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It goes back to an NFL quarterback kneeling during the national anthem. He was making the gesture to protest the shooting death of an 18yo Afrian-American, Michael Brown. A limited number of other players mimicked the guy, but it hurt the league because a percentage of fans boycotted the league and TV-ratings declined. The player eventually lost his position and was unable to land a job with another team. The good news for the guy was that he had become a cultural icon to American leftists (aka Progessives) and Nike Shoes.Been so ever since.
To add to the good summary above, it should be noted that:
A. Michael Brown was not an innocent victim. The police office was fully exonerated and there was zero gray area factually in this officer involved shooting.
B. The said QB was on his way out as a talent for first string NFL quarterback. Is/was he still good enough to be a back up, Yes that is true, but his attitude is what really did him in, he became toxic to all NFL owners and nobody will give him a job.
The biggest controversy is that the majority of fans and Americans didn't appreciate the methodology of kneeling during our National Anthem. I don't then and still don't now believe that this gesture is the right way to get your message out anymore than rioting in the streets. Additionally, professional football and all sports are supposed to be fun for the athletes, the fans, etc. Yes, it is big money, but it is there for everyone's joy and entertainment. I don't think a lot of people tune in each week or root for their team to send political messages. I equate professional athletes in the same way as hollywood icons, they get paid and make their careers to entertain. In the end, that is their job. What they do on their own time with their own money is solely up to them. A lot of the athletes do give back to their respective communities, they do support, fund and participate in worthy causes like racial inequality, etc. I would like to think they would be better served to do that instead of controversies that half of the US can't stand.
Last part was my 2 cents, A and B hopefully add more to the earlier explanation.