political party, a pain in the butt, a inconvenience, stupid, dumb and really won't help cause so and so said so. Man, puh-lease. Its a preventative for heavens sake, a deterrent, an act of conscience to stop the spread and trying to be apart of the solution and not the problem. I tell you what, the times and our attitudes are changing and don't tell me for one minute this winter when you are at Walgreens and some joker is in the check out line in front of you hacking, sniffling and sneezing with NO mask, wiping his nose and then punches in his debit card numbers that you aren't going to say to yourself "Freaking gross man...wear a mask dork...don't you have any graces...stop the spread bro". Then your next to pay.

So, I don't want to hear all that. Change your thinking or more so your attitude towards masks and gloves and I promise you we will all stay healthier in the future AND castigate those who unabashedly spread their grossness. There is nothing wrong with being hygienic in public and further demanding those around you to do the same. So, wear a mask and shut yo moughf.

And for the record:

-Loathe rioters and losers loot.

-NO, don't defund MY police, in fact increase the budget in my opinion. I want healthy, happy cops on the streets and when I call 911 for any reason I want them to have EVERYTHING they need to take of the situation at hand. Whether its training, gear, technology and even a full stomach. If we the public give our law enforcement everything they need to do their jobs then there is no excuse for them not performing AND when bad apples are found in the basket throw them out.

-Everyone matters in my opinion and sadly I saw a video of counter protestor using ALL lives matter as a political statement for the right. Why? WHY? WHY? Can't we just say that all lives matter with out being tagged whether your "with us or against" type of mentality. The answer is no, because right now everything is so politicized right now its disgusting. Good god I swear there may come a time whether you prefer Coke or Pepsi you could run the risk of being labeled for something nefarious.

-I don't blame Trumpalicious for Georges Floyd death at all. I blame bad policing, arrogance and a lack of training in matters of arresting a citizen. What I do blame him for is the lack of sound leadership, decision making and seriousness of the virus and for that matter the seriousness of GF's death on the public psyche. I have said this before, I do not envy him and his job and do in fact pray for the man to give him the strength to make the day. I wish him no ill will and regardless if I like him or not he is the Commander in Chief and I respect that and always will. All I ask is to act like one for you, me, the country and this moment in world history.

Okay, George you win. I believe you know and for the record your girlfriend is scratch'm talking smoking get the picture. Your a lucky man. I emphasize the luck part. If and when I get to meet you and her, I PROMISE not to share your San Antonio Shenanigans that you bragged about her on the forum. Yes, BRAGGED about you handsome Italian Stallion you.

John from Texas
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