COVID the 3rd (2 Viewers)

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I got no problem with retail stores going to 100% capacity...
I hope you're right on most of the people will still be wearing masks in Texas part...

No "real Texan" would be caught dead without one, know what I mean partner.............

I got no problem with retail stores going to 100% capacity...
I hope you're right on most of the people will still be wearing masks in Texas part...

Hope in one hand and wish in the other and see where that gets you.

Wow, what coincidence, just in time for Spring break......................................sorry Mike, but my gut tells me people cannot wait to ****can their masks, so God's speed to you........................just like if states came out and said "no more speed limits on the highways, you can drive as fast as you like, but we hope most folks will still burp and fart along in the middle lane going 55 like before........................:D
Hope in one hand and wish in the other and see where that gets you.

Wow, what coincidence, just in time for Spring break......................................sorry Mike, but my gut tells me people cannot wait to ****can their masks, so God's speed to you........................just like if states came out and said "no more speed limits on the highways, you can drive as fast as you like, but we hope most folks will still burp and fart along in the middle lane going 55 like before........................:D



Galveston went through this last March on Spring Break...
they decided not to close the beaches at the last minute...
advertised it all over the radio that the beaches were open...

come on down...
spread your cooties and spend your money...

Galvestonians were pissed!

and the kids came...
the beaches were packed...
with hardly a mask to be seen...

I know that was a long time age...
seems like a lifetime actually...
but if you remember...
I posted pictures of the beaches packed with tourist and no masks...

lets open for one of the busiest tourist weekends of the year...

people are tired of being masked and shut down...
they want and need to get out of the house...
I understand that...

I expect a good up tick in new cases this year too...
hopefully not near as bad as last year...


Galveston went through this last March on Spring Break...
they decided not to close the beaches at the last minute...
advertised it all over the radio that the beaches were open...

come on down...
spread your cooties and spend your money...

Galvestonians were pissed!

and the kids came...
the beaches were packed...
with hardly a mask to be seen...

I know that was a long time age...
seems like a lifetime actually...
but if you remember...
I posted pictures of the beaches packed with tourist and no masks...

lets open for one of the busiest tourist weekends of the year...

people are tired of being masked and shut down...
they want and need to get out of the house...
I understand that...

I expect a good up tick in new cases this year too...
hopefully not near as bad as last year...

The major difference this year vs last is the vaccine is out there and ramping up more and more every day, just keep your guard up Mike and keep that mask on................


Galveston went through this last March on Spring Break...
they decided not to close the beaches at the last minute...
advertised it all over the radio that the beaches were open...

come on down...
spread your cooties and spend your money...

Galvestonians were pissed!

and the kids came...
the beaches were packed...
with hardly a mask to be seen...

I know that was a long time age...
seems like a lifetime actually...
but if you remember...
I posted pictures of the beaches packed with tourist and no masks...

lets open for one of the busiest tourist weekends of the year...

people are tired of being masked and shut down...
they want and need to get out of the house...
I understand that...

I expect a good up tick in new cases this year too...
hopefully not near as bad as last year...

I'm not sure how this is going to play out, let me check with my people and I'll circle back to this later.
Lifting mask mandates is premature and inadvisable. Right now the variants affecting Brasil are out of control. They will only spread here and relaxing restrictions will only hasten their ability to spread in communities.

One of the variants in Brasil appears to be able to overcome the body’s natural tendency to create antibodies. The most worrisome threat comes from the State of Manaus where the variant now affecting Brasil originated. The variant has 17 different mutations from the original coronavirus and may be twice as transmissible. However, what is more concerning is that the variant may be able to reinfect people who already had and recovered from the virus. The variant could affect our natural immune systems and vaccines. Viruses do not tend to stay in one geographical area so it may find its way here and in other countries. Letting our guard down would be a mistake.
Lifting mask mandates is premature and inadvisable. Right now the variants affecting Brasil are out of control. They will only spread here and relaxing restrictions will only hasten their ability to spread in communities.

One of the variants in Brasil appears to be able to overcome the body’s natural tendency to create antibodies. The most worrisome threat comes from the State of Manaus where the variant now affecting Brasil originated. The variant has 17 different mutations from the original coronavirus and may be twice as transmissible. However, what is more concerning is that the variant may be able to reinfect people who already had and recovered from the virus. The variant could affect our natural immune systems and vaccines. Viruses do not tend to stay in one geographical area so it may find its way here and in other countries. Letting our guard down would be a mistake.

I agree on the mask. It is just not that hard to wear one. I am not sure why that bothers some so much, I have done a few toy soldier shows now during this time, wearing a mask for 99% of the time other than to eat or drink. I hardly notice it after about 10 mins, it is easy.

I agree on the mask. It is just not that hard to wear one. I am not sure why that bothers some so much, I have done a few toy soldier shows now during this time, wearing a mask for 99% of the time other than to eat or drink. I hardly notice it after about 10 mins, it is easy.


I’ve worn a variety of KN 95 masks, some comfortable, some not, but I’ve found this to be the best one so far.

I think I’ve mentioned this before but KN95 and N95 masks are essentially the same thing. “N” is what the US calls theirs whereas “KN” is the Chinese designation.
So my cousin, Mr "I only wear a mask to make my family happy/they really do more harm than good/I'm not getting the COVID vaccine, if I was older, I'd consider it", was supposed to fly to Houston today for a dinner tonight in celebration of a big deal he's been working on for months closing, but the COO of the company felt ****ty over the weekend, got tested and has no dinner.

So I told him "You do realize had you gone down there a few days sooner, had the dinner with no one wearing masks, you would have been breathing in droplets from that COO who ended up testing positive, then you would have gotten on a plane, flown home and gave it to your family".....................his reply; "Yeah well it didn't happen, so I'm not worried."...........

It really is true; you cannot fix stoopid...............................he claims a pill is in development much like Tamiflu; ie, you get COVID, it ramps up, they prescribe the pill and it knocks COVID out of your system before you get worse and end up in the hospital......or worse.

But I suppose he won't take that either.......because, you know, stoopid......................

Some people live in bliss...just bliss to the beauties, dangers and realities of the world. I personally don't get it and the biggest person living in bliss right now is our Governor who happens to be an expert in virology and didn't even know it. For a man who is handicap without the use of his legs, you would expect him to have a little more understanding, compassion, stewardship or whatever to needs of your health. But even he too carries that dumb bravado of Texas swagger even if he can't walk.

Daughter No2 pinned it the other day at the dinner table when she said "I think the mask lifting mandate is a ploy to deflect from the fall out of the Energy scandal". I smiled in between bites and told her "now your seeing things for what they are".

When I was out and about the other day there was no evidence that people are taking the Governors "mask lifting" order serious. Nothing has changed and if you want your eggs, construction materials or any other service you better mask up, because companies don't answer to the Governor. To me, it is an exercise in futility to "try and make me" follow the Governors order AS IF they trump company policies, medical policies or just good common sense.

Oh and George is this the "gun loving, toting, rooting, tooting 'oh Winthorpe' cousin"? or another one? Regardless, I have found that COVID has produced a lot of tough guys walking around now. I'm talking Big Bad Leroy Brown tough who eventually take on the Jim Croce description:

Well the two men took to fightin'
And when the pulled them from the floor
Leroy looked like a jigsaw puzzle
With a couple of pieces gone

Which is what happens when you fight with a virus like COVID.

JOHN from Texas

Some people live in bliss...just bliss to the beauties, dangers and realities of the world. I personally don't get it and the biggest person living in bliss right now is our Governor who happens to be an expert in virology and didn't even know it. For a man who is handicap without the use of his legs, you would expect him to have a little more understanding, compassion, stewardship or whatever to needs of your health. But even he too carries that dumb bravado of Texas swagger even if he can't walk.

Daughter No2 pinned it the other day at the dinner table when she said "I think the mask lifting mandate is a ploy to deflect from the fall out of the Energy scandal". I smiled in between bites and told her "now your seeing things for what they are".

When I was out and about the other day there was no evidence that people are taking the Governors "mask lifting" order serious. Nothing has changed and if you want your eggs, construction materials or any other service you better mask up, because companies don't answer to the Governor. To me, it is an exercise in futility to "try and make me" follow the Governors order AS IF they trump company policies, medical policies or just good common sense.

Oh and George is this the "gun loving, toting, rooting, tooting 'oh Winthorpe' cousin"? or another one? Regardless, I have found that COVID has produced a lot of tough guys walking around now. I'm talking Big Bad Leroy Brown tough who eventually take on the Jim Croce description:

Well the two men took to fightin'
And when the pulled them from the floor
Leroy looked like a jigsaw puzzle
With a couple of pieces gone

Which is what happens when you fight with a virus like COVID.

JOHN from Texas

When Governor Abbott raised the issue of removing the mandate requiring masks I too thought it was an attempt to draw attention away from the snowstorm/energy disaster.

Then, ironically, I remembered that human beings (myself obviously included) currently have the attention span of gnats.

The freeze was almost exactly 4 weeks ago yet if you watch the news and listen to locals, it might as well have happened 4 years ago.

There is no need for our “leaders” on both sides of the aisle th try and distract us, we can do that job exceptionally well on our own.

Some people live in bliss...just bliss to the beauties, dangers and realities of the world. I personally don't get it and the biggest person living in bliss right now is our Governor who happens to be an expert in virology and didn't even know it. For a man who is handicap without the use of his legs, you would expect him to have a little more understanding, compassion, stewardship or whatever to needs of your health. But even he too carries that dumb bravado of Texas swagger even if he can't walk.

Daughter No2 pinned it the other day at the dinner table when she said "I think the mask lifting mandate is a ploy to deflect from the fall out of the Energy scandal". I smiled in between bites and told her "now your seeing things for what they are".

When I was out and about the other day there was no evidence that people are taking the Governors "mask lifting" order serious. Nothing has changed and if you want your eggs, construction materials or any other service you better mask up, because companies don't answer to the Governor. To me, it is an exercise in futility to "try and make me" follow the Governors order AS IF they trump company policies, medical policies or just good common sense.

Oh and George is this the "gun loving, toting, rooting, tooting 'oh Winthorpe' cousin"? or another one? Regardless, I have found that COVID has produced a lot of tough guys walking around now. I'm talking Big Bad Leroy Brown tough who eventually take on the Jim Croce description:

Well the two men took to fightin'
And when the pulled them from the floor
Leroy looked like a jigsaw puzzle
With a couple of pieces gone

Which is what happens when you fight with a virus like COVID.

JOHN from Texas

Yup, it's the gun loving Winthorpe cousin..............................the same one who's now ranting and raving about how "They'd better not come knocking on my door for my guns; it won't end well".................yeah, sure it won't, he'll go out in a final blaze of incompetence.................
this video made both local and national (CNN) news the other day...
this happened in Galveston...

the mandate by Gov. Abbott is not hard to understand...

for the business man...
I guess it's about as fair as you can get...

you have options...

you don't have to wear a mask...
but you have to respect the rules of entry to a private business...
CNN is reporting that 100 million people have been vaccinated in the US and yet the Washington Post's running count is about 70 million. That's a significant difference. You have to wonder how the numbers can vary by that much.
this video made both local and national (CNN) news the other day...
this happened in Galveston...

you have options...

you don't have to wear a mask...
but you have to respect the rules of entry to a private business...

Yeah, she could have avoided being arrested. BTW, banks have been closed here except for drive thru tellers. And some fast food restaurants have limited dining or counter service. Others only have drive thru. Guess it's cheaper not to have to clean tables and have less workers.
I’m a big believer in masks and all the other steps the CDC has recommended but I think arresting that woman was going too far. Yes, she should have been ejected from the bank.
I see no other option...

staff told her to leave...she wouldn't...
cops told her to leave...she wouldn't...

masks are a choice of the business...
protect their staff and customers...

she refused to leave...

what do you do now?
CNN is reporting that 100 million people have been vaccinated in the US and yet the Washington Post's running count is about 70 million. That's a significant difference. You have to wonder how the numbers can vary by that much.

I spoke to somebody involved in Covid testing in one Australian state. His was the only organisation doing the tests for a particular period and he knew how many were being done daily. He noted the state was claiming testing numbers that were far in excess of what were actually being done.

Just recently we had reports in Queensland talking about multiple suburbs where Covid was found during sewerage tests. This is interesting since we have had very few cases in recent months and even then nowhere near some of those suburbs. So how does random testing pick up positive results out of so much waste ? Wouldnt that mean there is far more Covid about and people just dont know they have it. Which means the death rate per infections, in Oz, is even lower than claimed. Naturally the press not picked up on this discrepancy as Government press releases are easy to regurgitate.
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